Autoimmune Wellness (Private Class Only)
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We’re so glad that you are here and that we get to share all this information with you about autoimmune wellness! I hope so much that this class will be informative and helpful for you!!
Just really quickly — I am not a doctor or medical professional. A lot of what we’re sharing are our own experiences and things that we love and use, but we advise you to always run things past your own doctor first!!
This class was written and organized by two fellow Young Living members who have gone on their own wellness discovery with a couple of different autoimmune diseases. This is not my personal info, but I am hoping that you can find help and hope for yourself during this class!
With that being said, let’s begin!
Autoimmune diseases affect up to 50 million Americans according to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA). An autoimmune disease develops when your immune system, which defends your body against disease, decides your healthy cells are foreign. As a result, your immune system attacks healthy cells. An autoimmune disease can affect one or many different types of body tissue, depending on the type. It can also cause abnormal organ growth and changes in organ function.
So, in its simplest definition, your immune system is attacking itself. Auto means “self” -- so literally your own body is attacking itself. Your immune system is overworking by hurting itself.
For instance, one of my autoimmune diseases is Celiac Disease. What that really means is that my small intestine is actually attacking itself. It sees healthy cells as the enemy and attacks them.
There are as many as 80 types of autoimmune diseases (and more are being discovered all the time). Many of them have similar symptoms, which makes them very difficult to diagnose. It’s also possible to have more than one at the same time. Autoimmune diseases can fluctuate between periods of remission (few or no symptoms) and flare-ups (worsening symptoms) -- and a lot of that has to do with how we care for our bodies!
It is absolutely possible to thrive with autoimmune disease and put your symptoms into remission and live full, healthy lives! And I want this for each and every one of you! Because another thing about autoimmune diseases -- they don’t go away. They are considered chronic illnesses, in that those who have been diagnosed with autoimmune diseases will have them for life. That doesn’t mean that we will necessarily be experiencing the symptoms of them for the rest of our lives -- we can do our best to support our bodies and control that. But by nature, they are considered chronic illnesses.
Autoimmune diseases are greatly on the rise, with new people being diagnosed every single day. It’s alarming, actually! And 75% of those diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder are female.
So, what causes them? The reality is, there is no official known answer to that. They can be genetic, or you could be genetically predisposed to one day getting one. But more than anything, scientists and researchers are exploring triggers from the environment to be causing this rapid increase in autoimmune diseases. As our food continues to be produced with genetically modified ingredients in soil that is nutrient deficient and we are exposed to different chemicals and toxins, our immune systems are reacting more and more. There are some really interesting scientific journals out there talking about environmental triggers in autoimmune disease, I encourage you to check it out (go to Pubmed for lots of info!)!! It’s scary stuff when you think about it -- that our own bodies are attacking themselves and see healthy cells as the enemy. But a diagnosis isn’t the end of the story. Yes, we will always have to be our own best advocate for our health and wellness, but health and wellness is still possible even with an autoimmune diagnosis. You can thrive with autoimmune disease, and that is my hope and prayer for each of you!
I know it can be so hard, especially when we feel so awful, to believe that it can ever be any different than this. That we can ever be well. But it is possible. IT IS! If you are in that tough place right now, overwhelmed by diagnoses and a body that is just hurting, looking for answers after years of finding none, please just know that I see you. So many of us have been through the wringer with our health and have had some terrible things said to us in our quest to figure out what is going on in our bodies (I’ve been called a hypochondriac by multiple doctors when there were actually some big issues going on). But trust yourself. Trust how you are feeling. YOU KNOW YOUR BODY! We’re standing behind you and supporting you as you figure out all that is going on.
You can thrive. We all can thrive. Our diagnoses are not who we are, they are just part of our stories.
If you have been part of the autoimmune world at all, you may have heard this term — the autoimmune spectrum. And while yes, there are a broad spectrum of autoimmune diseases and ranges in levels of severity, what it really means to be considered on the autoimmune spectrum is when you are experiencing different symptoms without yet having a full blown autoimmune disease. The good news of this is that we can take action when we are not feeling well to get to the root of what is going on in our bodies instead of letting it go unchecked and get worse. There is not one specific symptom to having an autoimmune disease. That is why it is often so hard for those who have one to get a diagnosis — it can take years! Oftentimes, the symptoms feel vague — low energy, digestive issues, skin problems, joint and muscle pain, etc. If we are not feeling ourselves, it’s important that we pay attention to these types of things because want to live our best lives, right?! In a sense, we are all somewhere on this spectrum, from the low end of full health and having no signs or symptoms affecting our lives, to having some immune response going on, all the way to the other end of having a full blown autoimmune disease. We’re big advocates for being aware of what is going on in our bodies and taking a stand with our wellness, and education is a big part of that!! (One of the biggest reasons we wanted to teach this class!!). If you think you are on the latter end of the spectrum, experiencing a host of different symptoms, don’t ignore them!
I don’t know about you, but one of the hardest parts of walking this autoimmune road is helping those loved ones in my life understand this up and down nature that comes with it. That when I feel well -- I want to live my life and celebrate that, but that there are also moments when I don’t feel well. And sometimes it can be one day to the next. It seems so up and down and confusing at times. The reality is, autoimmune disease is chronic -- we will be dealing with these diagnoses and managing our wellness for the rest of our lives, and my hope for you and for all of us is that we can put our symptoms into remission and live our best lives possible!! But I think we also need to be prepared to deal with flares when they come, because they will come. There are so many different factors that can contribute to our symptoms -- a change in activity level, not getting enough sleep, the food we eat, facing a difficult loss, any sort of emotional upheaval, having a baby, moving, stress -- even traveling!
Some seasons may be difficult as we navigate our symptoms and take care of our bodies. Some seasons (and I pray they be long) we may go forward unencumbered by our illnesses and feel amazing. And sometimes it really is one day to the next, and that can be tough!! That is why all of these immune-supporting things can be so beneficial and why we need to take care of ourselves.
All of that to say -- listening to our bodies is so key! If you feel a flare coming on, take care of yourself! And if you are in a place where things are great -- celebrate it, and don’t live in fear of another flare someday coming! It can be up and down, but my hope for all of us is that we be informed and be strong advocates of our own wellness so that we start having way more ups than we do downs!!
Standing in the struggle with you, sweet friends!
Like I said in the beginning, I am not a health care professional. And in terms of finding healthcare — this is going to look different for every person. It’s not my place to offer suggestions on how to best figure out how to go about this, but from experience I can tell you — if you know something is going on in your body, fight for answers. It is awful to be in that place and know that something is going on and having a medical professional tell you that it is all in your head.
In our experiences of dealing with autoimmune diseases, we’ve found that finding a doctor that is willing and able to help you get to the root of all the issues that are going on in our bodies has been so key! It is possible to put these chronic illnesses completely into remission, and to do that, we need to get to the root of what is going on in our bodies and not just cover up the symptoms. And we’re going to be honest — it can take time and a whole lot of patience!!
Between the two of us and our different experiences, we’ve worked with plenty of different types of doctors, both on the conventional medicine side as well as functional medical doctors (or integrative medical doctors) who also bring a lot of holistic and natural practices into their treatment.
You must do what is best for you when it comes to your health! If you are interested in finding a functional medical doctor in your area, here is a wonderful place to start looking:
We just want wellness for everyone!! So that being said, let’s dive into some ways we can use our Young Living oils and supplements for all the support!
Supporting our immune systems is so incredibly important for those of us dealing with autoimmune disease. When our immune systems are attacking themselves, that means that they are overworking. Giving our immune system the support it needs is vital, and a fantastic way to get that support is with our oils!!
Here are two blends that I use multiple times a day for immune support!
Immune Supporting Blend—
15 drops Thieves
10 drops Lemon
10 drops Peppermint
10 drops Frankincense
Carrier oil
Wellness Blend—
15 drops Thieves
10 drops Lemon
10 drops Peppermint
10 drops Frankincense
10 drops Oregano
10 drops Clove
5 drops Cinnamon Bark
5 drops Tea tree
Carrier oil
I roll the immune blend on the bottoms of my feet morning and night, rub it in, and give myself a little foot massage!! I roll the wellness blend on my spine morning and night as well. I love using these oils for all of their immune supporting properties!
What do you put in your wellness rollers??!
This supplement has been a game changer for my wellness routine!! Young Living’s Inner Defense reinforces systemic defenses, creates unfriendly terrain for yeast/fungus, promotes healthy respiratory function, and contains potent essential oils like oregano, thyme, and Thieves, which are rich in thymol, carvacrol, and eugenol for immune support. The liquid softgels dissolve quickly for maximum results.
Just another way to make sure my body is getting the most immune support that it possibly can! Take 1 capsule 3-5 times a day as needed. I take it daily!!
This oil has been a favorite ever since I first started using it!! This oil is such a power house of immune support and skin support and has so many cleansing properties (and cleansing is important, especially if we have a lot of yuck built up in our bodies!!). Diffuse it to purify the air. Use on its own or with carrier oil and rub it over your abdomen — I do this daily for immune support topically right over my gut!!! So many ways to get the benefits of this amazing oil!
PS — this is also a great oil to use for acne and blemishes!!!
Have you tried it before?
Oh Frank, beloved Frank!! I mean, hi! He’s my boyyyy.
Frank is amazing for so many different reasons!! It’s no surprise that Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) has been sought after since ancient times. The complex aroma of this oil can elevate many aspects of your life. Diffuse Young Living Frankincense oil to refine your sense of purpose, or add it to your beauty routine for a luxurious experience.
Frankincense essential oil has an earthy, uplifting aroma that’s perfect for grounding and spiritual connectedness. Create a safe and comforting environment when you diffuse or inhale this empowering oil — a perfect opportunity to collect your thoughts. When you seek purpose or engage in prayer or meditation, use this oil to enhance your experience. In addition to elevated spiritual experiences, the benefits of Frankincense essential oil include maintaining radiant skin.
I love using this oil for emotional support, sleep support, and overall immune support! It’s in both of my wellness rollers, and I use it on its own topically right over my abdominal/stomach area. Lots of us with autoimmune disease experience inflammation and issues with our gut, and Frank is a great one to have on hand for support and relief!! Use it topically on aches and pains, diffuse it for emotional support, and/or take Frankincense Vitality internally for added support!!
Why do you love Frank??!!?
One of my favorite supplements!! OmegaGize³ combines the power of three core daily supplements - omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D-3, and CoQ10 (ubiquinone). These supplements combine with our proprietary enhancement essential oil blend to create an omega-3, DHA-rich fish oil supplement that may support general wellness. Used daily these ingredients work synergistically to support normal brain, heart, eye, and joint health.
Our bodies need essential fatty acids to function properly. In fact, they work with our body to help prevent certain diseases and help our cells to function properly. OmegaGize has been specifically formulated to also include essential oils that aid in absorption, driving those essential fatty acids even deeper into our body system so that we can get the most benefit from them!
Have you tried OmegaGize yet??
POST 11:
Our gut is a miraculous place filled with lots of different types of living bacteria, and it’s important that we focus on creating a healthy, diverse microbiome for all the good bacteria to live happily in there. Many people with autoimmune disease experience flare up of symptoms that manifest themselves in digestive issues. In fact, 80-90% of our immune system resides in our gut, so it is extremely important that we give it all the support that we can. There is a connection between our guts and our brains as well!
Gut health is one of the top priorities of focus when it comes to autoimmune disease. If you are experiencing any sort of digestive discomfort, don’t ignore it!! We want healthy immune systems, so we need to pay attention to the state of our bellies!!
POST 12:
Speaking of a healthy microbiome — let’s talk about Life 9!! An amazing probiotic that provides nine different strains of healthy bacteria to our guts! Life 9 is a proprietary, high-potency probiotic that combines 17 billion live cultures from 9 beneficial bacteria strains that promotes healthy digestion, supports gut health, and helps maintain normal intestinal function for overall support of a healthy immune system.
Life 9 is specially designed with delayed-release capsules, a dual-sorbent desiccant, and a special bottle and cap that ensure your Life 9 stays fresh and effective. Each bottle contains 30 capsules, making it easy to use this helpful supplement daily. Life 9 includes 9 probiotic strains for full-spectrum gut support:
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Bifidobacterium lactis
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
Lactobacillus salivarius
Streptococcus thermophilus
Bifidobacterium breve
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Bifidobacterium longum
Many today consider regularly taking a high-quality probiotic to be one of the core pieces to a healthy gut, which in turn is a key to brain, immune, and skin health. If you don’t take a daily probiotic, I encourage you to get on it!! Healthy gut = happy life!!
POST 13:
Let’s chat about those pesky hormones!! Ever experience the ups and downs of raging hormones?!
Me neither.
Just kidding ;)
When our immune systems are under attack and our digestive system is out of whack, our hormones can be all over the place, which can lead to a whole lot of awfulness. It can be extremely complicated when the body is experiencing a flare of autoimmune diseases to get all the body systems back in range and working the way that they are supposed to, and it’s important that we take note of our hormones and do all we can to give them the support that they need!
Thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue, and other hormone related issues are very common for those who suffer from autoimmune disease!!
For thyroid support — check out EndoFlex! This amazing oil blend supports healthy thyroid function. And Thyromin — a wonderful supplement that is a special blend of porcine glandular extracts, herbs, amino acids, minerals, and therapeutic-grade essential oils in a perfectly balanced formula that maximizes nutritional support for healthy thyroid function. The thyroid gland regulates body metabolism, energy, and body temperature.
For adrenal support — consider making a blend of clove, rosemary and nutmeg essential oils. All of these support the overall health of our adrenal glands. And check out CortiStop! Our adrenal glands regulate our cortisol levels, and if they are out of whack — well, let’s just say it is really not fun, and bringing them back into balance can be tough! CortiStop is a proprietary dietary supplement designed to help the body maintain its natural balance and harmony. When under stress, the body produces cortisol. When cortisol is produced too frequently, it can have negative health consequences such as feelings of fatigue, difficulty maintaining healthy weight, and difficulty maintaining optimal health of cardiovascular systems. CortiStop supports the glandular systems of women.
Other favorite hormone supporting oils — Progessence Plus! If this isn’t part of your daily routine, it needs to be! It contains wild yam extract to help support proper hormone function and balance. Also, Sclaressence, Lady Sclareol, Clary Sage, and Dragon Time are all amazing hormone supporting oils!!
Want to learn more about happy hormones? Be sure to ask about the hormone support class we have available!
POST 14:
Getting quality sleep is super important for all of us!! Something that I have discussed with the doctors I have worked with over the years, as well as my autoimmune health coach, is the importance of having a healthy sleep hygiene routine. That means prioritizing sleep and having a plan in place to follow to ensure consistent sleep patterns. A big part of regulating hormones and for overall healing is through getting enough hours of quality sleep at night!!
What are some things that you can do to ensure sleep hygiene??
Consider putting a bedtime in place. I know it may seem funny as an adult but striving to go to bed at the same time every single night has been huuuuuge in my own healing journey. It forces me to be intentional about my nighttime routines and to prioritize sleep. Of course, the staying asleep once we are in bed can be difficult, both because our bodies may be out of whack, or because we have littles we need to tend to throughout the night. But doing all we can to make sure we are getting enough sleep is vital for the overall health of our immune systems!!
Studies show that we sleep best when we have a consistent bedtime each night, as well as when we sleep in cool, dark rooms. Try eliminating sources of extra light that may keep you awake. Starting around 8 pm, we have a routine in our household where we start dimming the lights and putting calming oils in the diffuser to prepare ourselves for sleep. Eliminating blue light exposure in the two to three hours before bed can also help as well — if we are exposed to too much bright light, or light from screens before bed, our brains and our bodies have a harder time settling down!
Consider wearing some suuuuper cute amber glasses a couple hours before going to bed to block out blue light (I rock these every night!!) and look into software such as “f.lux” to install on your devices that will change the light depending on the time of day — providing more amber light once the sun sets to help our bodies get ready for bed!!
And, of course, have an oil routine in place for sleep support!! There are so many wonderful combinations of oils that you can use at night to promote restful sleep! I love to swipe Tranquil or Rutavala on the bottoms of my feet, White Angelica on my shoulders, and use one of my sleepytime rollers before I go into bed. My current favorite blend is Dream Catcher, Orange, and Lavender.
When we’re really in need of some extra sleep support, we love using Young Living’s SleepEssence supplement!! It combines essential oils and natural melatonin to promote quality rest!!
We fill up our diffusers before bed as well! Peace & Calming is always a favorite, as well as Lavender and Gentle Baby, Cedarwood, and Dream Catcher.
What oils do you love using at night for sleep support?!
POST 15:
We all approach food so differently, and it’s so amazing that we all have different unique tastes and love for food. However, those of us with autoimmune disease often must factor in food sensitivities and allergies. Eating certain foods can increase inflammation in our bodies, and therefore lead to a worsening of symptoms. When I got my first autoimmune diagnosis, it led to a massive lifestyle change in so many ways, including my diet. I had to remove all inflammatory foods from my body, as well as any foods that increased my insulin levels. It was a big adjustment!! But it helped so much! Adding 6 ounces of NingXia Red a day for 4-6 months then tapering down to 4 ounces a day can really help clear out inflammation. Bonus is that it tastes amazing! Another “must” is Sulfurzyme. Sulfurzyme is organic sulfur which is present in every cell of the body. The levels of sulfur are often depleted in those with chronic ailments and must be supplemented. Sulfurzyme can reduce pain and swelling, and it can normalize the pressure inside and outside the joint capsule. Many find that pain associated with inflammation – particularly of the bones and/or joints – is minimized with adequate amounts of Sulfurzyme. It also can support the cell membranes in becoming more permeable, so the nutrients can be more readily absorbed, and the toxins can be eliminated.
I’m not advocating for one way of eating over another, but I do encourage you to investigate how what we eat impacts the way that our bodies function. And I would not be doing you justice in a class on autoimmune wellness if I didn’t at least mention the autoimmune protocol!
The autoimmune protocol is an elimination-type diet where you remove all allergens from your system until symptoms are gone, and then you slowly start introducing new foods. It is tough to be in the elimination phase, but I have to tell you — once I tried the autoimmune protocol, I started seeing so much relief and healing. In fact, one of the major infections in my gut that I had been working for years to get rid of was finally eradicated after three weeks on the autoimmune protocol!! It may not be for everyone, but I encourage you to investigate it!!
Any allergy/food sensitivity friends out there?!
POST 16:
Our environments are playing a bigger and bigger role in the rise of autoimmune disease. The things that we are exposed to daily — airborne toxins, products we use on our skin, cleaners in our house, etc. can play a significant role in our health. If you haven’t started embracing a chemical free lifestyle, start looking at the labels on products you use daily. Research those ingredients and learn about ‘body burden.’ We have a class that is dedicated to teaching about these toxins and getting them out of your home. Ask us about it!
For those with autoimmune disease, it can be even more important to embrace a chemical-free lifestyle, given how big a factor environmental triggers are to our health and wellness. We might as well do our best to control the parts of our everyday environments that we can, right?! Switch out chemical cleaners in your home — check out the amazing Thieves cleaning line — household cleaner, laundry detergent, dish soap, and so much more! Read the labels of your skincare and makeup products so you know what is in them. Toxic ingredients can cause an immune response, hormonal imbalance, and more, and the average American woman is exposed to over 80 toxins before breakfast simply due to the products in our homes and the things we use on our skin.
Removing toxins from my house has been huuuuuge for my overall health and wellness! I now use toxin free everything -- cleaning supplies, makeup, skincare products (Young Living also makes that all really easy!). I think being aware of this is just a great first step!!
What are your favorite Young Living cleaning and beauty products?!?
POST 17:
One of the biggest factors to thriving with autoimmune disease is being consistent. Getting quality sleep. Eating nutrient dense meals at frequent intervals to keep blood sugars stable. Taking supplements. Using oils. And embracing other healthy habits. Consistency is key.
I’m not claiming that this is a cause and effect AT ALL, but something that I have seriously noticed with the last few autoimmune flares that I have had, that every single time one has occurred was during I time that I also got lazy with my essential oils routine and all that hormone/emotional/immune support.
One of the best ways that we can support our bodies is by trying to calm down our tired immune systems and get them to a place where they are balanced and relaxed, and being consistent is one of the best ways we can do that! Constantly changing our sleeping patterns and eating patterns and overworking our bodies (whether professionally or emotionally or literally working out too hard) can cause us to have an immune reaction.
Here are some healthy habits that I incorporate into my everyday outside of all those other major players (food and sleep and supplements)!
+ Journaling-- this is just a great way for me to process my life. I really enjoy writing, so this helps me process all that is going on in my life, especially when my emotions are all over the place (thanks, hormones!).
+ Reading-- I try to start and end my days with some quiet reading. Whether a good book or something inspirational (I like some quiet time in the Bible in the morning!) -- this can be a good way to start the day with a good mindset, because truly, that helps!
+ Breathing/Meditation -- some of you may find this kind of hokey, and honestly, I did too at first! But I have a meditation app on my phone that I loooooveee (headspace!) and taking time in the middle of the day to do some quiet meditation, which really just means taking some deep breaths and calming my body down, just really helps me mentally and physically. It helps me be aware of my body and provides a good mental reset when I need it!! If anxiety is part of your autoimmune journey, this could be really helpful!! It’s also GREAT before bed if you have trouble falling asleep!
+ Movement -- I hesitate to call it working out because depending on the severity of your autoimmune disease/symptoms, working out actually can cause flares. Lots of people with autoimmune disease find that they can’t do high intensity workouts because it just exacerbates an already overworked immune system! Truthfully, when things are bad for me, I can’t do anything too strenuous or it exhausts me so much I literally need a nap to get through the rest of the day. But we also need to move both for the physical benefits and for awesome mental/emotional reasons as well! This, of course, looks different for everyone. When my symptoms are in remission, I can do higher intensity workouts no problem, but when I’m experiencing a flare, I make sure to get good walks in and do more gentle workouts like yoga! We need to move, we just need to be careful because it’s easy to go from beneficial movement to overworking our bodies.
+ Oils -- We have something so tangible that can support every single body system in natural ways thanks to Young Living, and using them CONSISTENTLY is a major aid to our wellness! I know I sound like a broken record, but consistency is EVERYTHING, especially to get the most out of our oils!
+ Community -- we need time with people. We need to be social and get out and engage with others. Even when going through a really hard flare when we have zero energy and are not up for anything at all, it can still be so wonderful just to sit on the couch with a good friend. Friendship and community is so important, and having people to do life with just makes all our lives so much better! Especially when things are tough, we neeeeed those people in our corner!
+ Meal plan -- this one can really help!! You may or may not love cooking, but if you have had any experience doing something like the autoimmune protocol, you know that it does take work and it is time consuming. I love to meal plan for the week, so I know exactly what I need at the store, and then I spend a day (usually Sundays!) to just batch cook a bunch of meals so they are ready to go throughout the week with minimal cooking. It removes so much stress and also ensures that I have something right at my disposal when I need something right away if a blood sugar crash is coming on.
These are some really great areas to help both our emotional and physical health! Being consistent in our routines is one of the best ways that we can see change happen in our bodies and move closer and closer to the point where we can confidently say that we are THRIVING with autoimmune disease.
What’s an area in your wellness routine where you are working on being more consistent??
POST 18:
Here are some books and resources that we have found to be super helpful! Of course, take all these things with a grain of salt. All our autoimmune journeys are different, and we all approach them in different ways! This is just a generalized list of resources that have been helpful to us, as well as some info on the autoimmune protocol for anyone who may be interested in learning further!
Books on autoimmune disease/the autoimmune protocol:
+ The Paleo Approach by Sarah Ballantyne:
+The Autoimmune Wellness handbook by Mickey Trescott &Angie Alt:
+ The Autoimmune Solution by Amy Myers:
+ The Immune System Recovery Plan by Susan Blum:
+ Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Natasha Campbell- McBride:
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Favorite Autoimmune Protocol cookbooks:
+ The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook by Mickey Trescott:
+ The Alternative Autoimmune Cookbook by Angie Alt:
+ Simple French Paleo by Sophia Van Tiggelen:
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+ Amber glasses to block out blue light:
POST 19:
One of the absolute hardest parts of navigating my autoimmune journey has been trying to help others understand what I am going through while I am still trying to understand it myself. Have you been there??
It can be super confusing for those loved ones trying to walk with us through our wellness journeys to understand how we can feel so great one day and so horribly the next. I have struggled with relationships and with community because of this at various times. I have had to be a flaky friend and cancel things last minute because of my health, and while I understand that, it can be hard for others who are not walking this journey to understand the up and down nature of it.
These journeys are hard. They are hard for us navigating it and walking through the ups and downs of our health, and just trying to figure out all of what is going on and how we can best support it. And it is hard for those people walking alongside us in our lives who want to help and want to be there but don’t really know how. Inviting people into your health journey is soooo important, and I think helping them understand the nature of autoimmune disease helps them know how to be supportive and helps you feel like you have someone in your corner.
There were times when my family had no idea how to be there for me and didn’t understand why after so many doctors’ visits I just wasn’t better yet. And their not-understanding was hard for me to understand! Truthfully, no one will truly ever fully get what you walk through, but communicating well is soooo important, and we are so blessed to have these people in our corner standing there beside us as we navigate this up and down road!
Who are those people in your corner??