
Tips, testimonials, recipes, and studies

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Tips, testimonials, recipes, and studies

Tips, testimonials, recipes, and studies

The Oils that changed our lives......

My 12 year old son was diagnosed with severe ADHD, ODD, Bi-Polar, and Sensory Asperger’s. His first diagnosis of ADHD was at 18 months when he was only sleeping 2 hours in a 24 hour period. As reluctant as we were, we took the advice of our doctor and started him on medication for ADHD. Throughout the last 10 years, he has been on every type of ADHD medication and developed a high tolerance with the meds not lasting as long and causing other side effects, including Turrets. The medication made him extremely aggressive and we had to seek counseling for this aggression because he was threatening to harm himself and other family members. A good friend of mine (now my up-line) introduced me to Young Living Essential Oils. I laughed at him when he graciously gave me a sample of Vetiver, Peace and Calming, Lavender, and Cedarwood. The samples were only a couple of drops of each and my son was on over 120 mg of medication at the time. I just “knew” one drop was NOT going to be enough. Boy was I wrong. I had talked at length with my son about trying an all-natural alternative and he was all for it. So, when my son got off the bus, hyper as all get out, I place one drop of Vetiver on the bottom of his big toes and on the base of his neck, and had him smell Peace and Calming and then placed another drop of the P & C on the base of his neck. I proceeded to call my up-line (knowing I was going to prove him wrong) and looked over to see my son sitting on the couch reading a book. WOW, tears started to roll!!! This is something I never thought I would experience. Normally, my son would walk around the house reading or doing his homework because he just couldn’t sit still (even with the meds). The fantastic news is that my son is now completely “med-free.” Something else I thought we would never accomplish. We do not have health insurance and his meds were costing over $600 per month. We continued to use lower dosages of meds during the remainder of the school year (last year) and supplemented with the oils at home and on the weekends until the last week of school when we went completely to using the oils. We had a rocky start to the summer until we figured out a routine; however, he is using a diffuser necklace at school, takes Ningxia Red in the morning and using a mixture of Vetiver, Cedarwood, Valor, and Peace and Calming before school and between school and football practice. With the oils we no longer have the ups-and-downs associated with when the meds wore off. So far, things are looking a lot better and we are not experiencing the aggression issues. That, in itself, is well worth it! We are still researching oils for assistance with the ODD, but he continues to excel in school and able to make friends and participate in football. We are no longer adding toxins to his liver which causes aggression and helping him cope with his issues with an all-natural alternative. Our family was saved by using Young Living Essential Oils. “The leaves of the trees are the healing of the nations...” Revelations 22:2

today i have something new to share with you + i am really excited about it! i wish you could come sit at my dining room table with the sunlight pouring in + have a cup of chai tea with me. so for now, let's just pretend, m'kay?

let's start with some background.....2012 was a tough year for our family. we moved. we remodeled. our son, j., started kindergarten and had a tough time adjusting. my business boomed. we got sick a lot. like non stop sickness. it was not fun. i knew when 2013's flu season rolled around that things needed to change. then my friend, k., introduced me to young living essential oils. she had been using them on her family with crazy awesome success. we finally bit the bullet + ordered the premium starter kit. the day it showed up on our doorstep the kids were just getting over two weeks of the horrible nasty flu and i was on my way to coming down with it. three days later, i posted a photo on my instagram + facebook with my testimonial of how i had just beat the flu. beat the flu, y'all! hallelujah!

that was the moment when i knew these oils could change our health + our lives.

as i began diving deeper into learning about essential oils, i was blown away by testimonials of parents of kids with adhd + autism + ocd + the list goes on. ok, i had just beat the flu but could these oils really help jonah's adhd? i prayed on this for a while. in january, i got a call from j's teacher that he had a really tough day + his behavior had increasingly gotten worse the past several weeks. we knew something needed to change. he was already on a gluten free diet but he needed something more. my research showed me that vetiver, cedarwood + lavender were helping kids with adhd. as soon as the oils showed up, we started diffusing them in his room at night + layering them on his big toe at least twice a day. it took a week before i noticed changes in him. he seemed calmer + less distracted. two weeks after starting the oils on him, his teacher sent me an email. my heart dropped. this could either be a good email or another "your kid is in trouble again" email.

her words were, "j's behavior has greatly improved since we last talked and he has also jumped up to the highest reading group in the class." can i get a hallelujah?! my eyes teared up + the water works flowed. this was just what my sweet boy needed. the longer we have been using the oils on him the more benefits i am seeing. he sleeps better. less anger + frustration. more independence. and my favorite, he can't get enough to read!

now a little disclaimer. he is still a 7 year old boy who forgets his manners, gets wild + crazy when his cousins come over to play and burps at the dinner table. he is still a kid with lots of growing + learning left to do, as it should be. the oils are bringing out the best in him and that is an answer to many prayers. thank so much for stopping by to read our journey!

ADHD Symptoms Disappeared And My Son Is Back...

I have a 13 year old son who was 12 when I started him on Ningxia Red in November 2012. This was the same time I also took him off his meds. Adderal XR 30mg per day. It took about 2 months before I really started seeing him settle down and adjust. I also supplement with mineral salts (recommended by a naturopath) and Young Living oils at bedtime and the morning before school. Peace and Calming jacked him up, so I use lavender. I also allow him to chose a couple to put on at night. He has a preference for lemongrass. He had gotten so volatile on the meds the older he got with mood swings, anger issues, etc. that I just couldn't take it anymore. I was NOT going to raise the dosage further. As it was, he was about 30 pounds underweight. He's since turned into a funny, charming, soft-hearted and sensitive child like he used to be early in life. Also, has regained the lost weight. Now he's really starting to see the positive effects of the changes, which only inspires him more.

Granted, he didn't initially enjoy the Ningxia Red taste, but now takes it on his own without any urging from me. He prefers the 2 ounce packets to the bottled juice and doesn't care for it cold, but room temp instead.

I have to say, without seeing it myself, I would never have believed that it was possible. Thanks to God and Gary Young for his tireless efforts in running such an amazing company!

My son also has both ADHD & migraines. For ADHD, Geneyus, Brain Power or Clarity are great blends. He also has a roller with Lavender, Cedarwood, & Vetiver. Interestingly, Peppermint is too minty to him, but he loves Raven - he says it smells like an Altoid, & it helps him focus (plus better respiratory health 😀) I also diffuse Peace & Calming, Orange & Cedarwood at night for him. M-Grain, & equal parts Frankincense, Copaiba, & Lavender in a roll on for his migraines. He's also taking NingXia Red, Mindwise, Multigreens, & Life 9 daily and that has helped him in so many ways, from ADHD & migraines, to overall well being since he started.

I made the ADHD blend suggested on this group and it worked great!! Today my 9yr old and I, who both suffer with this problem, put it on our wrists prior to worship and again before Bible class. We were both AMAZED at how much better we did at sitting still and paying attention! I'm the type that always has to have something bouncing, usually my feet/legs!!! Today it was like, hey Randy, look I'm not bouncing! So cool!

Now the real test will be IF it helps with same 9yr old as we start home school this week! 🙂... We have been using a blend suggested here for ADHD. It consists of: Vetiver, Cedarwood, Lavender, Lemon & Peppermint.

I just used an empty Peppermint bottle, pulled the valve out then filled it with all of the oils, put valve back in and shook it very well. VETIVER IS VERY THICK.


Vetiver - 1 whole bottle 5ml

Cedarwood - 40 drops

Lavender - 30 drops

Lemon - 10 drops

Peppermint - 10 drops

Once mixed well, I put 20-30 drops in a glass bottle w roller that I got from Rainbow Blossom for ease of application.

We apply to our wrists and back of neck at base of skull.

Good luck!!

Our son struggles with ADHD and I’m always on the lookout for ways to help him. My husband and I decided to begin our essential oil adventure with the Start Living with Everyday Oils Kit from Young Living and plan to add oils to our natural medicine cabinet as we are able. To our delight we found that a combination of three of the oils in the kit has eliminated the need for his afternoon dose of medication! We use a drop of lavender on his chest, a drop of Valor on the inside of each wrist, and a drop of Peace and Calming on the bottom of each foot. ANOTHER bonus we have discovered is this same combination helps our sleep-fighting-three-year-old settle down at nap time and in the evening and eases her into sleep.

Kids-ADHD and Hyperactivity by Mary Starr

Tips And Natural Remedies For Treating Kids Labeled ADHD And Hyperactivity

A recent report by Fox News stated that drugs and stimulants to treat ADHD and hyperactivity have risen dramatically over the past two decades. The report continued with clues about side effects from these attention-boosting and mood-altering pills that include stomach problems, sleep issues and other major health and emotional issues.

Why the sudden increase in prescription to treat or label kids with ADHD? Recently in our Facebook group, a client wanted to know how to treat her 8 year-old son for hyperactivity. He was having trouble focusing at school and the need to sit still for hours and not talk until he was done with his work were challenges he faced at school.

My friend Martha Wertz, a schoolteacher of 25 years and mother of seven children including four adopted high risk and drug-exposed children had shared for years about essential oils and nutritional supplements for kids.

From her extensive experiences with kids she recommended daily usage of oils, supplements and an oil application regimen for children. She also recommended children to participate in fun activities and use products that assist brain functioning, take into consideration the blood sugar and protein levels and eliminating commercial soaps, cleaners and products with toxins or harmful chemicals.

A client Amy D. had a very serious situation with her son. This is what she shared:

Years ago we had to put him on meds because the teachers requested it. He was put on concerta. The side affect was, he became suicidal and he was very young. I started buying books after books to heal my son.

The oils are great diffused but on a nutritional level, we gave himOmegaGize and Super B (he only gets a half a day). NingXia Redfor a clearer alertness and keeps the liver clean. It helps with that foggy feeling.

We put a drop of lavender everyday. Lavender soothes nervousness and hyperactivity while enhancing mental clarity.

Things and food we eliminated and alternatives we added:

One: Nothing for kids with ADHD can be consumed out of a can ever. Yellow dyes and sugar cause a reaction that can last for several days. Maple syrup is a good alternative because it has minerals.

Two: Eliminate milk products. Amino acids are good if you have a lowered serotonin and or dopamine, which can be tested through urine. Her son's was normal so he would just dump what he didn't use in aminos.

Three: He was given raindrop technique massage.

According to Amy D. this combination has saved her son who is now two years ahead in school and she has helped several people too.

She wrote that it is rare for a child to not make proper brain hormones. It does happen but it is usually damaged from diet. Or it may be due to sensitivity to sugars and dyes.

Our group of informed parents continued the discussion with the following thoughts:

About boys: The sad thing is that most boys are just being boys the way they were created to be and are not designed to just "sit still" like our education system demands~ which works great for most girls.

I loved having a classroom full of boys and we spent as much time as we could outside learning or moving so I could let them be boys and get out the wiggles. Most boys just need to get up and move. But these are great suggestions since that isn't an option in schools. -Mary S.

About our school systems: Our society has yet to recognize that there is an evolution going on very rapidly and the kids that are being born recently and in the time to come are simply having higher energy than our system is equipped for.

I pray for the day that we can go into schools and speak freely on these topics! Thank you so much for sharing. I was fortunate to have oils by the time my son was 3 and never to be consumers of tap water or users of fluoride toothpaste! He overheard a fluoride video that I was watching and whispered, "Maybe that's why I'm the smartest kid in my class!" He is incredibly bored because our systems are not geared for high-energy thinkers! -Vicki W.

Could you imagine being restricted to move or speak almost all day at school? Is that normal? Which is more normal, prescribing pills so that an active normal boy could sit still all day or let the boy express himself and be who he is created to be?

If you have studied personality, you would know that there are four distinct groups of personalities. One of these groups, they are lively, active and talkative. It would be absolutely abnormal for them to be otherwise.

Martha Wertz recommends healthy soaps, toothpaste and hygiene products for kids and to include Young Living's KidScents toothpaste, natural soap products, shampoo and lotions.

It is a great idea to test various oils and products to determine which are right for your child. Here are some recommended oils:






Highest Potential


Peace and Calming


It is still unclear the causes of ADHD. Scientists have tied it to genetics, exposure to toxins and abnormal brain function.

My husband and my oldest daughter have ADHD, so I get a lot of questions about how to use oils for it. To be honest, I've always struggled to get oils to be effective for them because they need to use them regularly during the day, and that's a lot to ask of someone with ADHD. I've been coming to realize over the last year that my youngest daughter also has it. She presents differently than my oldest. My youngest really struggles with impulse control and was having a lot of issues at daycare. We tried every approach we could think of to change her behavior and nothing worked. In Feb, I decided to try some Ningxia Nitro for myself for energy. Come March, I was trying to think of anything to help by daughter. I know that ADHD medications are stimulants, so I had the idea to try the Nitro, since it's a natural energy booster. That very first day, she came home from daycare with a perfect report. I have been giving it to her every day now and she has had good days almost every day. She won't leave the house without her "juice". I'm so happy that we found something that helps her that is actually good for her!

I have ADHD....ask my boss/principal, ....I am working on weaning myself off of 6+ years of Rx amphetamine medication so while I have not used oils exclusively (without the meds), I do have several oils that have helped me.

First, peppermint seems to awaken the mind. I call it my natural stimulant. I try to drink any and everything I can with peppermint oil in it. Every morning I have a water bottle that includes one drop peppermint and 4 drops lemon. It is a very satisfying taste not to mention having that awakening beverage first thing! It also kills sugar cravings for me first thing in the morning.

Secondly, whenever I am at home or work (I am a teacher), I try to always have my diffuser going and usually it is diffusing Valor. Valor I know is known to promote courage and confidence, something that children and adults with ADD/ADHD struggle with all their life (not always a visible, outward struggle). My students also loved it and they could tell that it helped them to be more confident in their classwork.

Vetiver is known to be the ADHD Oil which I believe. I have a friend who uses it with her son who has ADD by diffusing, inhaling, and vita flex. Unfortunately I have not had first hand experience with that one yet because I am still trying to wean myself off of my medication. There is a document in the group files about a case study done about how the vetiver, cedarwood and lavender oils were used, and I believe it says they were diffused nightly.

I also know that kids and adults with ADHD/ADD struggle with things that are not the normal/typical diagnosing symptoms of ADD/ADHD, but go along with having it. They include sleep issues (usually insomnia, as is my case as well) so I usually rub lavender across my pillow each night.

I know that kids/adults with ADD/ADHD tend to struggle with motivation and procrastination issues. We may be good at things and then at some point our brain goes all Space Cadet or squirrel and we don't finish what we started or we add many more projects, or details, or ideas to one project--that I call being a perfectionist bc we have this perfect idea in our heads and we want to get to that point but then we take on too many small projects at once and then perfectionism becomes unorganized becomes frustration becomes giving up and not finishing....there are some oils that could also be inhaled or diffused (my fave methods as u can see) such as Believe, Clarity, Highest Potential, Magnify your purpose, and Motivation. I have used Clarity for major certification tests and it helped me really focus on writing what I needed to. I have Believe but have not yet tried it. When I look in the YL Product guide each one of those says either to inhale directly, diffuse, or dilute with V-6 to apply topically. I would assume applying topically could include the vita flex points.

I also know that some/many people with ADD/ADHD struggle with confidence; this includes self-created drama or anxieties--whether real or imagined. I mentioned Valor, but you could also diffuse/inhale Joy, Acceptance, Believe, Forgiveness (I think it is safe to say that bc of this being a learning disability and not one that is all that visible, we tend to be overly hard on ourselves), and also Peace and Calming.

When I had to be on a different medication and it wasn't working, and even before I was diagnosed, and even when I couldn't afford my medication, I often over-compensated with caffeine. A lot. I recently got some Ocotea and wanted to try it for caffeine cravings and so far it seems to be doing the trick. Less dependency for sugary sodas. I also would try to inhale Peppermint as much as possible when I felt I couldn't or wasn't focusing.

Hope this helps!! Seriously thinking about writing a book for people with ADD/ADHD and using essential oils....


This case study was conducted for two years, from 1999-2001 using children between the ages of 6 to 12 years. Twenty subjects not diagnosed with ADD/ADHD were used as the controlgroup. Twenty subjects with a confirmed diagnosis of ADD/ADHD were used as thestudy group.

Each group was pre-tested using a baseline evaluation with real time EEG and the T.O.V.A.Scale.

The essential oils chosen for the case study were Lavender, Vetiver, Cedarwood and Brain Power(which is a blend of Frankincense, Sandalwood, Melissa, Cedarwood, BlueCypress, Lavender and Helichrysum.)

The oils were administered in this fashion: One of the oils was administered by inhalation 3times a day for 30 days. An inhalation device was also used at night toadminister a continuous inhalation of oil.

The subject then inhaled when needed, about three times during the day when they began to feel“scattered”. The inhalation of the oils proved to settle the brainwaves backinto normal patterns and improved their scholastic performance and behavioral patterns.

Each subject was tested on each oil for 30 days and then re-evaluated by testing. Then anotheroil was used for 30 days and re-evaluated, until each of the oils had beentested. Lastly, oil combinations were used, each for a 30 day period. (BrainPower with lavender, with cedarwood, and vetiver).

The final results were:

Lavender increased performance by 53%

Cedarwood increased performance by 83% and

Vetiver increased performance by 100%!!

"Calming Blend" for ADHD and Anxiety in children and adults by Kelly

50 drops Lavender

35 drops Valor

30 drops Stress Away

15 drops Patchouli

15 drops Vetiver

40 drops V-6

Put in a 15-ml bottle, add Aroma Glide top.

Apply to feet and wrists as needed.

I have to thank J.G. for introducing me to YL! I was battling ADHD with my daughter and was desperate. Some were recommending having her placed in EC and others were talking about medication. She reads almost a full grade level ahead and is at or above grade level in writing and math. So neither option was ok with me and I've been fight off the critics for 2 years. I started with Lavender at night to help her sleep. Now she wears vetiver, cedarwood and lavender during the day. And she will remind me if I forget "her oil." On her report card today, she had ZERO "needs improvement" and only ONE "inconsistent" behavior mark!!!!!! We've NEVER had this many good marks for behavior! I'm amazed!

I wanted to share a success story! An old friend reached out to me about a month and a half ago because of her sons ADHD. He is only 6 years old and she didn't want to medicate him even though the doctor was pushing for it. I started doing some research and told her I would come up with a mixture that would be safe for him, and we settled on having it as a roll on so he could apply it himself (he wouldn't wear an EO necklace or bracelet), so roll on was the best choice. I added the tops to my ER order last month, but it took 3 weeks to get to me, so I was very frustrated because I just wanted to get her a sample because she was at her wits end with him! The week I finally got my order was her worst week yet.

I came up with the following:

6 lavender

6 cedarwood

2 peace and calming II

fill 5ml oil bottle to top with fractioned coconut oil and the rollerball top

She said the first time he used the oil on his wrists he said he seemed "relaxed" but wasn't sure if it was partly because it was 2 hours past bedtime. She sent me a message this morning saying that he had his first week EVER of all good days!!!!! He used the oils in the morning on his wrists and then didn't even need to use it at school!

I was so worried it wouldn't work for him like I thought it would, but the oils proved me wrong once again!

I am going to send her a few other mixtures too, once vetiver is back in stock. But I'm so overjoyed right now and had to share!

So today, I diffused peace and calming when I brought my son (who has ADHD) home from school and he sat and cuddled with me for 30 minutes!! This may seem like no big deal, but for us it was HUGE!!! We NEVER get that cuddle time because he can barely be still long enough to even hug me! I will sometimes lay down with him at night when he is sleeping for a little while so I can hug him.

For ADHD wildness...I diffuse Stress Away during breakfast and dinner (I must admit I did this so my hubby would stop getting so frustrated at mealtimes and it WORKED for so much more than that) and I put Joy on the backs of their necks every morning and Peace and Calming on their feet before bed. I got complimented on how well behaved and loving my children are...that's NEVER happened to me before.

Attention / Focus Tips & Testimonials
Attention / Focus Recipes & Research
Oils of Ancient Scripture