Vaccine Detox


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Vaccinating or not vaccinating is your choice as parents. Do your research properly, use actual books written by doctors, and peer-reviewed studies by a third party, and read the vaccine inserts (not the handouts they give you. The ACTUAL insert. You have to ask for it and they often won’t give it to you. You can find inserts on the CDC website. Read them.)
You can never undo it. Yes, you can detox and flush out the toxins but its not always 100% fool proof.

Okay so that being said, I’m often asked for a detox protocol.
Comments about vaccination vs not vaccinating will be deleted. This is a safe space and we respect everyone’s choices for their family.

Here is a short version and a second longer version.
Vaccine detox protocol:
- Lavender on injection site
- Frankincense & Coriander on the spine to push out the heavy metals
- DiGize to protect the gut
- Peppermint on feet for fever
- JuvaCleanse on the feet and liver to clear the toxins.

In addition to essential oils, Dr. Blaylock has a vaccine protocol that is also widely used.
1. Put a cold compress on the site immediately afterwards and continue to apply.

2. Vitamin E, the natural form that is high in gamma-E will help dampen the immune reactions and reduces several of the inflammatory cytokines.

3. Vitamin C and D (Super C, Super Vitamin D)

4. DO NOT ever give fever reducers, (Tylenol). It depletes glutathione and can make any adverse reaction worse.

5. Lots of cilantro herb and coriander oil

6. Detox bath of 1-2 c baking soda (you can add the oils in there, too) Baking soda: // Epsom salt:

7. Raw camel milk: (SPEAKUP for 10% off)

8. DiGize on the bottom of the feet is helpful when applied often

9. Probiotics (Life 9, MightyPro)

10. Silica - (You can purchase silica in liquid mineral form, as a cell salt, or as an herbal supplement)

11. Omegas (OmegaGize)

12. Elderberry syrup 2 weeks before and after vaccination: Adult=1 Tbsp. every 3 hours, Children=1tsp every 3 hours

13. Vitamin C (Super C)

14. Colloidal Silver is also a very strong antiviral.

15. Zinc - a mineral that fights infection and improves immunity. It also helps with skin and respiratory tract related side effects of vaccine like rash and sudden outbreak of eczema, cough, cold and flu like symptoms. (Mineral Essence)

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