Teacher Class
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Post 1: Welcome!
We are beyond excited to have you here tonight as we share some suggestions for approaching teaching and school environments with non-toxic products and essential oils.
Teaching is one of the most honorable, difficult, fulfilling, and emotional careers, and it is so important to support such a lifestyle with clean and pure products.
As always, we are not doctors. We are individuals who are passionate about natural living and sharing all we can with those who have similar values. Anything mentioned in this class is merely a suggestion and should never be regarded as medical advice.
So, where are you tuning in from tonight, and what are you currently diffusing?
Post 2: Air Purification, Funky Smells, and Non-Toxic Cleaning
Kids are stinky. Really stinky. Take a bunch of kids and keep them in the same room with little air flow? Mega stink! But what can we do to encourage cleaner, fresher classrooms in a way that isn’t harmful to our lungs and doesn’t create negative side effects to the learning environment?
Tossing those commercialized aerosols, gel plug-ins, and other products that are full of toxins and synthetic fragrances that are doing more harm than good. Often these options only mask the smell, fade quickly, and then are reapplied. Each time filling the air with junk rather than neutralizing the odors.
Switching to a diffuser is an excellent choice. The power of essential oils and water go a lot farther than you might think and is completely natural and toxin free.
Start with 8-12 drops of Purification essential oil in your diffuser to help clear the air after returning from gym class or a sweaty recess session.
When diffusing isn’t an option, a DIY air freshener spray is a wonderful option when combating those funky lingering smells.
Recipe for a DIY Room Freshener Spray with an 8-ounce glass spray bottle:
20 drops Purification
15 drops Lemon
Distilled Water
Add oils to spray bottle, and fill with water. Gently shake to mix.
*Optional: for a quick drying option, add a splash of witch hazel
Another way to help keep the room fresh without a diffuser is to use toxin-free cleaners and products that are safe for kids and effective where needed.
+Keep a spray bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner in your room for all surfaces, windows, light switches, and anything else sticky fingers touch.
+Thieves Wipes or the Seedlings Baby Wipes on your desk for quick messes!
+Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer Pump by the door to help encourage immune support for everyone and push fresher scents into the air.
Post 3: Immune Support
It is no secret that it is more work for a teacher to have to stay home because of an illness. Between sub plans, make up work, and grading being backed up, it is nearly impossible to find time to get better if you are worried and stressed about the days to come.
So, what can we do to help our bodies remain functioning at their best?
Of course, getting enough sleep, eating right, and making time for exercise is the first step, but when life’s craziness sets in, we need other options to give our systems a boost!
Enter Thieves, a powerful combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils for an aromatic blend that fills any space with a rich, spicy aroma. Inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination composed of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals used while robbing the dead and dying, Thieves is one of Young Living’s most popular products.
How do we use Thieves to boost our immunity?
Diffusing is the most efficient way to get the power into the air, often setting up the diffuser 15-20 minutes before the day gets started.
Creating a roller bottle blend is also extremely effective. Each morning roll on the bottom of your feet, and if you know you don’t have a skin sensitivity, rolling on wrists, chest, or anywhere else you feel comfortable. The smell is often a source of comfort -- especially in the colder months.
Roller Bottle Recipe for a 10ml Bottle:
15-20 drops of Thieves Essential Oil
Top off with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil.
Push roller top on, and gently turn the bottle to mix.
*Optional: lessen the drops to 12-15, and add 4-5 drops of Oregano essential oil to help fight any ailments that you might already be experiencing.
Another option is using Thieves Vitality (same oil blend, it just has a different label!) in hot water with honey.
Immune Boosting Tea:
1 drop of Thieves Vitality
1 drop of Lemon Vitality
1 drop of Copaiba Vitality
2 tsp raw honey
Drop oils and honey into mug and swirl. Pour hot water over and stir.
This tea is an excellent way to start and/or end your day.
Post 4:
Student Anxiety (Testing and Social)
Growing up is HARD. We all have been there, and spending your day with those who are currently going through it is hard, too. In school, children are exposed to many situations that can cause several anxious and stressful tendencies, all of which make it more difficult to be able to learn in that environment.
For Social Anxiety, creating a warm, safe feeling is very important. When students feel safe and secure as individuals, they are more equipped to retain lessons and follow along with instruction.
Diffuse Frankincense and Lavender to help break up any fears and concerns that may be on their minds. Also good for this is White Angelica + Orange, Stress Away (also a teacher’s favorite), and Peace & Calming.
When you can’t diffuse, make a spray to freshen the air with the same oils and distilled water. If you have carpet in your room, spray there to help the scent be diffused from the fibers of the carpet, and you can do the same with curtains.
For Test Anxiety heightened concentration is necessary to be able to drown out any distractions whether they are physical or mental.
Diffusing Cedarwood, Vetiver, and Lavender can create an environment that encourages kids to focus and is also calming.
Also, Rosemary is excellent for supporting memory recall. Pair it with Peppermint to help stimulate the senses and Lavender to encourage the tension to fade away.
Diffuser bracelets made of braided leather and drops of oils are one approach you can use with your own children when sending them off to school as well.
Post 5:
TLC and Stress Relief for Teachers
Holy Cow! By the end of the school day it feels like you have just run a marathon, but the race isn’t quite over -- am I right?!
It’s time to take back the well-deserved ‘me time’ that everyone wishes they had more of!
Let’s start with the glorious detox bath! This heavenly close to your day is totally customizable to what your body and mind are craving most.
With all these bath suggestions, use 2 cups Epsom salts, add oils, close and shake jar to mix.
Achy Body:
3 drops PanAway
2 drops Copaiba
2 drops Peppermint
Immune Support:
4 drops Thieves
3 drops Lemon
Stress Relief:
4 drops Stress Away
3 drops Lavender
Quiet Your Mind:
3 drops Frankincense
2 drops Copaiba
1 drop Vetiver
To Use:
Add one cup of Oiled Salts to a hot bath while the tub is filling.
*Optional: add one cup of baking soda to soften skin and alkalize the body.
Another wonderful way to help maintain lower stress levels is to keep a Stress Away Roll-on in your desk. Young Living has a pre-made, already diluted roller that is ready to go for easy application. Or you can make your own:
Roller Bottle Recipe for a 10ml Bottle:
30-40 drops of Stress Away Essential Oil
Top off with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil.
Push roller top on, and gently turn the bottle to mix.
*Optional: lessen the drops to 25 and add 10 drops of Lavender for an extra calming experience.
Speaking of Lavender and Stress Away, you can’t go wrong with Young Living’s Lavender and Stress Away Bath Bombs! Both are made with highest quality ingredients without any unnecessary additives, vegan, and mineral rich to help make your skin and body happy!
Finally, who doesn’t love a good, clean Sugar Scrub?
Between grading papers, moving your desks by where they are SUPPOSED to be at the end of the day (how do they always shift so much?!), and the countless objects you are hauling from your car to home back to school -- your hands have seen better days.
Give them some love with this easy sugar scrub recipe to bring back their luster and glow!
1/3 cup Olive Oil or V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex (more if desired)
7 drops Lemongrass
3 drops Orange
2 drops Peppermint
2 drops Ylang Ylang
1 cup raw sugar
Mix all ingredients, and store in a glass jar. Use when in need of a moment of relaxation, to brighten dull skin, and boost your mood! This scrub is great on hands, feet, elbows, and knees!
Post 6:
Focus and Attention
It is not just the students that need help focusing sometimes. In a room full of kids who are constantly in motion or staring off into the distance getting lost in their own thoughts, it can be challenging getting everyone on the same page.
Try diffusing Frankincense, Lemon, Peppermint to give a lively pep to the afternoon lesson. If you are unable to diffuse, keep a spray bottle with these oils and distilled water in it to mist the room just before they come back in the room or between bells.
A blend in the KidScents line, GeneYus, is designed for supporting young minds in need of focus. Diffusing or misting is a wonderful option when a little encouragement is needed.
It is no secret that the work doesn’t end when the students go home for the day. Often, a second wind is needed to keep the productivity going once you get home.
Try keeping a Rosemary, Peppermint, and Vetiver roller for grading at night! Roll it across your collar bone, and sip some tea with ginger and lemon to help stimulate your senses.
A lot of teachers are lifelong learners, often going back to school themselves to further their own education and constantly signing up for trainings and certification courses.
Try diffusing Clarity and Peppermint for a burst of focus and, well, Clarity, when sitting down to hit the books.
Post 7:
Emotional Blends (Calming, Trauma, & Anger)
Spending time with the same people every day can cause a lot of emotions to come out. Be it with other students, teachers, or even issues that happen at home that effect their relationships at school. Finding options to help soothe those tensions and make room for comfort can make all the difference in their day.
For general emotional calming, go to Peace & Calming. It is a light, citrusy scent that is a favorite! At home I diffuse this oil between the hours of 3:00pm and dinner for my littles. (You know EXACTLY what those hours are like with young kids!)
It is hard to know what goes on with students outside school; sometimes school IS their safe space. And as heart breaking as it is, that relief of walking through the doors can be just what their minds need to finally rest. For emotional trauma, the KidScents SleepyIze is a great option for calming and releasing what they are harboring inside.
Anger is another emotion that comes out, and it can be harder to break the tension when it gets heated. Release and Joy are two light floral scents that are designed to create a calming space and defuse built up anger. Works well for adults as well, and many wear these as perfume.
Post 8:
Vitality Oils in Water for Teachers
Okay, we KNOW that staying hydrated means more trips RUNNING to the bathroom in between classes, IF there is even time, right?! But it doesn't change how much better we feel when we have been properly hydrated.
We enjoy putting a drop or two of the Vitality Oils in our stainless steel or glass water bottles to get a little flavor into our water. Based on what you need -- energy, immune support, or mood boosting -- here are just a few options to choose from!
+Citrus Fresh
What flavors are you most interested in enhancing your water intake with?
Post 9:
Healthy Snacking and Drinking
It can be nearly impossible to maintain a healthy diet while working in a school. Someone has always brought some sort of baked good and flooded the teacher’s lounge with them, or at the countless early morning curriculum and development meetings and trainings there are always more processed foods and sweets than you really want.
Keeping a supply of healthy foods and beverages (that aren’t a 5th cup of coffee for the day) in your room can be so beneficial to your mood, your stamina for the day, and your body. One of the beautiful things about Young Living is that they are about so much more than essential oils -- they are about living a healthy life in all aspects.
+Stock up on Einkorn Granola for snacking on when you are pressed for time in between classes -- it will help satisfy your cravings for sweets but help with necessary proteins to keep you moving and energized.
+Wolfberry Crisp Bars
+Slique Shakes with Almond Milk
+Ningxia Zyng
Post 10:
Workplace Drama, Exhaustion, and Impatience Blends
As much as we don’t like it, there will always be conflicts in our work environments. We don’t always see eye to eye, agree with certain practices, or feel genuinely comfortable being ourselves.
The good news? We are all human, and these moments tend to pass.
The better news?! There’s an oil for that when we just need that extra bit of support to keep our heads level.
+Angry? Try Release!
Just as its name suggests, it helps release anger and memory trauma to encourage emotional wellbeing. With a light floral scent, this blend works well as a perfume when paired with a citrusy scent such as Orange or Grapefruit.
+Frustrated? Maybe Awaken is for you!
A collection of five different blends (Joy, Forgiveness, Present Time, Dream Catcher, and Harmony) this blend works to support self-awareness and encourages creativity while balancing the energy centers of your body.
+Apathetic? Cedarwood is the ticket!
Commonly used to stimulate the limbic region of the brain (that’s the center of emotions), and for its calming and purifying properties. Use this oil to get out of your rut and back in the middle of what is important!
Post 11:
Afternoon Pick Me Ups
The post lunch slump is such a downer, right? From Kindergarten to high school, this is pretty common across the board -- teachers even feel the clock dragging.
By diffusing a simple blend of Lemon + Peppermint, you can create an uplifting aroma that can encourage almost anyone to get the pep back in their step! Often this a blend I will diffuse early in the morning for the same purpose, to help bring my mind back to reality.
When we are feeling exhausted, it can be easy to reach for some sort of caffeinated beverage to give you a jump start, but over time it can do more harm than good -- especially when you are crawling into bed and your body still hasn’t processed the caffeine. No Bueno!
Ningxia Red is a wonderful alternative that won’t leave your bladder full; you only need 1-2 ounces, and you’re good to go!
Ningxia Red is a whole-body supplement with a plethora of health benefits, antioxidants, and energy support. It is packed with superfoods -- all without unnecessary fillers, synthetics, and sugar overload.
I drink my Ningxia around 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon to help me keep on moving through the day, either alone or mixed in a smoothie.
Another way to support your lasting energy through the day is to keep healthy levels of Vitamin B. Our Super B complex contains all 8 essential B Vitamins, with a natural source of folate (from lemon peels) and methyl cobalamin for B12. This is ideal for those who cannot process other forms of folate. Supporting energy and overall mood while at the same time replenishing necessary vitamins that aren’t naturally stored in our bodies, it is an easy way to give your system what it needs!
Post 12:
“Meet the Teacher Night” Oils
The beginning of a new school year brings about a whole lot of new emotions for the parents, students, and teachers alike. Taking a few deep breaths and even some deep stretches can help your mind prepare for any new routine that is being set. Also, talking about expectations out loud beforehand is a healthy way to process and gain perspective -- plus it really helps the kids find their connection to their new class!
+For those who are nervous in new settings with new people, Citrus Fresh is a sweet blend that encourages overall well-being and helps drive away our anxiety!
+When fears are speaking louder than usual, the floral blend of White Angelica is ideal for helping solidify a sense of security and a sense of protection and strength. I often diffuse this with Orange when my kids have had nightmares, bringing a sense of calm and reassuring wholeness.
+There are moments, even as adults, where we need a bit of a self-esteem boost. Valor is a favorite blend with a wide range of benefits, including supporting confidence, courage, and balance and alignment within our ourselves.
Post 13:
Teacher Starter Kit
There are countless beneficial oils and products that would enhance the health and wellness of any classroom. As with anyone who is beginning with oils and toxin free living, we suggest the Premium Starter Bundle which comes with:
+A Diffuser of your choice
+Lemon Vitality
+Peppermint Vitality
+Citrus Fresh
+DiGize® Vitality
+Thieves® Vitality
+Peace & Calming
+Stress Away
+2 AromaGlide™ Roller Fitments
+Thieves Spray
+Samples of Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer and NingXia Red
+Several Online Classes
+Personal support as you learn
+Access to discounted pricing on all Young Living products for the next year
Always the best deal, pretty much half the cost if you bought it separately, coming to $165 (when you select the Dewdrop or Desert mist diffuser)!
For many of you, you are already Young Living Customers and have a kit (so you KNOW how helpful it is!), so here is another “kit” of sorts that we put together as a “Teacher Starter Kit”. For this we will assume that you already own a diffuser for your classroom!
+Thieves Household Cleaner
+Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer*
+Thieves Vitality Essential Oil
+Peace & Calming Essential Oil
+Purification Essential Oil*
+Vetiver Essential Oil
+Lemon Essential Oil*
+Orange Vitality Essential Oil
+Lavender Essential Oil*
+Stress Away Essential Oil*
*5ml of these oils and samples of sanitizer come in the premium starter bundle
Comes to $252.75!
Regardless of the route you take, both will lead you and your classroom to a healthier approach to learning and growing together.
Post 14:
Thank You!
We mean it -- THANK YOU for doing the most important job in the world, reaching, teaching, and loving on children who look to you for guidance, and inspiration.
It is our hope that this class has helped you find realistic, practical ways to support your daily efforts and goals, to encourage growth and productivity in your classrooms, and to fill your minds with good thoughts and happy learning.
If you have any questions about any of this, make sure to contact your friend who invited you to this class, or comment below and we will help you out. We are here to support and educate -- it is an honor to have the opportunity to help you get oils into your lives!