My Healthy Day (Class)
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Welcome to My Healthy Day!!!
How is your month going so far?? We could not be more excited to dive deeper into learning about the products that have been helping us crush our goals this month! With these products we are all beginning to feel primed and ready to crush every goal that we have written down!
So grab a glass of water with a few drops of grapefruit, or perhaps a Slique tea, and get ready to take your product knowledge to the next level! We’re in this together, ladies!
Let’s talk energy! I know for me, Super B has been a GAME CHANGER in the energy and mood department! Let’s look into why that is:
-B vitamins are essential to our health and well-being, and each B vitamin performs a unique and separate function in the body. Unfortunately, they must be replenished daily, as they are not stored in the body.
-Super B is known for supporting normal cardiovascular and cognitive health, aiding in mood improvement, and sustaining healthy energy levels.
-Super B contains all eight essential, energy boosting B vitamins. It’s also combined with nutmeg oil and bioavailable chelated minerals such as magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc.
-Fun Fact: Different medications, such as hormonal birth control, can also wreak havoc on your body’s B-vitamin levels, which is why it’s especially a good idea to supplement.
What do you need more energy for?
Ditch the energy drink, y’all. NingXia Nitro is a much more natural way to increase cognitive alertness, enhance mental & physical stamina, and support your overall daily performance.
Its benefits come from a host of different powerful cognitive enhancers, including:
Pure black pepper, nutmeg, vanilla, chocolate, yerba mate, spearmint, and peppermint oils;
B vitamins, green tea extract, choline, and Korean ginseng
One tube contains 40mg of naturally occurring caffeine per serving.
Nitro contains Bioenergy Ribose, which is a form of d-ribose that has been clinically tested for its ability to increase energy, endurance, and aerobic activity and is currently used by the Olympic athletes. It improves physical performance, speeds up recovery, and increases your overall energy reserves.
Fun Fact: Some exciting studies have come out about this stuff showing that D-ribose affects active human heart tissue and its function to increase ATP which translates into improved heart muscle function, better blood flow, and quicker recovery. Some doctors even recommend it for patients with a heart disease risk or to help recover after a heart attack.
What part of your day could you use a Nitro?
En-R-Gee for ENERGY
Speaking of energy, this oil is NEXT LEVEL.
En-R-Gee oil is a fresh and herbaceous blend giving an energy boost anytime you need it. Diffuse or apply it topically during your morning routine or before any activity to enjoy the invigorating, spicy pine fragrance of Rosemary, Juniper, Lemongrass, Nutmeg, Balsam Fir, Clove, and Black Pepper oils.
To stop thinking about going to the gym and maybe going to the gym... maybe
Chasing your toddler before she eats your lipstick as an afternoon snack
Late night study sessions
As an afternoon pick-me-up-off-the-floor
“Mom Uber” drives to your kid’s dance, cello, karate, and flag waving lessons
Who is putting En-R-Gee or any other energy products into your Loyalty Order for next month?!
Nutmeg Oil for the adrenal support
What are Adrenal Glands?
The adrenal glands are two little pea-sized glands that sit on top of the kidneys and play a significant role in your body, secreting more than 50 essential hormones necessary for life, which are responsible for many of the functions we need to stay alive and healthy, such as: Energy production – carbohydrate, protein and fat conversion to blood glucose for energy, fluid and electrolyte balance and fat storage.
The outer part of the adrenal gland, the adrenal cortex, secretes the corticosteroid hormones including cortisol that monitor the body’s metabolism, inflammation, and blood pressure.
The adrenal medulla, the inner part, secretes adrenaline and noradrenaline, hormones that respond to stressors. When the adrenal medulla fires, it increases the heart rate, boosts blood flow to the muscles, and creates a surge of glucose (blood sugar) in the bloodstream. This mechanism evolved so we could draw from a quick burst of energy in a fight-or-flight situation.
Adrenal fatigue happens when our glands get exhausted from firing over and over, as a result of our diet and lifestyle choices.
Our hunter-gatherer ancestors didn’t fatigue their adrenal glands because they only needed a burst of stress hormones during the occasional flight-or-fight situation. When we face chronic stress, however, it means that our adrenal glands fire constantly. This depletes the adrenal glands and compromises their ability to perform their tasks, like the controlled secretion of corticosteroid hormones. This leads to chronic fatigue, an impaired immune system, inflammation, and the other symptoms of adrenal fatigue.
Dr. James Wilson, author of Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Syndrome, shares in his book that there are a number of events that can typically precede adrenal fatigue:
Sudden life change, such as a move or loss of a job
Severe emotional trauma
Single or new parenting
College life
Drug or alcohol abuse
All work, little play
Perfectionist mentality towards life or work
Another type of chronic stress that contributes to adrenal fatigue is blood sugar problems. When we eat imbalanced meals, high in carbs and low in fat, it causes first hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and then hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). In response to the dangerous blood sugar crash, the adrenal glands kick in with stress hormones to mobilize glucose and raise blood sugar.
The problem is that the adrenals aren’t meant to be drawn on for daily blood sugar regulation. They are only supposed to fill that role very occasionally. When it happens on a regular basis, it drains the adrenals.
In addition to excessive stress, diet and stimulants, toxic metals and chemicals block your adrenal glands, causing adrenal fatigue.
Well, ask yourself the following questions:
Do I find myself having low energy throughout the day and trouble getting out of bed?
Do I have a low-functioning thyroid (hypothyroidism)?
Do I find it extremely challenging to lose weight?
Do I have a low or non-existent libido?
Do I have low blood pressure?
Do I get dizzy when standing up?
Do I have frequent cravings for salt and sugar?
Do I feel anxious, mentally exhausted, and/or depressed?
Do I have a reduced immunity (frequently getting colds or sickness)?
For me- I noticed these almost across the board. Talk about eye-opening. Like I said, when it's your every-day experience you start to think it's normal!
As with most times when our bodies get out of whack, it can be helped with diet and lifestyle!
Here are some quick tips to get a jump start:
Eliminate grains, legumes, refined sugar and vegetable oils – all foods that stress the adrenals and increase inflammation. While it is possible, but difficult, to address adrenal fatigue on a vegetarian diet, it is impossible to reach optimal adrenal health on a vegan diet.
Eat a high protein breakfast. A lot of dieticians say this, but I have personally experienced it to be true. Not only do I notice I have more energy throughout my day on days that I have a good breakfast with high protein, but I'm far less hungry throughout the day as well. Eating breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up also helps balance cortisol levels so, if possible, try to at least eat a piece of fresh fruit with a spoonful of coconut oil (a healthy fat).
Testimonial: “I started a paleo lifestyle this past January because I knew I need to just start eating healthier in general, and within one week I had not only lost 6lbs. but I noticed a significant change in my energy level. I totally get that some people say it's not for them, but I decided I was willing to commit to 30 days to see how it went...and I'm going strong 3 months now!”Consume as much unrefined salt as you can tolerate. Himalayan, celtic sea salt or real salt...not processed table salt! This might seem counter-intuitive to your health, but adrenal fatigue depletes salt levels in the body because it reduces aldosterone, the salt-monitoring hormone. Since adequate sodium in the blood is essential for healthy blood pressure, we can experience dizziness when aldosterone levels drop.
Don’t skip a meal with adrenal fatigue. After years of telling myself calorie restriction was better (I know...I know...) it took some major brain reprogramming to let this sink in. The thing is, our body is unable to properly monitor salt and glucose levels in our blood, so you must provide those factors frequently. Meals should focus on vegetables, healthy fats and quality animal protein. Carbohydrates should come from fresh fruits, root veggies, and starchy fruits/veggies like plantains. Fruit juices, refined sugars and grains should be avoided because they wreak havoc on your blood sugar.
Drink8-10 glasses of water a day.
Good fats. Emphasize sources of healthy saturated fats from grass-fed butter and ghee, coconut oil, pastured egg yolks, and grass-fed meats. Monounsaturated fats from avocado and unadulterated olive oil can also be enjoyed.
No caffeine or alcohol. Some caffeine is fine for healthy people, but not while you are in a period of recovery.
Nutmeg essential Oil. One drop over the kidneys at night, and one drop over them in the morning. It can be a little tricky to reach back there so another option is to apply to the vita flex points on your feet.
This is quickly becoming a new favorite! Slique Essence Oil may help to control sugar cravings and provide feelings of fullness. It also contains cleansing oils for healthy weight management goals along with your workouts and a healthy well-balanced diet. It’s a tasty and uplifting addition to your daily water intake, especially right before a meal. You can apply this one topically, add it to your water, or inhale it to feel the effects.
Ocotea, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, and spearmint oils work together to specialize in curbing your appetite, cleansing your body, and uplifting your mind.
Let’s check them out:
Ocotea also has natural cleansing and purifying properties that also aid the body with its response to inflammation.
Lemon consists of 68 percent d-limonene, a powerful antioxidant. It helps balance your body’s PH balance and may be beneficial for the skin. This one also has cleansing and purifying properties.
Tangerine contains esters and aldehydes that are calming. Rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene it also helps to release stress and occasional nervous irritability.
Grapefruit is known for detoxing and is a great cleaner. It’s also rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene and is nourishing to the skin.
Spearmint has many benefits, including boosting the metabolism and assisting with digestive upset. A rich antioxidant, spearmint supports healthy respiratory and nervous systems.
Stevia Leaf Extract to give it the tiniest bit of extra love to taste satisfying and fresh.
How do you prefer to drink Slique? Iced or Warm?
Now that you have Slique to sip on, let's move on to the perfect snack! How tired are you of snacking on stuff that is downright weird and a totally incomplete snack (all fat, all carbs, lots of sugar, etc.)
First things first - these wolfberry Crisp Bars are delicious AND nutritious. These are one of our favorite things to pick up when we’re looking for a healthy afternoon snack, and we feel good knowing our kids are well taken care of when they have one.
They’re made mostly of dried wolfberries, puffed einkorn flour, quinoa, whey crisps, pea protein crisps, flax seeds, almonds, shredded coconut, and dark chocolate. All these ingredients give these bars a balanced amount of complex carbs, protein, fiber, and healthy fat to keep you energized and full without any of the fake stuff (and with only 120 calories).
When do you find yourself needing a snack on the go? For me it’s always when I’m out running errands!
Let’s talk hormones, ladies.
Why is Progesterone important?
With phytoestrogens being so prevalent in the environment and in our foods, most women in this day tend to be estrogen dominant and need more progesterone.
So, what does Progesterone do? The question really is what does it NOT do?
Let’s see what a lack of progesterone can cause:
Hot flashes & night sweats
Menstrual headaches
Brain fog
PMS, mood swings, & depression
Decreased bone density
Low libido
Higher blood pressure
Hormonal acne
Irregular cycles
Non-viable pregnancies
For the reasons above, this is why Progessence Plus can be a woman’s best friend!
This oil is USP-grade, super-micronized progesterone from wild yam blended with sacred frankincense, bergamot, peppermint, and vitamin E to enhance absorption through the skin. This one is just for the ladies, and it’s recommended for women from the time their cycles start to long after they stop. It doesn’t need to be cycled and can be used every day.
Apply 1-4 drops daily to forearms or neck. Start slow and add more as needed.
Fun Fact: USP is an organization that sets standards for the strength, quality, and purity of medicines and dietary supplements. To be USP-grade, it must meet all their strict requirements.
Guys have hormones and feelings too...which is where Shutran steps in! Or as we like to sing, “We’re bringing sexy back…yea!”
If your guy is looking to kick it up a notch, Shutran is very balancing to his hormones. Shutran is an empowering oil blend that boosts feelings of masculinity and confidence. Its inspiring aroma appeals to both men and women and it can be used as a natural cologne because of the strong and long-lasting scent. The main ingredient in this one is Idaho Blue Spruce, which is a refreshing, invigorating oil that is very balancing to the hormone system. Women, don’t be scared, we all need a little boost in that special hormone too sometimes!
How to use: Apply 2-4 few drops daily to forearms.
Supporting your endocrine system never smelled so amazing! EndoFlex is a blend of Spearmint, Geranium, Myrtle, Sage, Nutmeg, and Roman Chamomile that works together to support the endocrine system and help maintain overall vitality and hormone support. Use EndoFlex as part of your daily wellness routine as well as to help keep you feeling calm and balanced.
Apply to either side of your esophagus 1-2 times daily.
Has anyone ever smelled any of the oils in the EndoFlex blend? My favorites are Geranium and Roman Chamomile!
Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil
Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil tones and nourishes the skin with mostly coconut & grapeseed oils, vitamin E, and a mixture of kick-those-booty-dimples-to-the-curb essential oils. The top oils in this one are grapefruit, cedarwood, juniper, and clary. HOW, you ask? Let’s break ‘em down..
Encourages elimination of cellular toxins and improves the appearance of skin texture.
Vitamin C helps to build collagen.
Citrus oils help to get your blood pumping.
Combats fluid retention
One of the most popular oils used for deep massages
Has strong antioxidant properties
Helps your body cleanse
Decreases inflammation
Increases blood flow
Contains calcium, potassium, and zinc, three minerals that some medical treatments deposit under the skin to help break up cellulite fat
Reduces inflammation
Gives skin a smoother and softer texture
Balancing to hormones
Other tips for cellulite:
Exercise, plenty of water, a consistent healthy diet, and proper stress management are key. Epsom salt also removes toxin build up in your skin, so go ahead and jump in a hot bath while you’re at it!;)
Fun Fact: Some cultures in Germany believed so strongly in the medicinal purpose of juniper that it was customary to show respect in juniper's presence by removing your hat. Even in the US, juniper has historically been used for curing skin conditions and ailments by American Indian tribes...and smart oily men & women like us.
It's become quite the buzz word. We know we're not always doing the right things for our bodies, so we want to know how to clean up past mistakes. How to get started showing some love to our internal systems that have taken the brunt of our poor eating, drinking, stress, and medications. I want to point out a few important things as we start.
The purpose of cleansing should not be for weight loss. While that could well be a happy side effect of dumping junk, this should be about your health and making positive changes.
We must stop silencing the symptoms and begin seeking out the source of our issues. This will not ever be the easy or convenient method. But it will be the only lastingly effective one. There is no real change if you don't get down to the roots.
We must stop dumping in without flushing out. If you looked at so much of what we eat and drink, it would reveal a love of convenience and a lack of respect for our bodies that is tragic. And I speak to myself here as well. We must pour in what is good, but if we do that on top of years of buildup, it will take a long time to see the results.
We must stop pushing forward without healing the past. Yes, it takes time, money, effort, and emotional work to heal from the inside-out. We have to face the past to move forward into an infinitely better future! Is it not worth the cost to have more of ourselves at prime functioning capacity to offer for what truly matters in life?
Where Do I Begin?
If you wanted to clean out a system, you would make sure the drainage and means for the waste to exit was open and flowing properly. Otherwise, you run the risk of pipes bursting, drains backing up, and other serious issues. If the means for flushing is clogged and damaged in our bodies, there will be far more discomfort, flushing through the skin in the form of eczema and other problems, and stress on other organs.
+Colon - the home of our emotions, immune system, and brain function. If you aren't seeing it come out very regularly and easily, and you're still eating and feeling every day…it's all in there.
+Immunity - 70-80% of your immune system is determined by your gut health. Allergies, illness, digestive disorders, and more are all related to the health of the bacteria in the colon.
+Skin - a window to your insides. If you don’t open the lines of proper elimination, the skin will erupt as a desperate cry for help. You can find topical relief but only internal cure.
+Brain Function - “While many think of the brain as the organ in charge, your gut actually sends far more information to your brain than your brain sends to your gut…to put this into more concrete terms, you've probably experienced the visceral sensation of butterflies in your stomach when you're nervous, or had an upset stomach when you were very angry or stressed. The flip side is also true, in that problems in your gut can directly impact your mental health, leading to issues like anxiety and depression.”
Many believe that gut health is directly related to susceptibility to the environmental factors leading to ADD/ADHD, Autism, asthma, and more. We know we are left susceptible and vulnerable, without our defenses intact.
+Invest in Your Body
A quick “flush," like many of the fad cleanses, is not going to remove years of buildup in the body, not in any organ or system. True cleansing is not a quick fix. It is a healing investment. It takes care, time, and some focus. Different people will need to cleanse for different periods of time and at different levels of intensity. This will be directly related to how the body has been cared for and over how long. There is not a canned answer to your body's needs. No one should ever tell you that there is. You will have to try new things, track results, and listen to your body as you decide how to move forward. If you cleanse a little and move right back into your previous lifestyle, you will see minimal results. It's certainly better than nothing at all, for sure, but don't expect "a cleanse" to make up for a lifetime of other choices. It should be more of a reset button to continue on to doing and feeling better. True cleansing is about a period of more extreme focus, leading to a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable and balanced. This is really not a time to get hung up on monetary expense. You will save more by healing and doing regular maintenance than by penny pinching on food and supplements and tearing your body down until it has to be “totaled.” THAT's expensive. Some of the best dollars I've ever spent that have yielded the most reward in my life.
+Embrace Wholeness
As you cleanse, pray for release on every level - spiritual, emotional, mental, physical. What we hold on to has not been given to the Healer and can continue causing damage within us. Refuse legalism in this area. Learning more about how to care for our bodies can trigger our ever-present extremism. We go from abusing it to adoring it. God, people, priorities come first as we fine-tune our vessel for more effective use. We must resist letting it all go and becoming a useless, broken vessel unfit for service or turning our eyes and hearts inward and causing more stress by forgetting that it is not what goes into us that matters most, but what comes out of our mouths and lives. Never let fear or shame from past choices become the driving force. This only leads to more damage on the body. You are not that past person. You are someone new who is seeking wholeness and healing. As the body cleanses, it will release the emotions stored within it. This is a good time for rest, Scripture, prayer, and fasting. Fasting can be from all foods or certain foods. It is a discipline proven time and time again to be effective in our healing.
The Cleansing Trio
The Cleansing Trio Kit contains the products you need to cleanse your system and eliminate waste by supporting normal colon and liver function. Augmented with herbs that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential oils, the Cleansing Trio promotes energy and a sense of well-being. The kit includes Essentialzyme, ComforTone, and ICP. In general, any supplement you purchase from Young Living contains about a month's supply of that product. You can take according to directions on the bottle or in the book (Inner Transformations Using Essential Oils by Dr. Leanne Deardeuff).
In the case of Dr. Deardeuff's recommended colon cleanse, your use of the Essentialzyme and ICP will be about the recommended dose on the bottle, but your ComforTone use could be up to double the recommended dose, depending on your needs. So, it's possible that you would need an extra bottle per month of your cleanse. If you have any current trouble with constipation, I would get the extra bottle.
FAQ - If you have any concerns about these, consult your healthcare professional.
+Can kids do the cleanse?
- Yes, they can do 1/4-1/2 the dosages if so desired. When I did this with my kids, I substituted using DiGize and peppermint on them daily for the ComforTone because they didn't have constipation issues and I wanted something gentler.
+Can you do the cleanse while pregnant or breastfeeding?
- Most say that you should never cleanse while pregnant. A professional once asked me why we would want those things staying in our systems and possibly compromising our babies rather than coming out? Ideally, we would cleanse before becoming pregnant and avoid it during at least the first trimester. It is up to your comfort level and your professional advice what you do after that. Please DO keep your bowels moving and work to make your body a safe place for your baby whenever possible! While breastfeeding, again, it seems that encouraging the colon to empty vs. holding toxins is only a positive. This is not an extreme cleanse with organs dumping waste into your system. It is helping the removal of waste.
+Do you have to eat differently?
- A special diet is not required to do the colon cleanse. The better you eat, the better your results. Abstaining from colon-clogging foods like dairy, sugars, and grains can definitely increase your results.
+How long do I cleanse?
- This will completely vary according to person. The state of your colon is the result of years of choices. This may be a shorter or longer process depending on your history. Definitely do it for at least a month. If you have a history of unhealthy choices and haven't cleansed much in the past, I would plan on at least 90 days. You can see more of Dr. Deardeuff's recommendations on what you're looking for to end your cleanse in Inner Transformations. Anything is better than nothing and will jumpstart you to continue with better choices!
+When do I start the ICP?
- As soon as you feel you're having regular bowel movements with the ComforTone. It may not be 3 per day until you get the bulk of the ICP going.
+What if I start the ComforTone and still feel constipated?
- I highly recommend ordering some Present Time and working through suppressed emotions in the colon. Time and time again I have found emotions to be the root of ongoing constipation when a person can't get results with diet changes and supplements.
+When do I start the Essentialzyme?
- As soon as you begin the cleansing, taking between every meal. This breaks down the buildup for removal.
(Info from Courtney Critz)
Along with supporting the body for health, we also want to be supporting the mind. The mind is a muscle just like anything else, and it needs to be exercised. Our thought patterns actually create physical grooves in the brain, so if you have trouble with fear, anxiety, worry, whatever it is, your brain is conditioned to always have thoughts travel down the same path with the same result.
That’s why it is so important to take captive your thoughts and teach yourself new habits. When you feel your thoughts traveling down that same old groove, capture it and teach it to have a different result. A result that is thoughts of positivity, faith, hope, love, encouragement.
To support the health of your brain and to optimize all that you are doing to “reset” your health, MindWise is a great one to be taking daily. We are all creatives over here, and our brains always need extra supplements.
MindWise is a supplement that feeds the brain with good fats and nutrients. The oils that you are using to support your brain are going to be able to do a lot more if the brain is properly fed with the right supplements.
MindWise combines exotic sacha inchi nut oil with a proprietary MindWise oil blend for a unique supplement that supports normal brain and heart function. Harvested from the Peruvian Amazon, sacha inchi nuts are cold pressed to create a vegetarian oil with a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and an unmatched percentage of desirable omega-3 fatty acids (α-Linolenic acid). Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) and pure essential oils are added to complete the MindWise oil blend. The proprietary Memory blend features ALCAR, GPC, and bio-identical CoQ10, ingredients that have been studied for their beneficial health properties. Generous amounts of vitamin D3 and a unique delivery method create a premium supplement that supports normal memory function and overall cognitive and cardiovascular health.
If you are looking for a good multi-vitamin full of green nutrients made from whole foods, this is your answer! This is the one that I take every day. It fills it lots of gaps that our diet can’t!
MultiGreens is a nutritious chlorophyll formula designed to boost vitality by working with the glandular, nervous, and circulatory systems. MultiGreens is made with spirulina, alfalfa sprouts, barley grass, bee pollen, eleuthero, Pacific kelp, and premium quality essential oils.
Chlorophyll benefits may include:
Provide excellent natural source of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin K and magnesium.
Excellent source of choline, which is supports energy production.
May support healthy blood and digestive system. The basic structure of chlorophyll is similar to that of heme in hemoglobin, the difference being that the central atom in chlorophyll is magnesium instead of iron.
Spirulina health benefits include providing a rich source of magnesium. Bee pollen benefits include providing a natural source of protein, vitamins and minerals including Vitamin B and calcium.
Kelp benefits include providing a natural source of iodine, which is required for healthy thyroid function. Barley grass is a powerful antioxidant and contains many minerals; and alfalfa meal is extremely high in chlorophyll and minerals as well.
Did you know that Amino Acids are Building Blocks of Protein in the body and Support Healthy Cell Function?
This is our go-to if you have trouble digesting food, if you have a tendency to have gas after certain meals, or if you have a struggle with indigestion.
Essentialzyme is a bi-layered, multienzyme complex caplet specially formulated to improve and balance digestive health and to stimulate overall enzyme activity to combat the modern diet. Essentialzymes-4 is an enzyme supplement that contains pancrelipase, pancreatin, bromelain, lipase, trypsin and Betaine HCL; as well as six essential oils including cumin, anise, peppermint, tarragon, clove and fennel. Essentialzymes work to improve overall enzyme activity, reduce pancreatic stress, and support healthy pancreatic function.
Learn about all the benefits of digestive enzymes and the types of enzymes as well before selecting which enzyme is right for you.
Oils and Supplements for the Thyroid and Adrenals
A healthy functioning endocrine system is probably the CORE of having a healthy life. It is like the thermometer and gauge of your body. Every single person should look into the health of their thyroid if they are struggling to not lose weight. Here are some things to look into to support your body.
Thyromin natural thyroid supplement supports healthy thyroid function. It is a special blend of porcine glandular extracts, herbs, amino acids, minerals, and therapeutic-grade essential oils. This balanced formula maximizes nutritional support for healthy thyroid function.
Why Support Healthy Thyroid Function Nutritionally?
The thyroid gland regulates body metabolism, energy, and body temperature. Being proactive and supporting our thyroid in getting the proper amino acids and minerals is important to support a healthy lifestyle regimen.
EndoFlex Essential Oil is designed specifically to support a healthy endocrine system. The minty aroma is uplifting and energizing!
What is in EndoFlex Essential Oil Blend?
There are six different premium quality essential oils in EndoFlex.
They are listed below along with a brief description of each oil.
Geranium Essential Oil (Pelargonium graveolens) helps you relax and is supportive to healthy skin! Used traditionally to support the circulatory and nervous systems, a great deal of its strength lies in its ability to revitalize body tissues.
Spearmint Essential Oil (Mentha spicata) Rich in carvone and d-limonene. Blend with Peppermint oil for digestive system support. May support respiratory health.
Sage Essential Oil (Salvia officinalis) May help to uplift and aid with mental fatigue. It has been recognized for its ability to strengthen the senses and vital centers of the body and to support metabolism. It is helpful for supporting the respiratory, reproductive, nervous, and other body systems.
Myrtle Essential Oil (Myrtus communis) is supportive of the respiratory system, skin, and hair, it has been researched for its effects on glandular imbalances. It is also helpful for meditation and lifting the spirit.
Nutmeg Essential Oil (Myristica fragrans) is energizing and uplifting! It also supports nervous and endocrine systems and prostaglandin balance.
German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) made from German chamomile flowers contains chamazulene, a compound studied for its ability to support the body’s natural response to irritation and injury. It clears the mind and creates patience and peace.
Alright, this concludes our class! We hope that you enjoyed learning more about how oils and products from Young Living can support your overall wellness and mood! It is our hope and desire that you truly feel your best from the inside out! We think that you are worth it and that you can do it! You got this!