Your Wellness Toolbox (EO 101)


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Intro. Introduce yourself, share a brief bio and your story of why you began using YL! 😊

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When you think about your wellness and the wellness of your family, would you say that it is perfect and thriving or could you use a little extra support? If you are like most, you need some extra support. That's why our family started using Young Living products. We were struggling to stay well. It seemed like we were at the doctor office every other week with a new cold or virus. Something had to change and change it did!

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Before we get into the meat of what's in the wellness toolbox, let's talk a little bit about Young Living. To have confidence in the products that they carry, you need to know the company! Young Living has been in business for over 25 years (founded in 1994) since founder, D. Gary Young, discovered the profound power of essential oils to transform mental and physical wellness. His vision is to bring Young Living Essential Oils to every home in the world.

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Young Living is proud to set the standard for essential oil purity and authenticity by carefully monitoring the production of its oils through its unique Seed to Seal process. From the time the seed is sourced until the oil is sealed in the bottle, Young Living applies the most rigorous quality controls possible to ensure that you are receiving essential oils exactly the way nature intended.

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Essential Oils are volatile liquids & aromatic compounds that are distilled or pressed from plants. Like the blood in the body, the essential oil of the plant is used to seal the cut, protect the wound, provide nutrients and oxygen for cell regeneration and guard against harmful microorganisms.


  • EO’s can quickly penetrate the tissue of the skin.

  • Many oils can pass the blood-brain barrier.

  • EO’s are known to be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and support the immune system, just to name a few of their wonderful benefits.

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Put simply: In You, On You, and Around You

INTERNALLY: All the oils in Young Living’s Vitality Line are labeled as dietary supplements. Any of these oils can be added to a glass of water (use glass or stainless-steel containers only!), or a vegetable or gelatin capsule, or when cooking.

*The actual oil in a Young Living bottle (colored label) is identical to their Vitality oil (white label) counterparts. Same oil. Different label. This keeps the FDA happy.

TOPICALLY: Apply essential oils directly to the desired area using 1-3 drops of oil following the label instructions. If you are not sure where to apply, the bottom of the feet is a great place to start!

AROMATICALLY: Diffuse oils with an ultrasonic diffuser, or place a drop in your hand, rub palms together and bring hands to your face and inhale deeply, or smell directly from the bottle!

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Here are a few safety precautions you should keep in mind when using essential oils:

  • Some of Young Living's oils may be considered ‘hot'. What this means is that when applied to the skin, they can cause a hot or warming sensation. This is simply the oil causing oxygen & more circulation to come to the surface. It is normal. If this happens to you, don't panic. Just grab some carrier oil to slow down the absorption rate into your body. A carrier oil is a fatty oil. We tend to grab Young Living's V-6 or coconut oil. DO NOT try to wash off with water. This will cause the sensation to get stronger and drive the oil in deeper.

  • Young Living's essential oils are very powerful- start low & go slow. In most cases 1-2 drops are adequate & using more may waste product.

  • Avoid contact with sensitive areas such as the eyes, ears, genitals, & mucous membranes. If you choose to use the oil in any sensitive area, dilute 1 drop of the essential oil to 5-10 drops of V-6 or other carrier oil. DO NOT drop oils directly into ears. If you do get an oil in your eye, do not rinse with water. Grab your carrier oil & apply directly to your eye.

  • Always drink plenty of water to help your body flush out the junk the oils are attacking!

  • Lastly, if adding oils to water be sure to only use glass or stainless steel, not plastic. Essential oils digest petrochemicals, so you would be drinking plastic in your essential oil infused water--and that's just not safe!

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Lemon essential oil includes the naturally occurring constituent limonene. Lemon may be used to enhance the flavor of foods. Lemon essential oil is cold pressed from the rind of the fruit. It takes 75 lemons to fill one 15 ml bottle of Lemon Essential Oil. That's roughly 300 drops! Simple ways to use: add to water to enhance flavor and support the immune system at the same time. Use to remove sticky substances. Use in place of lemon juice for a more vibrant flavor. Yum!

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Citrus Fresh, as the name implies, is a blend of Orange, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Lemon, and Mandarin oils with a hint of Spearmint. This great blend offers an uplifting, refreshing aroma that you can diffuse to transform home, work, and classroom spaces. It is also a perfect replacement for chemical-based home fragrances—just combine a few drops with distilled water in a spray bottle and spritz throughout rooms and closets and over linens; enjoying the smell every time you make the bed or open the closet. Citrus Fresh Vitality has a pleasant and invigorating taste. With the combination of citrus-based essential oils and Spearmint, Citrus Fresh Vitality is perfectly tart with a subtle hint of minty flavor. Add it to your water to keep you motivated to stay hydrated. Citrus Fresh Vitality can also provide an internal boost with its antioxidants and cleansing properties.

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Thieves essential oil is Young Living’s most popular blend. It’s named after 4 French thieves from the 15th century who were robbing the dead & dying of the black plague—and they weren't getting sick. They had these different spices & aromatics hung around their necks. Our two favorite ways to use this oil is in our diffuser and rubbed on the bottom of the feet every day.

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DiGize is one of Young Living's exclusive and proprietary dietary supplements. This unique blend contains Ginger, Anise, Fennel, Peppermint, Tarragon, Lemongrass, Patchouli, and Juniper essential oils. Use DiGize with every meal, along with enzymes, to support a daily wellness regimen. Eat a large meal? Apply topically around your belly button or try a drop of DiGize Vitality in your water. Just remember, DiGize = Digestive Energizer!

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Peppermint is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for supporting normal digestion, including promoting healthy intestinal function and gastrointestinal system comfort. It takes roughly 1 lb. of raw peppermint material to produce 15 ml of peppermint oil. Simple uses: diffuse for help is focus, use with a fatty carrier oil (like coconut oil) for an after-workout massage on sore muscles, and rub on tummy to support proper digestion. Peppermint is super versatile and a personal favorite!

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A tropical blend of Lime, Vanilla, Copaiba, and more, Stress Away’s sweet citrus scent helps you step away from the many tasks that fill your day to momentarily unwind and relax in a personal oasis. This is the one oil that I say I need a big vat of to just sit in! We affectionately call this one "Vacation in a bottle." I like to start and end the day with a drop on my wrists and the back of my neck and shoulders. Ahhhh…relief!

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This fragrant oil blend is a wonderful addition to your meditation, evening routine, or playtime with the kids. With a comforting, fresh aroma, Peace & Calming has become a popular oil for everything from enhancing the environment in your home to applying as a personal fragrance for any occasion. Try putting it on the bottoms of the feet for calming and unwinding from a long tiring day.

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PanAway essential oil blend has a stimulating aroma and is a popular and original combination of Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove, and Peppermint essential oils. This blend is ideal to apply topically after exercise & supports the appearance of healthy skin coloration. Place 3-4 drops onto a hot towel and hold over the abdomen for a cool, refreshing effect. Apply several drops onto the bottoms of feet for a soothing foot massage. Add to coconut oil for a pleasing balm that can be used after stretching or exercising.

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Lavender has a sweet, floral aroma that is soothing and refreshing. Lavender's aroma is great for relaxing and winding down before bedtime; add to bath or diffuse to create a calming and comforting environment. Lavender essential oil may complement your favorite shampoos, lotions and skin care products. Because it is the most versatile of all essential oils, no home should be without it. Lavender is known as the “Swiss army knife” of essential oils. Good for cuts, scrapes, burns, bites or rashes. When in doubt, we use lavender.

*Did you know there is more lavender essential oil sold in the world than is actually grown? Make sure you know where your lavender comes from!

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Valor defined: great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.
Life is a battle, am I right? Who doesn’t need emotional fortitude in this world? Grab this oil and put it on your kids before school. Use it yourself before stepping into a meeting at work. It’s also amazing with a carrier oil for a massage.

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Raven is a cleansing blend of Ravintsara, Peppermint, Eucalyptus Radiata, and other essential oils that creates a cooling sensation when applied topically to the chest and throat. As a matter of comparison: Vicks VapoRub’s active ingredients are synthetic camphor (natural: Ravintsara), eucalyptus (natural: Eucalyptus Radiata), and menthol (natural: Peppermint). Is it any wonder why YL suggests applying Raven topically to your chest and throat?

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Frankincense includes the naturally occurring constituent boswellic acid, and has a woodsy, warm, balsamic aroma. Diffuse Frankincense during meditation for grounding & purpose. Add 1-2 drops to the face & neck to minimize visual blemishes and add a healthy-looking glow. You can also support healthy brain function by applying to the brainstem and inhaling from your hands.

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Your Wellness Toolbox includes some pretty amazing bonus gifts! (Bonus gifts sometimes change. Be sure to update info with what is currently in the bundle)

First - Thieves Spray! Thieves Spray® is a fast and convenient way to clean and freshen hard surfaces at home and on the go.

Second - NingXia Red Samples! We love this drink in our family. Best way to think of it is as a liquid (tasty!), full-body wellness support. Loaded with oh so many antioxidants! How to enjoy: get it really cold, tear off the top and take a sip. If you love it, drink it down. If it’s not love at first sip, you can add it to water (and add a citrus oil) or to your smoothie.

Third - Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer! Did you know that according to the CDC, about 80% of all infections are spread through the hands, making hand hygiene especially significant when in public where soap and water isn’t always readily available? Say hello to your truly safe, but powerful waterless hand sanitizer! We never leave home without it.

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I know you can see how you can really help build your wellness naturally and safely with the oils shared with you!
We've covered oils that help with your immune system, digestive system, muscular/skeletal system, respiratory system... and several others! The best news that I have for you is that Young Living has put all these oils in a collection called the Premium Starter Bundle. With this kit, you get to pick a diffuser to use with your oils--a very easy cost-effective way to use your oils and spread the wellness to the whole family!

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I'm so excited for you to start this amazing oily journey and begin claiming back your family’s health! I'm always here for you! This is my personal link for you to get started. Once you grab your bundle, message me, so I can add you to our knowledge & support group! [Grab your link at and insert it here. To make it even easier for your customers, use the Deep Link Generator to create a link directly to the Premium Starter Bundle.]

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