Supplements Class
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We are so so glad that you are here, and we can’t wait to share with you some of our favorite Young Living supplements! We have so much available to us to target different body systems and provide support for different deficiencies. Make sure to refresh your browser every few minutes if you don’t see the newest post pop up. Every post will be numbered so that you can view them in order. Hooray!!
We’ll be highlighting some of the most popular supplements YL offers, but this is just the start—there are so many!
Quick disclaimer—we are not doctors nor do we have a background in the medical field. We are just some girls who care about wellness! We are not claiming that we ourselves or any of these products can diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases. We encourage you to run all these things by your doctor, and if you’re on any medication, do not stop taking it!
As we get started, let us know in the comments—what are your favorite Young Living supplements that you’ve tried?!?!?!
With thousands of multivitamins, minerals, and other unpronounceable supplements lining health food store shelves, it’s no wonder people are confused.
Where do we start? Should we start? Do we even need supplements? Which of these pills and potions are legit, if any? Are the people that buy these just investing in really expensive pee? How do we know what to take?
As the Standard American Diet shifts further and further away from nutrient-dense foods, nutrient deficiency is becoming a widespread epidemic.
10 Reasons You Should Take Supplements:
+ Our diets aren't as nutrient dense as they should be.
+ Soil depletion: Our soil isn't what it used to be.
+ Water depletion. Our water also has been tainted.
+ Low calorie diets and low nutrient diets.
+ Non-organic foods contain fewer nutrients
+ Grain-fed meat & cooked/conventional dairy has been modified on a nutrient level: Compared to grass-fed meat, grain-fed meat is abysmally low in antioxidants, micronutrients, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins
+ Toxic Exposure: your body needs nutrients to deal with the toxins that are present in our environment
+ Nutrient absorption declines with age
+ Exercise increases nutrient needs
+ Supplementation may help you live longer
So why Young Living supplements?
Research has shown that before putting essential oils in MultiGreens, there was 42 percent blood absorption in 24 hours. After adding essential oils to MultiGreens, blood absorption increased to 64 percent in 30 minutes, and 86 percent in an hour. The conclusion was that the cells were now receiving nutrients that they had previously not been able to assimilate.
So many of these supplements that we love are infused with essential oils, which help so much with absorption, plus we also get all the added support from the oils themselves!!!
It’s truly amazing that we have such high-quality supplements that we can use to support our bodies!!!
One of the amazing benefits of taking supplements is they allows us to target specific body systems—whether to provide added support right where we need it or to keep us above that wellness line! Young Living has supplements that target the circulatory system, healthy bones and joints, brain health, the digestive system, the nervous system, hormone support, and MORE! We can give our bodies exactly what they need!!
But let me ask you something--have you ever tried a supplement and wondered if it was really making a difference?!
Me too.
And actually, that is quite normal!
Supplements work in our bodies much differently than over the counter or prescription medications do. Many people expect them to work in the same way that conventional drugs work, but in reality, they typically don't, and that is an awesome thing (not to downplay the need for conventional medicine!).
Supplements work in our bodies in subtle ways over time. One of the reasons that you might not notice if a supplement is working when you've been taking it for awhile is that often times, our bodies actually need to build up whatever it is lacking from the supplement that you are taking. For instance, say you need some vitamin D in your life--just taking one vitamin D supplement isn't going to boost your vitamin D levels enough for you to notice support. Even taking them for a couple weeks isn't enough. It is something that needs to build up in your system over time, which makes consistency key. In fact, sometimes it takes months of taking a certain supplement for you notice little changes happening in your body, and it can take even longer than that for your body to be balanced in the right way to get the most out of it.
Of course, there are always exceptions to that. Some people notice such a difference right away when targeting a certain body system, but that isn’t always the case. We might not always feel their power in a dramatic way, but that doesn't mean that they are not working. They are meant to work gradually and help our bodies to work naturally.
If you've been taking a certain supplement or targeting a certain body system, don't be discouraged if you don't notice a big difference right off the bat, or even at all! Our bodies all respond to supplements in different ways. Some of us may notice the support right away, but others of us won’t—but that doesn’t mean it isn’t giving us the support we need. It is important to be super consistent in our supplement routine in order to notice the most change and receive the most support overtime. But don't get discouraged! It is very likely that your body is building up what it needs in its system, and this takes time and happens slowly. Remember that they work differently than medications--they're meant to work differently. And keep at it! We have so many great choices to support our health and wellness.
So that all being said, let’s talk about some of our favorite supplements!!
Source of: Healthy fats, Vitamin D, CoQ10
Targets: Heart, Brain, Eye, & Joint Health
An alternative to MindWise, especially for those with nut allergies who might have a problem with the Sacha Inchi nut, is OmegaGize. This is a supplement rich in the nutrients needed to feed a healthy heart and brain such as CoQ10. A starving brain and heart malfunction while proper nourishment can promote wellness at any stage of life.
Important info for those using statin drugs to reduce cholesterol!
"At least 1 in 4 American adults over the age of 40 are currently taking a statin drug to lower their cholesterol. Soon that number is expected to reach 1 in 3. Statins work by inhibiting the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, which is one of the facilitators of your body's production of cholesterol. But statins also impair production of CoQ10, and the resulting depletion can have very severe consequences.
"This is a very important topic," Schulman says. "Many who take statins have the side effects of muscle pain, fatigue and memory loss — to such a point that compliance becomes an issue; people don't want to be on statins anymore. It's been documented and recognized medically that these are real effects and that they're due to the statins. What's actually happening? The way a statin works is that it blocks your body's production of cholesterol.
“We're always thinking about cholesterol from the diet ... Most people don't realize that cholesterol in the body comes from two places: from the diet and from your internal production of cholesterol. Cholesterol is quite important to your body, because cholesterol is one of the major components of cell membranes. It's also the precursor for all the sex hormones. It's not all bad. It's just bad when there's too much and that depends on what kind as well.
“Besides shutting down your body's ability to produce ubiquinol, statin drugs also shut down the conversion of vitamin K1 to vitamin K2, which is critically important in many body functions, including heart health.
“Impairing these three pathways — the production of cholesterol and CoQ10, and the vitamin K1 to K2 conversion — has adverse effects on the production of energy and on cardiovascular health, and here's why: when you reduce your ubiquinol levels, the conversion of your food to energy becomes less efficient, which leads to lower energy, fatigue and muscle pains.
“And the longer you're on a statin drug, the more ubiquinol-starved your body becomes and the more severe the side effects become. Recently published papers have also detailed the cardiovascular repercussions of statins. As it turns out, they actually end up causing many of the disease endpoints the drugs promised to prevent."
- The Many Health Benefits of Coenzyme Q10 and Ubiquinol
OmegaGize is a heart-friendly and health-friendly option!
Video by Debra Raybern: or
Q: Can you take this when pregnant and nursing?
A: Yes, if there are no allergies to fish.
Q: Can children takes this?
A: Usually it's recommended to take at a third or half dosage if there are no allergies to fish.
Q: When should these be taken?
A: The bottle suggests morning and evening. Taking with food helps them to settle in the stomach better and not come back up in the throat throughout the day.
Why do you love your OmegaGize?
I like to call this the hair, skin, and nails super power! And it is just that, so much more!
What is Sulfurzyme?
“Sulfurzyme is a unique combination of MSM, the protein-building compound found in breast milk, fresh fruits and vegetables, and Ningxia wolfberry. Together, they create a new concept in balancing the immune system and supporting almost every major function of the body. MSM has the ability to equalize water inside the cells, which is a considerably beneficial for those needing joint support.”
----From the Essential Oil Desk Reference, Life Science Publishing
Why should I take Sulfurzyme?
If you have skin, hair, nails, or joints (and we hope you do), you are likely not getting enough of this compound. Weak and brittle nails, hair that doesn't grow or isn't healthy, joints that are painful, and skin issues can all be giant billboard signs telling you that you need more nutrition in this area. Skin that is ultra-sensitive to the topical use of oils can be another tell-tale sign. This one supplement can do so much to help you benefit from everything else you are doing with your oils to increase your health.
"What makes this product different from the other products is the exceptional purity of MSM we use. This pharmaceutical grade MSM in Sulfurzyme is light years away from the low-grade material imported from Asia. Unfortunately, a great deal of the MSM sold in the U.S. originates from Asia. I believe that the key ingredient that makes Sulfurzyme so effective is the Chinese Wolfberry. With over 18 amino acids and 21 minerals, the wolfberry is one of the most nutrient-dense foods known. Few people realize that in order for us and our pets to properly metabolize the sulfur in MSM, the body requires minerals like molybdenum. When these are missing, MSM does not work as well. This is why wolfberry is so important." - D. Gary Young, founder of Young Living
Q: Can pregnant and nursing women take this supplement?
A: Yes.
Q: Can kids or pets take this supplement?
A: Yes! And with great benefit. The powder version is easy to slip into other foods or drinks.
Q: What's the difference in the power and the capsule?
A: The only difference is that the powder contains Stevia as a sweetener to enhance the taste and prebiotics and then each contains the needed other ingredients to stabilize it in each form. It's a preferred method of ingesting for the most part.
Have you tried Sulfurzyme? Why do you love it? Maybe this is a missing piece to add to your wellness puzzle!
#6: LIFE 9
Source of: Good bacteria/gut flora
Targets: Gut, Digestion, Skin, Brain, Immune System
Life 9 is a proprietary, high-potency probiotic that combines 17 billion live cultures from 9 beneficial bacteria strains that promotes healthy digestion, supports gut health, and helps maintain normal intestinal function for overall support of a healthy immune system.
Life 9 is specially designed with delayed-release capsules, a dual-sorbent desiccant, and a special bottle and cap that ensure your Life 9 stays fresh and effective. Each bottle contains 30 capsules, making it easy to use this helpful supplement daily.
Life 9 includes 9 probiotic strains for full-spectrum gut support:
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Bifidobacterium lactis
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
Lactobacillus salivarius
Streptococcus thermophilus
Bifidobacterium breve
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Bifidobacterium longum
Many today consider regularly taking a high-quality probiotic to be one of the core pieces to a healthy gut which in turn is a key to brain, immune, and skin health.
Dr. Mercola talks about why you need them here, and yet many of us struggle to get enough through our diet alone.
"Your body contains about 100 trillion bacteria -- more than 10 times the number of cells you have in your entire body. It's now quite clear that the type and quantity of micro-organisms in your gut interact with your body in ways that can either prevent or encourage the development of many diseases. The ideal ratio between the bacteria in your gut is 85 percent "good" and 15 percent "bad.""
“Why do I need a probiotic?
The sole purpose of all these good bacteria is to aid in the digestion of different foods, ensuring that we can break down our meals into absorbable, dissolvable nutrients. The task seems simple enough, but modern toxins, overly processed food, daily stress and antibiotics can deplete and damage our bacteria.
When we take antibiotics, not only do we deplete our good bacteria, but we give an opportunity for our bad bacteria to grow. If anyone is currently taking antibiotics, they may want to consider taking a probiotic supplement afterward.” ----From a video by Lindsey Elmore on the Importance of Life 9
Q: When should these be taken?
A: In the evening, following your meal for best absorption.
Q: Can they be taken by children?
A: Yes, typically around a half capsule is given in a smoothie, applesauce, yogurt, etc. and you can work up to a full capsule watching for any loose stool (I even give it to my dogs!)
Q: Can pregnant and nursing women take these:
A: Yes, it is beneficial for both.
Q: Should it be taken while on an antibiotic?
A: Typically, probiotics are taken once a round of antibiotics is complete since the antibiotics destroy gut flora.
Why do you love Life 9?!
Did you know that a woman’s ability to absorb the vitamin B12 gradually decreases with age? Dizziness, pins and needles, forgetfulness, exhaustion, vision issues, increased anxiety, and muscle weakness are just a few of the things you might experience if you are low on vitamin B. Good news we have SUPER B to come to our rescue!!!!
Super B is a comprehensive vitamin complex containing eight essential and energy-boosting B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. The complete B-vitamin profile in Super B not only assists in maintaining healthy energy levels, it also supports the nervous system, aids in maintaining normal cardiovascular function, and helps with internal enzyme reactions. With the new addition of B5, Super B now also assists with mood support.
Combined with three key minerals—magnesium, zinc, and selenium—the Super B formula catalyzes vital chemical-metabolic reactions, thereby facilitating B vitamin absorption. Because B vitamins are interdependent, a supplement like Super B is highly recommended for multi-function support in the body.
Primary Benefits:
+ Supports healthy energy levels.
+ Helps with normal, overall cardiovascular health and function.
+ Improves on a positive outlook and enhances mood.
+ Supports the nervous system and aids in normal digestive function.
+ Helps internal enzyme reactions that control circulation, hormones, and overall health.
+ Supports proper nutrient absorption for needed energy control.
Who Should Take Super B:
+ Adults who are looking for more energy and stamina.
+ Any person who needs assistance with mood support.
+ Any person who wants to support cardiovascular, digestive, or nervous system function.
+ Any person who wants to ensure balanced B vitamin intake.
Suggested Use
+ Take 1 tablet daily with a meal.
Master Formula is a full-spectrum, multinutrient complex, providing premium vitamins, minerals, and food-based nutrients to support general health and well-being. By utilizing a Synergistic Suspension Isolation process—SSI Technology—ingredients are delivered in three distinct delivery forms. Collectively, these ingredients provide a premium, synergistic complex to support your body.
Primary Benefits:
+ Naturally supports general health and well-being for the body.
+ Has gut flora-supporting prebiotics.
+ Ingredients help neutralize free radicals in the body.
+ Includes antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other food-based nutrients
Who Should Use Master Formula?
Everyone 12 years and older
Individuals looking to support general health and well-being
Individuals looking for a high-quality multivitamin
Individuals looking for a full-spectrum, multinutrient complex
Suggested Use:
+ Take 1 packet (1 liquid capsule, 1 caplet, 2 capsules) daily with water or with 1–2 oz. of NingXia Red.
Enzymes are the keys to life itself. Without them, we no longer exist. Over 300 enzymatic reactions occur in the body every second. We NEED enzymes.
The definition of an enzyme is "a protein chemical that accelerates a chemical reaction in the body without being consumed in the process." We need enzymes for our very existence. Just as the life process depends on oxygen, it also depends on enzymes. While oxygen is fuel to the body, enzymes are the "go-betweens" that control the rate and speed of the energy output of each cell. They are catalysts. They energize you by helping to start your day and keep you going. They are needed for every chemical reaction in the body. Vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients cannot be used effectively without enzymes. The function of the immune system depends upon the presence of enzymes as well. The body works to produce enzymes needed for the smooth operation of the immune system.
We have over 3,000 different enzymes in our bodies. Some are derived from foods and others are produced in the body. The pancreas produces digestive enzymes, and the salivary glands produce other enzymes that help break down food so it may be properly assimilated.
Enzymes are destroyed by heat and processing, so in an ordinary diet, we rarely get the enzymes we need from food. Did you know that in the 12th week of gestation, the baby receives it's "enzyme potential" for life? (Dr. DicQie Fuller, The Healing Power of Enzymes). Eating a diet with plenty of raw foods will give us some very great enzymes, but even raw foods will lose their enzymes as they sit and oxidize. Fresh is always best.
First, there are metabolic enzymes. This class of enzymes assists our mental and sensory systems, thinking, hearing, smelling, seeing, and feeling.
The second category is what we could call food enzymes because they are responsible for the digestion and assimilation of our foods. Eating good foods is awesome, but to unlock the full potential of every vitamin and mineral in these foods takes enzymes. Most of us eat foods depleted in enzymes making supplementation an important part of our daily routine.
The third category of enzymes is to support our immune and defense system.
Essential Oils are from plants and therefore food. Gary Young has said for years that authentic, quality (our) essential oils have the DNA blueprint of hormones, enzymes and proteins. Young Living is the only company to incorporate essential oils in its enzyme formulations to make them more bioavailable and effective. If we cannot breakdown the foods we eat, we can't utilize the nutrients found in these foods.
Young Living has several enzyme options to choose from:
Allerzyme is a complex blend of enzymes, botanicals and essential oils to support proper digestion, waste elimination and nutrient utilization.
Detoxzyme is a vegan formula to take with meals or between meals to digest food missed when eating. One of the ingredients of Detoxzyme is the essential oil, DiGize. Added to this product is also an enzyme (cellulase) that digests cellulose, a fiber which humans cannot digest without assistance of outside enzymes.
Essentialzyme is your all-purpose digestive enzyme that also contains herbs. Taken just prior to eating, Essentialzyme supports digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Essentialzyme is more effective for breaking down what's in the body and is best taken between meals. The children’s chewable version is called KidScents MightyZyme.
Essentialzymes-4 contains all the necessary enzymes to break down all the fiber, carbs, fats, and proteins we are eating at meals. The dual time-released technology releases animal and plant-based enzymes at separate times in the digestive tract, allowing for optimal nutrient absorption. Essentialzyme-4 is more effective for taking with meals to digest food.
Take your pick. They are all great and all include the three types of enzymes. Have you tried any of them yet?
Source of: Good fats and Vitamin D
Targets: Brain and Heart Health
MindWise combines exotic sacha inchi nut oil with a proprietary MindWise oil blend for a unique supplement that supports normal brain and heart function. Harvested from the Peruvian Amazon, sacha inchi nuts are cold pressed to create a vegetarian oil with a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and an unmatched percentage of desirable omega-3 fatty acids (α-Linolenic acid). Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) and pure essential oils are added to complete the MindWise oil blend. The proprietary Memory blend features ALCAR, GPC, and bio-identical CoQ10, ingredients that have been studied for their beneficial health properties. Generous amounts of vitamin D3 and a unique delivery method create a premium supplement that supports normal memory function and overall cognitive and cardiovascular health.
Your heart and your brain are directly connected. Surprise!
We must have the nutrients needed to feed a healthy cardiovascular system and proper circulation in order to provide the brain with what it needs. Correct types of fatty acids are the key to prime function of your vital organs. Pregnant and breastfeeding women need even MORE of this than others do but often get less due to struggling with getting the right foods with morning sickness. The average American diet does not contain anywhere near (and sometimes none at all) what we need of the nutrients contained in the MindWise and OmegaGize supplements.
The short version is that we NEED certain nutrients, or our heart and brain will literally starve. Sometimes that brain fog or inability to focus that we think is exhaustion or a behavioral disorder is actually a form of malnutrition.
*Those with severe nut allergies who might have a problem with the Sacha Inchi nut, may want to consider OmegaGize as an alternative. Those with any seafood allergies may want to consider MindWise instead of any fish oils.*
Q: How and when should I take it?
A: You can take it directly from a spoon or mix in Ningxia or juice. We take ours in the morning for a great, focused day.
Q: What does it taste like?
A: Berries. Pretty sweet. My kids love it.
Q: Can I give it to children?
A: Yes! There is a kids' dosage on the bottle. It's great for them!
Q: Can I take it while pregnant?
A: These are key nutrients for developing a baby's brain as well as supporting your own. As always, do your own research and do what you feel comfortable doing during your pregnancy as well as consulting a professional.
Q: What are the colored things floating in it? Is that okay?
A: Yes! These are the fats separating.
Q: Does it need to be refrigerated?
A: Yes, after opening.
Why do you love your MindWise?
MultiGreens is a “green drink” in capsule form! No fuss, no mess. Just take the capsules, and you’ve fortified your body with this high-protein, high-energy chlorophyll formula that invigorates and revitalizes the body. It contains ingredients that help cleanse the blood and support the immune, thyroid, and digestive systems to relieve stress, and promote energy metabolism and glucose utilization.
MultiGreens is made with spirulina, alfalfa sprouts, barley grass, bee pollen, Pacific kelp, and therapeutic-grade essential oils:
+Spirulina is a source of chlorophyll, a magnesium-rich pigment that has been linked to improved energy and metabolism. Spirulina has been used as a tonic, purifier, and detoxifier. It targets the immune system, liver, kidneys, blood, intestinal flora, and cardiovascular systems.
+Barley grass juice concentrate is an antioxidant that is rich in minerals.
+Bee pollen is high in protein and low in fat and sodium. It is loaded with vitamins and minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, and B vitamins.
+Eleuthero root, also known as Siberian Ginseng Root, enhances physical and mental vitality and endurance.
+L-arginine is an amino acid that promotes circulation in the small capillaries of our tissues, allowing greater nutrient absorption and cellular metabolism.
+L-cystine is an amino acid that supports healthy liver function and hair.
+L-tyrosine supports the formation of neuro-transmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin.
+Choline bitartrate has been used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and many liver disorders, including elevated cholesterol levels, viral hepatitis, and cirrhosis.
+Kelp contains iodine that helps prevent goiters, thyroid hormonal imbalance, and estrogen imbalance.
Exclusive to Young Living’s MultiGreens are the following essential oils:
+Melissa (Melissa officinalis) helps with inflammation and is energizing.
+Lemon (Citrus limon) helps with cholesterol and increases lymphatic (immune) function.
+Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) helps with parasites and promotes digestion.
+Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) helps with candida and supports balance of the endocrine system.
Like we mentioned in the beginning of the class, research has shown that before putting essential oils in MultiGreens (formerly known as VitaGreen), there was 42 percent blood absorption in 24 hours. After adding essential oils to MultiGreens, blood absorption increased to 64 percent in 30 minutes, and 86 percent in an hour. The conclusion was that the cells were now receiving nutrients that they had previously not been able to assimilate.
Thyromin is a special blend of porcine glandular extracts, herbs, amino acids, minerals, and therapeutic-grade essential oils in a perfectly balanced formula that maximizes nutritional support for healthy thyroid function. The thyroid gland regulates body metabolism, energy, and body temperature.
Being proactive and supporting our thyroid in getting the proper amino acids and minerals is important to support a healthy lifestyle regimen.
What is in Thyromin Natural Thyroid Supplement?
There are several natural ingredients as well as four essential oils in Thyromin.
+ Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl acetate and as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) – Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant.
+ Kelp – Kelp is a natural ingredient whose main component is iodine.
+ Adrenal and Pituitary Extracts (Argentina bovine source) – Provides support to healthy glandular function.
+ CoQ10 – Enzyme used by every cell in the body to convert food to energy.
As well as potassium, parsley, L-cystine , L-cysteine HCL, and magnesium carbonate
These essential oils are also found in Thyromin:
+ Spearmint Essential Oil is rich in carvone and d-limonene, may help calm occasional nausea.
+ Peppermint Essential Oil is one of the most highly regarded herbs for supporting normal digestion, including promoting healthy intestinal function and gastrointestinal system comforts. It is also a key oil in the Raindrop Technique.
+ Myrtle Essential Oil is supportive of the respiratory system, skin, and hair. It has been researched for its effects on glandular imbalances. It is also helpful for meditation and lifting the spirit.
+ Myrrh Essential Oil is a very powerful antioxidant which may support healthy skin.
What are the documented uses of Thyromin? It supports healthy endocrine system and healthy thyroid function and supports energy levels.
How do I Use it?
Take one or two capsules per day before bed or rotate one in the morning and one during the evening.
* If you are currently on a thyroid medication, consult your doctor before starting this supplement.
Let’s talk about cleansing. What are some of the benefits of cleansing? Cleansing your system can help to boost energy levels, rid your body of any excess waste, help with weight loss, support a stronger immune system, improve the overall appearance and health of skin, better your brain health (because the state of our digestive health correlates right to our brains!), increases the body’s absorption of vitamins and minerals, make the digestive system work more effectively, and help with overall mood and wellbeing. I mean, talk about some amazing benefits to consider cleansing!!
The beauty of using our oils is that they help promote all of these things in our bodies—supporting our wellness, digestive tracts, and detoxing. But sometimes we need a little bit more than that—we need to target what is going on in our body and give it a good reset.
Did you know that Young Living has some great cleansing options?!
Let’s talk about the Cleansing Trio!
The Cleansing Trio Kit contains the products you need to begin improving your health through cleansing your system and eliminating waste by specifically supporting normal liver function. Augmented with herbs that are rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, fiber, and essential oils, the Cleansing Trio will give you new energy and an improved sense of well-being.
Kit includes: Essentialzyme, ComforTone, and ICP
Let’s break these down a bit more!
+ Essentialzyme is a bi-layered, multienzyme complex caplet specially formulated to support and balance digestive health and to stimulate overall enzyme activity to combat the modern diet. Essentialzyme contains tarragon, peppermint, anise, fennel, and clove essential oils to improve overall enzyme activity, and support healthy pancreatic function.
+ ComforTone (capsules) is an effective combination of herbs and essential oils that support the health of the digestive system by eliminating residues from the colon and enhancing its natural ability to function optimally. Because it supports normal peristalsis (the wave-like contractions that move food through the intestines), ComforTone is ideal for strengthening the system that delivers nutrients to the rest of the body. It also contains ingredients that are beneficial to liver, gall bladder, and stomach health.
+ ICP helps keep your colon clean with an advanced mix of fibers that scour out residues. A healthy digestive system is important for the proper functioning of all other systems because it absorbs nutrients that are used throughout the body. ICP provides ingredients such as psyllium, oat bran, and flax and fennel seeds to form a combination of soluble and insoluble fibers. Enhanced with a special blend of essential oils, the fibers work to decrease the buildup of wastes, improve nutrient absorption, and help maintain a healthy heart. ICP provides two grams of dietary fiber, one gram of soluble fiber, and one gram of insoluble fiber per serving.
Use these on their own or as a combo to promote a healthy digestive track and to cleanse your body from waste buildup, and be ready to feel refreshed and brand new!!
Young Living also has a five-day nutritive cleanse, which facilitates gentle and effective cleansing to improve overall health and well-being. A minimum of four easy cleanses a year with our 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse and continued nutritional maintenance will help balance the extremes of the modern diet.
This nutritive cleanse includes the following:
Ningxia Red, an energizing, replenishing, whole wolfberry nutrient infusion;
Balance Complete, a super-food-based, daily energizer and nutritive cleanse; Digest + Cleanse, which soothes gastrointestinal discomfort and supports healthy digestion.
There are so many ways to go about cleansing—cleanses that are entirely food based, that target specific body systems, that focus on different areas. Whatever you are looking for, there are so many different ways that Young Living supplements can provide support!
Have you ever done a cleanse? Tell us about your experience with cleansing!
Check out this great book all about cleansing:
Do you know about antioxidants?
That word gets thrown around a lot as we discuss wellness, but what does it really mean?
Antioxidants are substances or nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. When our body cells use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals (by-products) which can cause damage. Antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" and hence prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals.
How about you? Do you like the idea of cleaners at work in your system? Want to reverse some damage done over time?
Enter Longevity!
Longevity softgels are a potent, proprietary blend of fat-soluble antioxidants. Longevity blend should be taken daily to strengthen the body’s systems to prevent the damaging effects of aging, diet, and the environment. Enriched with the pure essential oils thyme, orange, and now frankincense, Longevity protects DHA levels, a nutrient that supports brain function and cardiovascular health, promotes healthy cell regeneration, and supports liver and immune function. Longevity also contains clove oil, nature’s strongest antioxidant, for ultra-antioxidant support.
This is a daily must have! Have you tried it yet?
Who loves their Ningxia?!?!? Some might call this mama juice or sweet nectar sent directly from heaven!
Source of: Vitamins, antioxidants, nutrients
Targets: Overall health, immune system, healthy blood sugar levels, energy, and much more!
Why are we so huge on our Ningxia Red? Because, honestly, we're better people when we drink it. Sound a little far-fetched? Think about it. Do cars run better when fueled by the right gas? Why do we expect our bodies to run on second-rate, processed, non-fuel? We get worn out, our digestive systems get tired, our cells get dirty, and we need something we can assimilate quickly and easily to go to work.
Enter our Red friend. NingXia Red is a powerful antioxidant supplement drink made from wolfberry puree, blueberry, plum, cherry, aronia, and pomegranate juices, grape seed extract, Yuzu, Tangerine, Lemon and Orange essential oils, stevia and pure vanilla extract for flavor, and naturally occurring preservatives for stabilization.
NingXia Red supports immune function, liver function, and eye health and is reported to increase energy. (I can tell you it's more than reported to increase mine. I can tell within minutes how different I feel after drinking it!)
It is the highest known protection against the dangerous superoxide free radicals, as documented in the S-ORAC test conducted by Brunswick Laboratories. It is rich in ellagic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, it has 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, beta-carotene, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E.
It is an excellent whole-food source of nutrients that gives energy and strength to the body without harmful stimulates. It also has an amazing low glycemic index of 11 that does not spike the blood sugar levels.
One team member reports, “In fact, I can totally attest to it supporting blood sugar levels. As someone with insulin resistance, let’s just say Ningxia Red has totally changed the game!”
Do you love your Ningxia Red? Why do you drink it? How do you drink it? SHARE BELOW!!!!!!!!!
Q: Who can drink this?
A: Anyone! From the age they eat and drink foods up. Pets too! Beneficial for pregnant and nursing moms as well.
Q: How much should I drink?
A: Some start with an ounce. Most don't see dramatic results until drinking 2-4 ounces. Kids usually 1-2 ounces.
Q: What does it taste like?
A: An unsweetened berry fruit drink. It's delicious. If the taste needs to grow on you, mix with some juice or sparkling water.
Q: What's the most cost-effective way to order this?
A: On your Loyalty Order by purchasing the NingXia Red Loyalty Rewards kit. Don't miss by ordering NingXia Red on an Add to Cart order!
We all love to get great sleep, right?! But sometimes we need a little extra support. Enter SleepEssence!!
SleepEssence contains four powerful Young Living premium quality essential oils that have unique sleep-enhancing properties in a softgel vegetarian capsule for easy ingestion. Combining lavender, vetiver, valerian, and Ruta graveolens essential oils with the hormone melatonin—a well-known sleep aid—SleepEssence is a natural way to enable a full night's rest.
There are several natural ingredients as well as some amazing essential oils in Sleep Essence:
+ Melatonin - Science has revealed that melatonin is responsible for regulating the sleep cycle, is a powerful antioxidant and well known natural sleep aid.
As well as these amazing essential oils:
+ Valerian Essential Oil has been used for centuries. During the last three decades, it has been clinically investigated for its relaxing properties. Researchers have pinpointed the sesquiterpenes, valerenic acid, and valerone as the active constituents that exert a calming and restorative effect on the central nervous system. German health authorities have pronounced valerian to be an effective aid for the body's needs.
+ Lavender Essential Oil supports relaxation and can help you wind down before bed and even ease stress. Its balancing properties are soothing when diffused.
+ Vetiver Essential Oil brings you back to nature. It is a grounding oil and is one of the oils that is highest in sesquiterpenes, Vetiver was studied by Dr. Terry Friedmann for improving children's behavior. Vetiver may help when coping with stress and to recover from emotional trauma and shock.
+ Rue Essential Oil is relaxing and calming.
+ Tangerine Essential Oil is relaxing to the mind and body and supports positive emotions.
Have you tried SleepEssence yet??
#17: SUPER C
Perhaps more research has been performed on vitamin C than any other nutrient. In addition to being a potent antioxidant, vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins required by our bodies, and vitamin C is required for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It is necessary to form collagen, an important protein used by the skin, for scar tissue, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Vitamin C is essential for helping wounds, and for the repair and maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant. Antioxidants are nutrients that block some of the damage caused by free radicals.
Vitamin C deficiency can lead to dry and splitting hair; gingivitis and bleeding gums; rough, dry, scaly skin; decreased wound-healing rate, easy bruising; nosebleeds; weakened enamel of the teeth; swollen and painful joints; anemia; decreased ability to ward off infection; and, possibly, weight gain because of slowed metabolic rate and energy expenditure. A severe form of vitamin C deficiency is known as scurvy, which mainly affects older, malnourished adults.
It is important to include plenty of vitamin C in your daily diet, or because our bodies cannot manufacture or store it, take it in supplement form each day.
We LOVE the chewables for our kids!!!!!!!
Let’s talk about the AMAZING kids’ vitamins that we can use to help support our kiddos’ health and wellness and keep them above that wellness line!
KidScents MightyVites Chewable Tablets
KidScents MightyVites include a full range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that deliver whole-food multinutrient support to your child’s general health and well-being. Following in the footsteps of the recent Master Formula reformulation, MightyVites benefit from Orgen-Kid, a nutrient-dense, food-based superfruit, plant, and vegetable complex. Free of preservatives and artificial colors and flavors, these delicious, berry-flavored chewables give your children full nutritional support.
Orgen-Kid is formulated with Orgen-FA, which is the best source for natural folate available. Orgen-FA® is 100 percent USDA Certified Organic and does not contain synthetic folic acid or additives. It is extracted using hot water and is no different than the folic acid that is produced when boiling broccoli.
Children ages 4–12, take 4 chewable tablets daily. Can be taken separately or in a single daily dose.
KidScents MightyZyme Chewable Tablets
KidScents MightyZyme is an all-natural, vegetarian product in the form of chewable tablets designed to help children combat the negative effects of enzyme depletion. MightyZyme chewables address each of the digestive needs of growing bodies and assist normal digestion of all foods, including proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. So much of our immune system resides in our guts! It’s so great that we can give our kid’s the best supplements out there to support their digestive systems!
Have your kiddos tried them yet?!
We’re so grateful that you were able to join us tonight as we talk all about these amazing supplements! Having these products full of the best essential oils on the planet that can target so many different areas of health and wellness has been a blessing to us and our families!
So, tell us, what are you looking forward to trying?!
Have a great night, friends!