Monthly Gift with Purchase

Did you know that every month Young Living offers you amazing products for FREE when you hit certain PV amounts? These FREE Young Living products will come with your order. And you can even get additional FREE products when you place a qualifying Loyalty Order. So place your order as a Loyalty Order and get even more FREE products!  The best thing is that you can customize your order, and the more you shop, the more you earn! Learn more about this month’s FREE products below, or if you want more information on the Loyalty Program, click here. Who doesn’t like FREE Young Living?

Hopefully by now winter is starting to fade away and springtime is coming soon. The March Gifts with Purchase are a great combination of products for the change of the seasons. Nothing better than our R.C. blend to help with better breathing, and it works so well applied to the chest. Respiratory Care at it’s finest. And we also can get a free bottle of Eucalyptus Radiata! Great for helping with viral, respiratory and sinus infections. Definitely one to have on hand. Allerzyme is one many use when the seasons change and things start blooming. Young Living is also giving us 15% off Multigreens when you put it on your Loyalty Order. It contains various greens and, more importantly, our powerful Melissa oil! Make sure you check your pv levels before you place your order so you can get your FREE PRODUCTS in March!

“Spring is coming……Time for some cleaning. Remove all the self-doubt, worry, jealousy, regret, anger, guilt or any other negative emotions that are holding you back from your happy, fulfilled life.”  -Nanette Mathews

100+ PV orders

Loyalty Order Bonus:

R.C., 5 ml

So many things are going around and being shared right now, many involving coughing, that you will want some help. Our R.C. is a nice help in providing some care and comfort for your respiratory system. You can rub in on your chest, back and throat and also diffuse it at bedtime. It is an anti-inflammatory and can give relief from colds, bronchitis, sinusitis and decongests the sinus passages. And so helpful during allergy season.

200+ PV orders

Eucalyptus Radiata, 15ml

Many are familiar with Eucalyptus and the scent and also the great way to help you get through the spring season. Not only can it help with respiratory issues, it’s also helpful for sore muscles, viral infections and is energizing. It can be diffused but is nice to massage into the area needing attention. To stop a cough you can put 2-3 drops in your palms, add a little coconut oil if you want and then rub it across your chest, feet and spine! And some have used it as an insect repellent!

300+ PV orders

Allerzyme Capsules

Springtime and allergies are a combination that many deal with every year. Flowers and trees start blooming, and the change of the seasons can really affect daily living. Instead of being miserable, how about using Allerzyme? These little capsules contain a blend of enzymes and 8 essential oils that not only help with proper digestion, they also combat allergies and fatigue. If you have trouble digesting carbohydrates and sugar, these can help with that, too! Powerful little capsules that can be free this month.

15% off on Loyalty Orders


Multigreens are a nutritious chlorophyll formula that can boost your vitality. They contain chlorophyll from greens like barley grass and spirulina as well as some essential oils: Rosemary, Lemon, Lemongrass and Melissa, which is a very powerful anti-viral, anti-inflammatory oil. When the summer sun is missing or you are having a dreary day, take some Multigreens to get an extra energy boost. The capsules are packed with Vitamins A, C, E and B, are rich in minerals and antioxidants and will support your overall well-being.