What Are Essential Oils?
You may have of essential oils, but do you know what they are? You hear about them in the media, see advertisements for them or read about them, and it seems like they are everywhere. Essential oils are highly concentrated aromatic natural liquids that come from plants, trees, shrubs, flowers, leaves, fruits, seeds, resin and more. They are the lifeblood of the plant.
How do we get the oils out?
The oils are produced from the plant material by steam distillation, extraction, cold pressing or resin distillation. Young Living takes a lot of time and research to determine how to get the best and most oil from the plants. This way the consumer gets the best oils possible.
Not all essential oils are created equal!
Not all oils are safe to use in the ways Young Living essential oils are. The oils you see at the health store or co-op cannot be ingested the way Young Living oils can. One thing that is mind blowing is how easy it is for other essential oil brands to have misleading “100% pure” labels - yet contain synthetic oils and additives. Pretty crazy! Young Living is the ONLY company that grows its own plants from start to finish, and owns their own farms, with the strictest standards around. Read more about our processes at: www.seedtoseal.com
Ways to use essential oils
Each bottle of our oil contains the pure essence of the constituents from the plant and can help us in keeping our bodies healthy, well and happy the way we all want to be. Essential oils are composed of teeny molecules that are so small they can pass through our tissues right into our cells. Our systems are super effective and can transport these molecules all over our bodies within a matter of minutes. So how do you use the oils?
Inhale the aroma directly from the bottle, from your hands or by using a diffuser. This is a great way for everyone around you to also benefit, and your house will smell amazing.
Topical Use
Apply directly to the skin. Some oils can be applied directly to the skin (referred to as “neat”) while others may need to be diluted with a carrier oil. Carrier oils are ones like coconut oil, grape-seed oil, V-6, etc. Check the bottle labels for dilution suggestions. Using oils on the bottoms of the feet is a quick way to get them into your system. You can also wear oils as a perfume or cologne.
Internal Use
We have many Young Living oils that can be taken internally as a dietary supplement. Mix 1-2 drops with liquids or put in a capsule and take internally. Our Vitality line of oils are of the same high-quality essential oils that are labeled for aromatic or topical use, but these are labeled for internal use.
Statements regarding Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care provider before using these products.