Why Young Living
Why would Young Living be the choice for your family and how can you be assured of the purity and potency of the Young Living products?
Pure, high quality oils only exist if you have all the proper steps used in production. Some important things to consider during the processing of plants for oils:
Proper seeds from a known origin, non-GMO
Healthy soil with sufficient nutrients
Harvest at the optimal time for the best oils. Takes a lot of testing.
Using no commercial chemical sprays on crops for weed control or fertilizer
Distill at the proper temperature to get the maximum oils from the plants. If the temperature and time are not right, you lose many properties contained in the oils or they may be of no benefit to you.
Use the correct temperature in the separator so all the oil is recovered.
Can the oils be ingested?
The Young Living Commitment
Our Seed to Seal Commitment says that from the Seed planted to the Sealing of the oil in the bottle, what it says is what you get, nothing more and nothing less. So to make this happen, Young Living has rigorous quality control standards to ensure the products meet some very strict standards. There are three pillars to this process which are Sourcing, Science and Standards. This assures you of a pristine final product for your family.
Young Living sources plants from carefully vetted corporate-owned farms, partner farms and Seed-To-Seal suppliers, and everything is tested extensively. If an oil does not meet the Young Living standards, the batch is rejected and they start again. Because of this, our favorite oils sometimes go out of stock… and we are happy about it! We love getting our oils from a company that doesn’t just produce them quickly in a lab to make money. Instead, our farmers wait on the plants to grow until the batch is perfect. Nothing less will do. There are many steps to producing pure and effective oils, and adulteration can occur at any time during production. Young Living controls all of the steps of our oil production so ours are different because they are pure and unadulterated. Most of the “essential oils” on the market today are low cost and used in cosmetics, cleaning supplies, as perfume oils and in household goods. They are low cost and aren’t pure or maybe not oils at all but toxic fragrances or synthetics so they are not safe to use in these products.
The D. Gary Young Research Institute and the quality team there work in our state-of-the-art labs with some of the most advanced scientific equipment available. This is important because science is the cornerstone of what Young Living is all about. The quality of our oils starts at the farms, and then the quality is tested and proven in our labs. There is a battery of physical, chemical and microbiological scientific tests that measure the components and properties of our oils. These tests are repeated numerous times starting at the farm and all the way through the shipping to us. Young Living conducts tests, and we also use third party labs that have highly trained scientists to verify everything.
Young Living wants to do business responsibility, so standards are important. This means sustainably sourcing plants, supporting local communities, complying with environmental and other laws. We have a Global Compliance Program to ensure that you receive pure products and contribute to the greater good for all. We only choose partners that produce oils ethically and legally. And Young Living has a commitment to sustainable practices like reforestation of trees and recycling, and the Global Headquarters in Utah is LEED-certified.
Wellness Is So Worth It
Some think that Young Living is expensive, but you do get what you pay for. Young Living products are more expensive than most other brands you find at your local retailer or online because of the Seed to Seal Commitment. There are many, many “essential oils” and related products you can find because people want to make a fast buck. Most of these oils are cheap imitations, have synthetic additives or other bad ingredients, purchased in bulk from who knows what source and then rebottled for you. These can actually be harmful. So the question comes down to, what is your wellness worth and that of your family? We want the best for our families, and I think you do too. The term “Organic” is not regulated by the FDA in relation to essential oils, and essential oils are not certified or graded, so these claims mean nothing since they don’t have to do anything to use them. If you cannot walk onto your oil company's farms and watch them distill their oils at their very own distilleries, then don't use it. Other companies don’t own their own farms and distilleries. Young Living is just different……..just for you! Young Living’s devotion to their Seed to Seal process means they’ve invested in their own farms, care for and nurture their own plants, trees, and shrubs, and finally distill, test, and bottle the oils that arrive on your doorstep.
Statements regarding Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care provider before using these products.