Inner Beauty Collagen
Meet Inner Beauty Collagen™. Made with a highly soluble form of bioavailable type I marine collagen, peach ceramides, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, and no added sugars, our filler-free formula supports your natural radiance from the inside out.
What is collagen?
Collagen 101 from Tom Nikkola and Vanessa Rae Romero.
Tom and Vanessa met at the gym nearly 20 years ago. Both began their careers in the fitness industry as personal trainers. Tom worked his way up the corporate ladder in one of the top health clubs in the US, becoming the Vice President of Nutritional Products. He spent many years of his career researching ingredients, formulating supplements, and working with raw materials manufacturers. Meanwhile, Vanessa was building a healthy living/lifestyle blog and network of like-minded readers, which led to an introduction to essential oils and Young Living. Together, they’ve been using and diffusing YL products since January 2014.
Collagen is a type of protein - it is what gives structure to your skin, bones, tendons, organs, teeth, muscles, and blood vessels. It’s what makes our skin plump and soft, our hair and nails grow long and strong, our joints move smoothly, and strengthens our bones and muscles.
As you hit the age of 30, the body’s collagen production reduces quite a bit - and continues to decline by 1% each year. By the time you’re 50, your collagen levels have been cut in half.
Luckily, we can add collagen back into our bodies - very easily and efficiently!
What are the types of collagen?
• TYPE I - This makes up more than 75% of the collagen in your entire body! This is your beauty bestie! It reduces fine lines and wrinkles, plus improves hydration and elasticity. It strengthens your nails, and helps your hair grow longer and thicker. It helps support your muscles, eyes, bones, and spine as well.
It is most abundant in marine collagen, and because the molecules are smaller it is most bioavailable in this form. Bovine contains type I as well, although the molecules are larger.
• TYPE II - Great for supporting joint health, as it is only present in your cartilage. It makes up the most of the protein molecules in your cartilage, and the connective tissue that protects your bones at the joints. This is best taken in bone broths made from beef and chicken. Young Living’s AgilEase and BLM supplements also contain Type II collagen!
• TYPE III - Best used for gut healing and supporting your muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue, and blood vessels. It is the second most abundant type of collagen in you body. This is found in bovine (beef) collagen.
There are benefits to each type of collagen, so to say “THIS is better than THIS” is really doing a disservice to our bodies!
How much do you typically need to see results?
For skin: 2.5g - 10g per day
For joints: 2.5g - 5g per day
For muscle growth: 15g - 20g per day
Science with YL R&D
Gut Health & The Microbiome
By Jodie Meschuk
Hey guys! I’m so happy you’re here to learn and be a crucial part of this amazing community.
I’m incredibly passionate about living well and vibrantly. It matters. What you put in your body and on your body matters. I’m living proof of this as well as seeing first hand how the changes we chose to make have dramatically changed the course of our children’s health - and for a lifetime.
That is how important gut health is. It’s the foundation for everything.
if you know one thing about me it’s ALL about the gut! EVERYTHING stems from the gut, everything.
We will be just barely scratching the surface on this incredible topic, but hopefully you will feel educated and empowered to take back your gut - and stand in the gap for your children as well.
So, WHY is Gut Health SO Important?
Let me just tell you...the health of your gut is CRAZY important to your overall health and well-being. The health of your digestive system can affect your body’s...
-vitamin and mineral absorbency
-hormone regulation
-vitamin production
-immune response
-ability to eliminate toxins
-mental health {yes, even that!}
Studies show that there is an incredible connection between gut health and mood.
Those who suffer with digestive imbalance are more likely to suffer from autoimmune disorders and occasional moodiness - or more significant emotional challenges.
The bodies hormones (yes men AND women and developing children) are made in the gut, and we all need as many happy, well functioning hormones as possible. If your gut isn’t happy it’s going to be hard to feel well.
Can any of you relate to the gut health/mood connection? Especially after the last two years? I can!
Let’s first go over some myths relating to the gut:
We all have have heard things like the myths below. And often times, these things become factual information in our mind, even though they aren't based on actual facts.
they are simply NOT true.
Example: Common = normal.
Just because something is “common” in today’s society doesn’t mean it’s “normal” or the way our bodies were designed and intended the thrive.
Example: Going poop once a week is normal.
Um yeah, not cool. You need to be going 1-2 times a day at least. Fun fact: the average American is walking around with 10 pounds of impacted old, stale poop in their colon. Yikes.
Example: What you eat while pregnant and nursing doesn’t affect your baby’s gut health.
It matters. Truly it does. What we place in our bodies AND our own emotional state has a direct impact on our baby in the womb.
Example: Allergies are just a normal part of life.
Nope. You weren’t designed to have allergies, day to day inflammation, blocked lymph nodes, poor detox pathways or an immune system that is continually feeling “off”. The truth of it all, is that the gut plays a huge role in all of these things and more.
Example: You haven’t had any health issues so far, so you have nothing to be concerned about.
Really? Sometimes people are living in such a state of inflammation they believe that is what health “feels like” without knowing what true health is and how amazing they can actually feel! Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Now, that’s a true truth!
Example: All things with acid will make reflux worse.
This is also a myth. Try some apple cider vinegar or some Lemon Vitality in your water and see what happens. - This is also where the oral microbiome matters greatly. Try swishing some probiotics in your mouth every evening and spit out. Also the thieves mouthwash is incredible to creating a strong biome.
So what we can see in the examples above is that there are many, many things we hear in culture that simply are not true, but we as the owner of our bodies and families must dig deeper.
Here are my TOP choices to begin a journey of creating a strong ecosystem in your gut.
The “gut” by the way is not just the stomach, it actually begins in your mouth with the oral microbiome and the moment digestive enzymes begin to form (especially when you smell that cinnamon roll!) so it’s taking care of the mouth all the way down to the colon (remember to poop!)
Lifestyle changes
Bottom line, what we are breathing, touching and eating in our home matters - yes outside the home but we can’t live in a bubble so thank goodness for Ningxia to detox that junk
1. One cleaner is all that is needed = thieves home cleaner
2. Real food. Read ingredient labels and NIX the seed oils
3. Diffuse oils instead of air fresheners or other fragrances
Life 9 Probiotics / MightyPro
Probiotics (beneficial bacteria) produce and regulate a number of neurotransmitters and hormones that impact our sleep and overall health as well as our “terrain” (immune response):
Tryptophan and Melatonin: Probiotics can increase blood levels of tryptophan, an amino acid that converts into serotonin and then into melatonin, the hormone that regulates how sleepy you feel
Serotonin: Dubbed the “happy” chemical, serotonin helps to regulate mood and plays a significant role in sleep quality. Researchers found that serotonin deficiency in rats led to disrupted circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycles (aka restless sleep)
The vast majority of serotonin in the body (over 90%) is manufactured in the gut, and gut microbes regulate the amount produced.
GABA: Good bacteria help to produce GABA, the calming brain chemical, as well as enhance its brain receptors.
Cortisol: If temporary stress and anxiety are the cause of your sleepless nights, rest assured that probiotics can lower levels of cortisol, a hormone that becomes elevated during times of stress.
Gut microbes also have their own daily rhythms that influence our circadian rhythms, affecting our metabolism and how we sleep. In one study, mice fed a typical Western high - seed oil fat, high-sugar diet that depleted beneficial bacteria showed circadian rhythm disruptions that led to a host of other problems, like weight gain.
Our guts do not make good bacteria on their own. We have to manually replenish it with a combination of food like kimchi or fermented foods AND probiotic supplements.
Did you know - Stress and high emotions are the #1 way to strip your gut of a healthy ecosystem of beneficial bacteria? Think about the world we love in today, our emotional response is either an opportunity to thrive or to become physically sick thru the state of our gut and our emotional health.
For our bodies to break down food efficiently and effectively, we need a sufficient supply of digestive enzymes.
The pancreas produces some of these digestive enzymes, while others are produced in the stomach, and still others are secreted by the salivary glands and glands in the small intestines. Raw foods naturally contain their own enzymes that make their own digestion easier, sadly, the more refined the foods we eat are, the more digestive enzymes our body must produce on its own to absorb nutrients properly.
Unfortunately, as we age, the gut becomes less efficient and we naturally begin to produce fewer digestive enzymes. This results, in more difficulty for our bodies to completely break down the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the foods we eat.
As you can imagine this process can lead to a myriad of digestive health problems ranging from excessive gas and bloating to food allergies and food intolerances and eventually chronic disease.
Enzymes are present in all living animal and plant cells. They are actually the primary motivators of all natural biochemical processes. Simply put, life cannot exist without enzymes because they are essential components of every chemical reaction in the body. Enzymes are the only substance that can digest food and make it small enough to pass through the gastrointestinal mucosa into the bloodstream.
For all these reasons, I believe it is imperative that we use digestive enzymes with our meals. This will alleviate a lot of stress from both our digestive and immune systems. Food enzymes act like solvents that naturally break foods down into the components that allow them to be absorbed and used by the body. They work throughout the GI tract.
We use detoxzyme the most for the small size and powerful impact - but all the YL enzymes rock.
And there you go! Happy gut = happy thriving life
Ingredients to Look For
By Tina Dailey Ciesla
You’ve seen the ingredients in Inner Beauty Collagen, now, let’s chat about what to look for when comparing other options on the market!
One of the many things I love about Young Living is the Seed to Seal policy on all of their products. This policy saves me so much time reading nutrition labels and checking for yuck ingredients. We can rest assured knowing that Inner Beauty Collagen does not contain fillers, preservatives, flavors, dyes, or other food additives that have no place in healthy collagen.
Let’s take a closer look at Inner Beauty Collagen’s label while also comparing it to other collagen products on the market.
1 scoop is the serving size with 25 servings per container. Always check the servings per container because some brands offer only 14 or 15 servings per container.
Good quality products do not come cheap and collagen can be expensive. The price of Inner Beauty Collagen is about $2.50 a day or half the price of a Starbucks. Inner Beauty is to be taken only once a day where other brands are twice a day or even more often than that. This drives the price up as well. I like to look at the cost per day for collagen and other supplements. Compared to other leading brands, Inner Beauty comes in at about half the price.
Inner Beauty Collagen has ZERO sugar. This is huge because so many of the other brands of collagen add sugar in some form to their product. Did you know there are nearly 60 different names for sugar? Some of the more common names are fruit juice concentrate, fructose, lactose, maltose, sucrose, and beet sugar.
Inner Beauty Collagen contains 1 gram of fiber. I checked the top 10 other brands and none of them featured any fiber at all. Women need over 21 grams of fiber a day and most of us do not get enough of it. This ingredient from tapioca fiber is a plant-based carbohydrate that will not have an impact on your blood sugar, which makes it a keto-friendly ingredient. This fiber will also make your gut microbiome happy!
5 grams of protein is HUGE! Some of the other brands have as little as 1 gram of true protein or collagen. There’s so much to be said for the type of protein used for Inner Beauty. As mentioned in previous posts, collagen comes in different types and by different sources. When you do the research, you’ll understand why YL chose the type of marine collagen found in Inner Beauty Collagen.
True collagen comes from animals. It is important to have sustainable, ethical, quality sources. Inner Beauty contains marine collagen that is sourced from sustainable fish using a proprietary hydrolysis manufacturing process that uses no harsh chemicals or solvents. Again, the Seed to Seal process is in action here and in all of Young Living’s products.
The taste of Inner Beauty Collagen is truly taste-free.. Other brands report “tasteless” while describing their product, however those reviewing the product report anywhere from slight fishy taste to a really poor taste. Because Inner Beauty is taste-free, you can add it to anything without the fishy taste found in other marine-based brands.
There are no hidden ingredients with Inner Beauty. What you see is what you get. Be careful of brands that list “proprietary blend of…” on their labels. This can either hide things they don’t want you to know or hide the fact that there’s very little actual benefit to an ingredient.
When you’re reading labels, always be sure to look at the “other ingredients” listed on the label. This is usually where some of the additives are included for freshness, preservation, taste, or filler. Young Living’s Inner Beauty Collagen lists beneficial ingredients in the “other ingredients” none of which are synthetic or there without a specific purpose for your health.
The Research
By Vanessa Rae Romero
An enormous amount of research supports the health benefits of marine collagen. If you search PubMed under the search term "marine collagen" there are over +1300 papers.
Young Living goes through a very rigorous research process to substantiate all claims made for our products including our new Inner Beauty Collagen.
Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in as few as three weeks
Improves smoothness and promotes elasticity for youthful-looking skin
Supports the dermal layer after UV-induced skin damage
Strengthens and supports healthy hair and nails
Supports healthy skin by balancing the gut microbiome
Helps maintain optimal hydration levels in the cells to reduce the appearance of fine lines and deep wrinkles
You can be confident that the recommended daily serving of Inner Beauty Collagen contains an efficacious amount of each ingredient to yield the benefits found in research.
In addition to marine collagen peptides, our Inner Beauty Collagen also contains peach ceramides, biotin, vitamin C, zinc, tapioca fiber, superoxide dismutase, and hyaluronic acid.
Not only are all of these active ingredients (which work together synergistically to support vibrant skin and healthy hair and nails) they also each have supporting research with health benefits.
Our type I marine collagen contains a unique combination of amino acids that stimulate cells in the skin, leading to collagen synthesis.
This ingredient helps provide hydration to the skin, decreasing skin dryness. It also supports the dermal layer after UV-induced skin damage.
Vitamin C and zinc support collagen synthesis for glowing skin, while biotin supports hair and nail health.
This prebiotic fiber supports healthy skin by balancing the gut microbiome.
SOD is an antioxidant which may reduce the appearance of wrinkles and increase skin elasticity. It may also increase the strength of your nails.
This ingredient supports skin hydration, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for more youthful-looking skin.
If you’re someone who likes to read research, here are eight studies (one for each ingredient in our Inner Beauty Collagen) to help you get started down the rabbit hole. Keep in mind, this is a short list, not an exhaustive list.
Evans M, Lewis ED, Zakaria N, Pelipyagina T, Guthrie N. A randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel study to evaluate the efficacy of a freshwater marine collagen on skin wrinkles and elasticity. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2021 Mar;20(3):825-834. doi: 10.1111/jocd.13676.
Koikeda T, Yoshihiro T, Okayasu M, Kobayashi Y, Kuroda K, Yamakawa J, Niu K, Kou M Masuda K, and Saito M. Effects of peach (Prunus persica)-derived glucosylceramide on the human skin. Immun., Endoc. & Metab. Agents in Med. Chem., 2017, 17, 56-70.
Hochman LG, Scher RK, Meyerson MS. Brittle nails: response to daily biotin supplementation. Cutis. 1993 Apr;51(4):303-5. PMID: 8477615.
Boyera N, Galey I, Bernard BA. Effect of vitamin C and its derivatives on collagen synthesis and cross-linking by normal human fibroblasts. Int J Cosmet Sci. 1998 Jun;20(3):151-8.
Schwartz JR, Marsh RG, Draelos ZD. Zinc and skin health: overview of physiology and pharmacology. Dermatol Surg. 2005 Jul;31(7 Pt 2):837-47; discussion 847.
Salem I, Ramser A, Isham N, Ghannoum MA. The gut microbiome as a major regulator of the gut-skin axis. Front Microbiol. 2018 Jul 10;9:1459.
Kwon MJ, Kim B, Lee YS, Kim TY. Role of superoxide dismutase 3 in skin inflammation. J Dermatol Sci. 2012 Aug;67(2):81-7.
Kawada C, Yoshida T, Yoshida H, Matsuoka R, Sakamoto W, Odanaka W, Sato T, Yamasaki T, Kanemitsu T, Masuda Y, Urushibata O. Ingested hyaluronan moisturizes dry skin. Nutr J. 2014 Jul 11;13:70.
Ingredient Deep Dive: Hyaluronic Acid
By Rhonda Favano & Wendy Mercure
We’ve all heard of Hyaluronic acid but most of us don’t know why it’s so important to our body. Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, is a clear, gooey substance that is naturally produced by your body. The largest amounts of it are found in your skin, connective tissue and eyes. Its main function is to retain water to keep your tissues well lubricated and moist.
Hyaluronic acid levels decrease as you get older. The loss can start as early as age 19 but it accelerates like a snowball as we hit our late 30's. From age 47 to 60, your skin's hyaluronic acid will be cut in half. Then from age 60 to 70, it is cut in half again! Shortly after 70, you'll have zero Hyaluronic Acid in the Epidermis (outer layer of skin) (1)
So we need to plump up your skin and get closer to normal levels of these luscious water-holding molecules. There is good evidence that oral hyaluronic acid will improve skin tone and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, as well as prevent age-related health conditions.
One of the most common uses of hyaluronic acid is in treating and managing osteoarthritis, also known as wear-and-tear arthritis. Some alternative medicine practitioners contend that hyaluronic acid supplements can also prevent or treat many other health concerns, including:
Accelerated wound healing
Acid reflux
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic pain
Dry eyes
Gum disease
Erectile dysfunction
Skin wrinkles
Urinary tract infections
Vaginal dryness
In 2017, a clinical trial by Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology looked at the effects of 12 weeks of treatment with oral Hyaluronic acid. They tested 60 people with crow's feet (wrinkles near the eyes). Those lucky suckers experienced a reduction in wrinkle depth and volume. They also had improved skin luster and suppleness. I certainly could use a boost in suppleness (2)
Two different concentrations of Hyaluronic acid were used. This is called dose-dependent results and it's EXACTLY what you want to see in your studies. In this case, the people who were given more had the same results but in a shorter period of time.
Another study in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine reported impressive outcomes with hyaluronic acid supplements that contained biotin, vitamin C, and zinc.
This is exactly what YL added to their collagen. So you would be getting good results with or without the collagen, but when YL adds the collagen, and we're punching father-time right in his stupid throat . Anyway, this second study found that after 40 days, 20 women, ages 45 to 60, had the following:
Improved skin elasticity
Improved texture
Reduction in wrinkle depth
24% increase in skin hydration
Imagine if they were taking Collagen too, like we will be!
Oral Hyaluronic Acid is digested and absorbed well. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27982756/
1) Ingestion of an oral Hyaluronic acid improves skin hydration, wrinkle reduction, elasticity, and skin roughness: results of a clinical study. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5871318/
2) Oral Hyaluronic acid relieves Crow's feet wrinkles: a double-blinded, placebo-controlled study, 12-week period. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28761365/
Ingredient Deep Dive: Tapioca Fiber & A Healthy Microbiome
By Yvonne Litza
There is a reason this product is called “Inner Beauty Collagen”.
Good skin health needs to include good skincare, there’s no denying that, but it also needs to consider what’s going on in the inside. Did you know that a new and exciting area of research is the Gut-Skin axis? Yep! While the underlying mechanisms of how the gut microbiome alters the skin’s immune system (thus health and appearance) and vice versa, are currently being studied, the connection is clear. Support your gut microbiome, and you support the health and appearance of your skin.
Let’s chat about the gut microbiome for a second. The gut microbiome refers to the balance of bacteria within the gut. These microbes are essential, not only for proper gut function, but for the health of the whole body–including your immune system, endocrine system, the brain and your skin! A healthy gut contains healthy flora that help prevent inflammation and if the microbiome is out of balance, it can directly influence the health of the skin. An imbalanced microbiome may be caused by a number of issues, such as a bacterial or parasitic infection, an overgrowth of bacteria (dysbiosis) or inflammation caused by food sensitivities.
So Why would Young Living choose to use Tapioca fiber in this new product to help? Because they understand the importance of inner health when it comes to our outer appearance and We know that adding fiber to our diets helps to promote a healthy gut microbiome. Young Living chose Tapioca fiber for this role as many people are intolerant to grains, gluten and wheat sourced fiber. Since tapioca is naturally grain and gluten-free, it makes it a perfect choice!
Many people don’t meet their body’s daily fiber needs, so it makes perfect sense to add it when possible. Tapioca fiber is a great prebiotic that feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut which may lead to reducing harmful bacteria and the inflammation it can cause. You can basically think about tapioca fiber as a specialized plant fiber that “fertilizes” and stimulates the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. It is also easy to digest, so it’s a good choice for people who suffer from digestive issues.
Feeding our gut high quality sources of prebiotic fibers (along with good nutrition!) can help you keep your skin glowing from the inside out.
Research links:
What Is the Difference Between Liquid & Powder Collagen?
The most obvious difference between liquid collagen and powder collagen is that liquid collagen comes in liquid form while powder collagen comes in powder form.
When you mix a powder collagen into liquid (coffee, tea, smoothie, whatever!) - it shockingly, I know, is now a liquid collagen.
Pre-made liquid collagen is a matter of convenience for many people and personal preference. It is often sold in single serving packets for taking it on the go. It generally has between 2.5-10 grams of collagen per serving (Young Living’s Bloom liquid collagen available internationally has 10 grams!) Some liquid collagen has added ingredients and less than desirable ingredients, so read those labels! When liquid shots are manufactured, the collagen in these products begins as a powder anyway.
Powder collagen is virtually tasteless and can be mixed into your coffee, tea, smoothies, yogurt, or really anything you’d like! It is typically sold in sustainable bulk packaging that is more eco-friendly.
Ingredient Deep Dive: Superoxide Dismutase
By Ally Raskin
Who wants to reverse the signs of aging and all that comes with it?!?!
One of the important ingredients in Inner Beauty Collagen is Superoxide Dismutase a.k.a. SOD.
SOD is an enzyme found in all living cells. An enzyme is a substance that speeds up certain chemical reactions in the body.
Superoxide dismutase helps break down potentially harmful oxygen molecules in cells. This can prevent damage to tissues.
The enzyme can serve as an anti-inflammatory agent and can also prevent precancerous cell changes.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Inflammatory diseases
Cystic fibrosis
Neurodegenerative diseases
Many other conditions
We can learn all the science or just try it and see what it does for our own bodies!!
Ingredient Deep Dive: Peach Ceramides
By Corie DeVries
Our skin has its own barrier function, which protects it from the myriad of eternal stressors it is exposed to on a daily basis. Dehydration and dryness, ultraviolet rays, and chemicals are just a few of these offenders. Ceramides are lipids that play a key role in this barrier function, and because the number of ceramides we have in our skin has been shown to decrease with age, we can get really excited about the option we now have to include them in our daily regimen!
Oral supplementation of ceramides has been shown to:
+Increase water retention in the skin.
+Suppress water loss from the skin.
+Improve skin texture.
+Improve permeability function (this means our skin is better able to protect itself-and us-from harmful outside invaders).
What does all of this mean?? By including peach ceramides in our daily routine, we can look forward to smooth, supple, dewy, glowing, even-toned skin…healthy skin! We might even notice we look and feel younger and more vibrant, with fewer worry lines and a more even skin tone. That’s a lot to smile about. It truly is beauty from the inside-out!
Ingredient Deep Dive: Biotin
By Susan Schumacher Heid
I love diving into the ingredients that make up our products. It the chance for me to truly understand the body a bit more and how amazing it is.
I also know, if there’s an ingredient added to a Young Living product, there is a precise reason why. It’s not just there to take up space. So let’s see why biotin is part of our Inner Beauty Collagen.
Biotin, which is actually Vitamin H, is part of the B complex group of vitamins. All B vitamins help the body to convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is used to produce energy.
These B vitamins often referred to as B complex vitamins, also help the body metabolize fats and protein.
Like all B vitamins, biotin is water-soluble, meaning the body does not store it. You need to replenish these vitamins daily.
Your body needs biotin (Vitamin H) to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Biotin is often recommended for strengthening hair and nails and is quite essential for the healthy growth of the entire body, which is why I think Young Living made sure to add it to this product. But let’s see what other amazing benefits you’ll get by having biotin daily!
Regulates Metabolism Levels:
Regular consumption of biotin can help in regulating and improving the metabolism levels in the body. Biotin uses the fat, proteins, and carbohydrates available in the metabolism and converts them into the desired form of energy. This means your body will be more effective at keeping energy levels consistent.
Protects the Heart:
One of the major vitamin B7 benefits is to protect the heart from possible problems. It has been observed that the regular consumption of biotin in an adequate quantity can stimulate the blood flow inside the heart and thus prevents the heart from many common problems. Biotin helps in increasing the high-density lipoprotein and decreasing the low-density lipoprotein which reduces heart risks. Um… sign me up!!!!
Promotes Brain Function:
Are you aware that vitamin H sources are also needed for the effective functioning of your brain? The brain needs biotin for the formation of the myelin sheath, one of the fatty substances which are needed for protecting the brain from the various problems. It also helps in regulating the normal functioning of the brain. Friends… this is HUGE!!! Supporting our brains helps all things, especially for us mamas!!!
Boost Immunity Power:
Foods high in biotin are needed for the desired generation of white blood cells, which are linked to boosting the immunity power of the body. SHAZAM!!!
Reduced Blood Sugar Levels and Control Diabetes:
Biotin helps in reducing blood sugar levels by increasing the production of insulin in the body and also by enhancing the glucose levels in the body. Vitamin b7, biotin, is known to be quite effective in controlling type-2 diabetes. Did you know this? It was new to me! Who do you need to tell?
Helps In Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:
Vitamin B7 plays a vital role during pregnancy as well as during breastfeeding time. The regular consumption of vitamin B7 foods brings their best benefits regarding pregnancy as well as when you are breastfeeding your newborn. In this case, it is not just you, who is getting the benefits of biotin, but your baby too gets the desired benefits. So so good!!
Biotin Suppresses Inflammation and Alleviates Allergic Disorders:
Thanks to the anti-inflammation properties of biotin, it can be used against inflammation and allergic diseases. It is one of the best and the most popular vitamin B7 benefits for the body.
The anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties of biotin minimize the various problems and issues related to the inflammation. It also prevents the re-occurrence of allergies and inflammation by targeting the root cause of the problem with its benefits. We love when a product targets the ROOT cause! We aren’t all about just covering up things.
Repairs Tissues and Muscles:
Biotin not only removes the various health problems from the root but also helps in repairing the different affected tissues and muscles so that they can perform their desired functions once again.
The anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, as well as anti-allergic properties of biotin, helps in preventing the growth of problems in the tissues and muscles and thus make them repaired within no time.
It Treats Multiple Sclerosis:
Biotin is also known for treating multiple sclerosis problems. With the help of its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial problems, vitamin B7 brings the expected benefits against the problem of sclerosis in the body. This is also one of the benefits that health experts suggest to their various patients. Such profound information.
Aids Weight Loss:
Have you heard about the news that biotin benefits weight loss? Yes, it is true that biotin is one of those ingredients that can enhance the weight loss process and can provide you with the desired results within no time. I love this tid-bit of info!!
Maintains Healthy Skin and Nails:
If you are struggling with various skin problems and weak nails, then you should increase your Vitamin B7 intake. Vitamin B, or biotin, supports the production of fatty acids that nourish the skin, and help oil glands function properly.
Maintains Healthy Hair:
Biotin stimulates keratin production in hair and can increase the rate of follicle growth. With a regular intake of vitamin B7, you can support the health of your hair, strengthen the hair and add shine to it. Biotin also helps in preventing various health problems like hair loss, dandruff, scalp itchiness, etc.
How much biotin do you need for hair growth?
According to estimates, an intake of 30 micrograms (mcg) may be adequate. The average intake of biotin in Western countries, excluding the United States, is an estimated 35–70 mcg per day. Guess how much biotin the Inner Beauty Collagen has???
A whopping 150mcg - HOLLAR!!!
Here are a few studies I found with regard to strengthening nails.
One of these studies assessed the effects of 2.5 mg/day biotin for 6–15 months in 22 women with brittle, splitting, or soft nails and 10 healthy volunteers.
In the eight patients with brittle nails whose nail samples were obtained immediately before and after biotin supplementation, nail thickness increased by 25%
In the second study, 2.5 mg biotin daily for an average of 5.5 months in 45 patients with thin and brittle fingernails resulted in firmer and harder fingernails in 41 of the patients
So, are you convinced there was a very GOOD reason that Young Living included biotin in our Inner Beauty Collagen. Simply amazing!!!
You can feel great adding this to your daily routine.
Information for this post was taken partially from this source: https://bit.ly/3nWYP5I
Statements regarding Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care provider before using these products.