Hormones Class


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Hormones Class

Dragons are notorious for being angry, menacing, fire breathing forces of destruction. How do we balance the inner dragon? Let's talk about supporting these hormones!


We’re so glad that you are here for this class all about happy hormones! Because let’s be real, sometimes it feels like there’s a dragon roaring inside all of us, and we all can use a little support to tame that wild beast. Been there?!

Thank goodness for all our oils and all the ways they can support healthy, happy, and balanced hormones!

As we get started tonight, we’ll be posting every few minutes. If you don’t see the newest post, just refresh your browser and it should show up! All posts will be numbered so that you can easily follow along!!

And just a quick disclaimer—we’re not medical professionals. We’re not claiming that these oils/products can cure, heal, or treat any disease or condition. We always encourage you to run these things by your doctor when incorporating something new!

So let’s get started! Tell us—do you have a favorite hormone support oil?


Since we’re going to be talking hormones, let’s quickly talk about the endocrine system! The endocrine system is made up of a network of glands. These glands secrete hormones to regulate many bodily functions, including growth, metabolism, and tissue function, sexual reproduction, sleep, mood, etc. Endocrine diseases (over or under functioning thyroid, adrenal fatigue, etc.) are common and usually occur when glands produce an incorrect amount of hormones.

Sooooo, given all of that, we want to make sure that we have an endocrine system that is working well! We want to tame that roaring dragon!!!

Everything we are going to talk about are different ways that we can support our hormones and different glands within our bodies!

Here’s some more great information on hormones and the endocrine system from Dr. Jim Bob Haggerton!

Hormone Imbalances & Problems in Kids & Teens - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HvV0CpGM-I

Progesterone: What does it do? -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyp4XDbcSVg

Estrogen: What does it do? -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xteHF8FpMjs

Hormone production in the body -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJiC2TJ8rzA


When that dragon roars, it can disrupt everything about our lives! Hormones are chemical messengers that travel throughout the body coordinating complex processes like growth, metabolism, and fertility. They can influence the function of the immune system, and even alter behavior (ever cry for no reason during certain times of the month?? THANKS, HORMONES!).

Our hormones can really influence all body functions, so what are some signs that you may have some unhappy hormones that need a little extra love??

Increased anxiety/depression/moodiness
Low energy
Difficulty sleeping/staying asleep
Excessive hunger
Low libido
Fertility issues
Difficulty gaining or losing weight
Brain fog
and more!

So let’s talk about how we can tame that dragon and support those hormones, because we allll want happy hormones, right?!


Can we just have a moment of silence for all the wonder and beauty that is Pro Plus?! If you’re in need of a dragon tamer, look no further!

Progessence Plus features some of our most-loved essential oils, including Sacred Frankincense and Peppermint oil, to create a serum that perfectly pampers you. Formulated specifically for women, Young Living’s Progessence Plus is a great addition to your day or nighttime routine.
Wild yam extract and vitamin E support your skin in looking its best, while Frankincense smooths the look of fine lines. Keep your skin looking as young as you feel and add a few drops to your moisturizer or massage it directly onto your skin.
With coconut oil and essential oils such as Bergamot, Progessence Plus uses premium ingredients to moisturize and soothe healthy-looking skin. Plus, you’ll love the convenient and beautiful packaging of this serum. Stash it in your travel bag or display it on your vanity with your other beauty must-haves.
Progessence Plus is USP-grade, super-micronized progesterone from wild yam blended with essential oils and vitamin E to help women find balance the way nature intended. Specifically formulated by D. Gary Young, ND, and Dan Purser, MD, Progessence Plus maximizes the effects of progesterone by utilizing an innovative delivery system. The first-ever progesterone serum on the market, this essential oil-infused product enhances substance penetration through the skin and contains pure frankincense, bergamot, and peppermint essential oils.

Primary Benefits:
+ Naturally encourages the body’s optimal balance
+ Absorbs more quickly than other natural progesterone supplements
+ Does not require cycling of the application use

Who should use Pro Plus:
+ Menstruating females over the age of 12
+ Pre- and postmenopausal women
+ Women seeking natural balance
+ Women looking for a calming sleep aid

If pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use. Do not use in conjunction with contraceptives.

Want even more information on the AMAZINGNESS that is pro plus? Check out this video:

Progessence Plus from Young Living -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkBw-8Z5kmw

Seriously, love this so much that I stock up on it every chance I get! I live in fear of ever being without it!

What are some of your favorite Pro Plus stories?! How do you use it and love it?!


I LOVEEEEE Endoflex! Another INCREDIBLE dragon tamer! I use it daily for Thyroid support!

Love this incredible info from Courtney Critz on this amazing oil!
"EndoFlex - The Personal Trainer
Our endocrine system is just a wee bit important. Support it well and you might find yourself feeling like a whole new person.
In January, many begin working out with huge goals to be fit and consistent. But they run out of steam in a matter of weeks. Those who typically find more success are those who have accountability through a partner or a personal trainer. They need help finding what works best for their bodies so that they can be strong for their unique body types.
Many also have goals to be healthier and have more energy. They're going to eat well, sleep more hours, lose weight, and get moving. But their bodies have forgotten how to do these things. They have individual experiences and baggage that mean their endocrine systems need a "spotter" to be sure they get stronger instead of burning out or hurting themselves as they work to heal.

Meet EndoFlex - The Personal Trainer
Supporting healthy thyroid function, hormones, metabolism, and adrenals, this oil blend will help all of these pieces of your puzzle come together as you gradually work your way to a place of more energy that comes from within. EndoFlex is a blend of these amazing oils:
- Spearmint: A rocket pack for your metabolism while supporting your nervous system to bring beautiful balance.
- Sage: Commonly used for purification and release of the negativity that wears us down from the inside.
- Geranium: Say "I love you" to your hormones, liver, and pancreas with some floral TLC.
- Myrtle: You say "Thyroid?" I say, "Myrtle!" Pair them together and watch the beautiful friendship begin.
- German Chamomile: Calming to your system and especially supportive of healthy liver function.
- Nutmeg: And here is your adrenal support. Like a car that can't shift into the next gear, with our adrenals worn out, we will sputter and find no oomph to continue moving forward.
- Sesame Seed Oil: Rich in Vitamin E and nourishing to the skin and body."
- Many apply daily over the thyroid area, kidneys, or feet.
- EndoFlex Vitality is often dropped under the tongue or taken in a capsule.
- Both applications can be diluted if needed.
- Often very beneficial for teens and kids who are developing hormonally. Today's habits put early strain on these areas of their health.
- Ladies, pair with Progessence Plus for a dynamic duo! Guys, pair with Shutran!

How do you use your EndoFlex? Why do you love this magical bottle of goodness?!!?!?!


This is one of my daily favorites for all that female hormone support!!

Lady Sclareol is an oil blend created especially for women to enhance the feminine nature and provide a relaxing experience when diffused. This beautiful blend of oils brings love to the heart. It has a wonderful scent and should definitely be used as an alluring perfume!

This romantic blend not only has a seductive scent, but the oils contained in it have been used traditionally to support healthy skin—especially blemishes cause by raging hormones!

Use it to energize and enhance your evening with your significant other. Wear some on your wrists or neck. This is a great oil to use to support a low libido that may be due to hormone imbalance.

So tell me, have you tried it yet?!


Another oil with super powers!

Clary Sage has been used for centuries to help support the female body. Supports a healthy attitude during PMS, and also supports menopausal women emotionally due to its balancing nature.

It has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a great one to use to support and relieve any menstrual discomfort. Supports hormone balance, insomnia related to raging hormones, heavy menstruation, hot flashes, healthy skin, and is a great oil to diffuse when we are feeling those hormonal blues—combine it 1:1 in the diffuser with nutmeg and you won’t be disappointed!!

Have you tried Clary Sage for hormone support??!!


SclarEssence contains a balanced blend of essential oils that align well with common women's wellness practices. Including four premium quality essential oils, SclarEssence combines the powerful properties of Clary Sage, Peppermint, Sage, and Fennel.

Take SclarEssence as needed for women’s support.
This oil was specifically designed to support a healthy glandular system, and therefore a woman’s overall wellbeing. This blend is also great to use for emotional support related to hormones, and even as a natural romance enhancer.


Fennel isn’t one that we usually gravitate toward when it comes to happy hormones, but maybe we should!! This sweet and spicy oil is great to use to support regular menstruation cycles. If you have an irregular cycle, consider adding this oil into your routine for added support. Use it topically over your abdomen or on your feet. Put a drop of Fennel Vitality in your water or under your tongue. Combine it with Endoflex for an even more dynamic duo.


Use this floral powerhouse for all the moody blues that come with unhappy hormones! Diffuse it, wear it as perfume! Geranium supports proper hormone balance and irregularities in menstrual cycles. It also helps with fluid retention that may happen at different times of the month. Use it when experiencing the weariness and moodiness that comes with being a female full of hormones.


We’ve been talking all along about the dragon, right?! Well here is some magic sauce to tame that beast within!

Dragon Time is a proprietary blend of Fennel, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Lavender, Blue Yarrow, and Jasmine essential oils. Its sweet, herbaceous aroma can help promote feelings of stability and calm during cycles of moodiness. Diffuse, inhale directly, or apply Dragon Time topically to experience its steadying aromatic properties.

This oil is the perfect choice for supporting normal, healthy emotions during the female monthly cycle. Diffuse it. Put it on your feet or right over your abdomen. Inhale it like your life depends on it. We’ve all seen that dragon roar, right?! Trust me, those around you (and you especially!) will thank you!

Do you have a Dragon Time story?! Do tell!!


Having a happy thyroid just makes us happier people! Our thyroid is one of the major glands in our endocrine system and is extremely vital when it comes to producing happy hormones! When it isn’t working well, there may be increased anxiety and nervousness, hair loss, missed menstrual cycles, trouble sleeping, excess energy or no energy at all, dry skin, joint and muscle pain, and more! With all that, we want to make sure our thyroids are receiving the most love possible, right?!

Here are some ways to support a happy thyroid!

Love this from LeAnne Deardeuff from “Taming the Dragon Within”:

“The thyroid loves Myrtle oil. Myrtle oil is found in Endoflex but sometimes it may be necessary to use more Myrtle in addition to the Endoflex.”

She recommends combining these two oils with lemongrass and applying them topically right to the thyroid gland (right on the throat!). I’ve been doing this for months now, and let me just tell you—ALL THE MAGIC THYROID SUPPORT!!

Just a caution, some people can be irritated using lemongrass, so be careful in the sun, and use with a carrier oil!

Also, let’s chat real quick about Thyromin! Did you know Young Living has a natural thyroid supplement?!?!

Thyromin is a special blend of porcine glandular extracts, herbs, amino acids, minerals, and premium quality essential oils in a perfectly balanced formula that maximizes nutritional support for healthy thyroid function. The thyroid gland regulates body metabolism, energy, and body temperature.

Consider adding this supplement to your routine for a happy, healthy thyroid!!

Here’s a great video on Thyroid health and function: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhDqWuULDkQ


Another great way we can be supporting happy hormones is by giving all the love that we can to our adrenals. Our adrenal glands produce cortisol, which helps regulate metabolism and helps your body respond to stress, and aldosterone, which helps control blood pressure. Energy and blood pressure and stress, oh my! Let’s love on our adrenals!

First of all, our adrenals love healthy fats. Consider a supplement like MindWise (healthy fats and brain support!) or OmegaGize (healthy fats and immune supporting essential oils!). Healthy fats help normalize our blood sugar levels, which therefore helps increase our metabolism while maintaining stable cortisol levels! Nothing is worse than a spike of cortisol when you don’t need it!!

My favorite way to support my adrenals are by using nutmeg, clove, and rosemary essential oils. All of these contain properties that provide support to our adrenal glands. Nutmeg is comforting and soothing and may also boost energy when we are struggling with increased fatigue (a sign our adrenals are overworking!). Clove also supports our energy levels, and rosemary provides stress support. Combining these three together into a roller bottle has been one of the best ways I’ve been able to support my adrenals! I apply it morning and night!!

Also, if you are one of those people who, like me, doesn’t just magically pop out of bed in the morning ready to run a marathon while simultaneously cleaning the house, feeding the kiddos, and walking the dog—aka if you wake up and struggle to get out of bed in the morning—a drop of En-R-Gee on the big toes will also help to kickstart your adrenals and produce that cortisol in your body to help you get going with the day!!


Let’s be real—PMS?? Not so fun. When that time of the month comes around, it can turn us into a completely different version of ourselves. Not saying it happens to everyone, but also not saying that it doesn’t happen to me.

If you are experiencing any sort of PMS—cramping, anxiety, moodiness, fatigue, bloating, tenderness—what have you, time to bring out all your oils for some support!!

For any sort of bloating or water retention, I love to apply fennel right on my abdomen!

For menstrual cramping, I layer dragon time with copaiba right on my abdomen as well!

Consider taking a bath!—add some EOs to Epsom salts and relax your troubles away! I love using lavender and stress away for the moody blues, or clary sage for some cramp relief!

Do you have any favorites that you use during that time of the month?!


We know that not everyone is in the same life stage. Here are a great video on hormones during menopause!

Menopause: What is it? What is happening?:


Did you know that Young Living has some amazing supplements that are wonderful for supporting our lovely hormones?? Let’s chat about three of them.

Cortistop is a proprietary supplement designed to help the body maintain its natural balance and harmony. When under stress, the body produces cortisol. When too much cortisol (known as the "death hormone") is produced, it can have negative health consequences such as feelings of fatigue, difficulty maintaining healthy weight, and difficulty maintaining optimal health of cardiovascular systems.

This is a great supplement for supporting your adrenals!!

Endogize with DHEA helps women to balance naturally by supporting a healthy endocrine system. This product was designed to promote women’s wellness and balance.

Prenolone Plus body cream is specifically formulated to help support the endocrine system and maximize internal health. It contains pregnenolone, MSM, wolfberry, a variety of anti-aging and natural hormone supporting ingredients, and DHEA—two substances produced naturally by the body that decline with age.

Have you tried any of these yet?!?


Let’s be real—our hormones can sometimes make us feel up and down and up and down again. A rollercoaster! And in some ways, our bodies naturally produce more or less hormones during certain times of the month in order to work the way they are supposed to. But that doesn’t mean we just have to ride it out! I mean, we’ve got oils for that!!!

One of my favorite ways to combat the hormonal blues is by diffusing! Our emotions are stored in the same part of the brain as our sense of smell, therefore inhaling oils is one the best (and quickest!) ways to make use of our oils when we need a little more emotional support.

Here are some diffuser combos that I loooove for those hormonal blues!

+ Clary Sage and Nutmeg (equal drops of each)

+ Transformation essential oil—I actually love this one on its own, but it’s also great with a few drops of tangerine as well!

+ 4 drops geranium and 2 drops of tangerine—all the happy vibes!!!

What do you like to diffuse for the hormonal blues?!


We’ve spent most of this class talking about female hormone health, but let’s not forget to mention our guys! We want them to have happy hormones too!

An empowering essential oil blend specially formulated for men to boost feelings of masculinity and confidence, Shutran is perfect for use as a cologne that appeals to both men and women. Smells SOOO good. Like, REALLY good!

Shutran is great for the men in our lives who are looking for a boost of energy and to naturally support their hormones. Plus, did I say that it smells amazing!!

Young Living has a whole variety of Shutran products for our guys! The oil is amazing—and they also have 3-in-1 men’s wash and beard oil as well, just to mention a couple!!

Let’s make sure our guys are getting the oily love! And hey, let’s just say if they’re bathing in Shutran, we’re not complaining!!


Okay friends, we’ve talked a lot about how we can support our hormones with our beloved YL oils, but just wanted to take a moment and touch on the importance of having a healthy lifestyle to have happy hormones. We can use our oils all day long for support, but if we’re not taking care of ourselves in other ways, we’re not going to get the most out of them. It’s important that we care for all of the different lifestyle factors—nutrition, sleep, exercise, etc.—to have the happiest hormones!! And when we take care of ourselves in these areas, we’ll notice even more support from our oils!!

That being said, what do you want to add into your oily routine to support happy hormones??!


We loved getting the chance to hang out with you, and hope that this class was extremely helpful for you! Thanks for following along!!

What are you most looking forward to incorporating into your wellness routine?!

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