All About Thieves (Private class only)
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Get ready to have your socks knocked off by the amazing power that is behind Young Living’s most popular essential oil blend! There is a reason that everyone who uses it loves it! We are so thankful you have decided to join us in learning more about all things THIEVES!
Before we get started, please thoroughly read the disclaimer in the graphic.
We will be discussing essential oils and other products for overall health and wellness, household and personal care. Always do your own research and consult your doctor with any questions or concerns. It is also very important to note that everything in this class applies ONLY to Young Living premium essential oils.
This is WHY this class only applies to Young Living oils: Young Living is the only essential oil company in the world to offer the comprehensive Seed to Seal process. They own their own farms, and they’re dedicated to sustainability and responsible farming practices. Young Living does not spray their crops with chemicals; all planting and weed control is done by hand and they use only essential oils for pest control. Every step is executed with full transparency. From the moment the seed touches to soil until it is sent to your doorstep, your oils are guaranteed to be pure and of the utmost quality. They’ve been around for over 25 years and set the standard in the essential oil industry. No other company compares to Young Living. They are the original; they are the best! And, as you will learn, Young Living is SO much more than just essential oils!
Thieves is the most amazing blend of highly powerful germ fighting oils. It was created from research about a group of 15th century thieves who rubbed oils on themselves to avoid contracting the plague while they robbed the bodies of the dead and dying. When apprehended, the thieves were forced to tell what their secret was and disclosed the formula of herbs, spices, and oils they used to protect themselves in exchange for more lenient punishment. Young Living has recreated this blend and given it the unique name Thieves after its amazing history. There are lots of oil blends on the market that claim to kill germs and support the immune system, but none are as potent or effective as Thieves. Because it is so versatile and powerful, Young Living now has an entire line of health-supporting Thieves products!
Thieves is a blend of 5 essential oils: Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary. Studies conducted in 1997 at Weber State University demonstrated the killing power of these amazing oils against airborne microorganisms. The analysis showed that after just 10 minutes of Thieves diffusion in the air, the number of airborne bacteria was reduced by over 80%. Another study found Thieves killed over 99.96% of bacteria on surfaces. These cleansing abilities make it highly effective in supporting the immune system and good health.
Need more proof? Check out this amazing comparison of germ killing powers! This is a streak plate of staph and Young Living essential oils as a lab experiment on 10/9/13. The triangular papers were soaked in the following solutions - regular hand sanitizer, Thieves essential oil blend, Lavender essential oil, and Peppermint essential oil. ONE WEEK later, this was the result. As you can see there is staph (white dots surrounding the triangular papers) in the hand sanitizer quadrant, none in the Thieves, and inhibited growth in the Lavender and Peppermint quadrants. It is amazing that even Lavender and Peppermint did a better job keeping staph at bay than the conventional hand sanitizer! (Tested by Rebecca Luttrell)
With germ-killing powers this strong, it’s clear that Thieves would make an effective addition to everyday chores. Thieves Household Cleaner offers a nontoxic, biodegradable, all-purpose cleaning solution using premium essential oils and other plant-based extracts as emulsifiers and germ killers. Thieves Household Cleaner is highly concentrated; use just 1-3 capfuls per 24-48 ounces of water.
Never be without the germ-killing power of Thieves! The Thieves Spray and Wipes are ideal for use on door handles, toilet seats, shopping carts, and any surface that needs cleansing to protect from dust, mold, and undesirable microorganisms. Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer is an all-natural hand sanitizer designed to cleanse and refresh the hands. This is a great alternative to conventional, chemical laden hand sanitizers! It can be used by adults and children to keep hands clean and promote good hygiene without the use of water. These are all perfect size for traveling or keeping in your purse or backpack.
A natural alternative to chemical soaps, Thieves Foaming Hand Soap contains the essential oils blend Thieves, which we know has powerful cleansing and germ-killing properties. Thieves essential oil blend penetrates beneath the skin’s surface, providing a long-lasting barrier of protection. This gentle, foaming soap also contains ingredients such as vitamin E, aloe vera, and Gingko Biloba to moisturize and soften the skin and provide a balanced pH to support the skin’s natural moisture complex. The Thieves Cleansing Soap bar is also enriched with the powerful Thieves essential oil blend, moisturizing plant oils, and botanical extracts to help cleanse, purify, and promote soft, healthy skin. Ditch the toxic antibacterial soaps, which are filled with chemical fragrance and harsh surfactants, and switch to natural Thieves soaps instead!
The Thieves line has several different options for toothpaste, but the favored one is called AromaBright. The AromaBright toothpaste has the powerful oil Ocotea, as well as Thieves—both are essential for reducing oral inflammation, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. AromaBright also contains whitening enzymes, special tartar control agents and a low abrasion formula. There is also Thieves mouthwash and dental floss—for the complete Thieves-infused oral care routine!
We all know that there are certain times of the year that you just want to avoid everyone and their germs. The wonderful thing about Thieves is how amazing it is at supporting the immune system, giving the body some extra comfort. Young Living has some amazing Thieves Hard Lozenges and Thieves Cough Drops. I tend to pop one of these in my mouth when I am going to be out in public to give my body an extra Thieves boost! The cough drops are great for minor sore throat and coughs! Another Thieves-loaded product is a supplement called Inner Defense. It is our defense & protection in today’s toxic environment. It can be difficult to maintain a healthy, functioning immune system with constant exposure to harmful germs, bacteria, poor diet, polluted water and air, and lack of sleep, which can negatively affect physical and emotional health. Young Living's Inner Defense reinforces systemic defenses, creates unfriendly terrain for yeast/fungus, promotes healthy respiratory function, and contains potent essential oils like oregano, thyme, and Thieves, which are rich in thymol, carvacrol, and eugenol for immune support!
I’m sure you’re thinking… this is good, but why make the switch what I am using right now works just fine. I thought the exact same thing!
Let me share with you just one super common ingredient in nearly everything—FRAGRANCE.
Fragrance is an undisclosed collection that can include hundreds of toxic chemicals.
Why we hate it: Short term toxicity can cause coughing, skin irritation, rash, wheezing, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and irritability. Long term toxicity includes cancer, lung disease, heart disease, and reproductive complications. You can find this in a ton of products-- scented candles, perfumes, lotions, fragrance oils, body sprays, shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, and cosmetics. Fragrance is just one of many unsafe chemicals in most homes. Replacing your current household products with something truly safe, like the Thieves line, will help you and your family live a happier, healthier life. I know because I’ve done it and lived it!
Now that you have found many of the THIEVES products Young Living has to offer, I’m sure you want to know how to get them, so you can start clearing out toxins in your home for a safe, natural alternative. Right? New members get a pretty amazing deal. In the Thieves Premium Starter Bundle, you get a 15ml bottle of Thieves (about 300 drops of oil!), AromaBright Toothpaste, Mouthwash, 2 bottles of the highly concentrated Thieves Household Cleaner, 2 bottles of Thieves Foaming Hand Soap, 2 bottles of Thieves Spray, 2 On-the-go Thieves Hand Sanitizers. This bundle will get you a 24% discount off retail pricing. 😊
Once you have access to discounted prices with the Thieves Premium Starter Bundle, you also gain access to the best way to order your refills and try other amazing YL products. That way is with through Loyalty Rewards. Loyalty Rewards (LR) is Young Living’s member loyalty program. It is truly phenomenal! Last year, our family earned over $1,500 in free products—that we use! No ordering products that we don’t want and having excess “stock” in our garage. 😉
I’m so excited for you to start this amazing journey, kicking toxins to the curb and claiming back your family’s health! I’m always here for you!