Eye Health
Tips, testimonials, recipes
Tips, testimonials, recipes
Tips, testimonials, recipes
Natural Solutions for Vision & Eye Disorders --
Are you among the 75% of American adults who wear glasses or contact lenses? I certainly am!
In the event of a long-term emergency such as an economic collapse, we may be faced with the need to be able to deal with any number of vision and eye conditions, both routine and serious.
Whether you want to be proactive in taking care of your health now or you want to at least be prepared to deal with eye issues in the event that medical care becomes scarce, here are some recommendations that have worked for me, my clients, and many others!
Nutrition & Eye Health
Scientists have long known the connection between proper nutrition and eye health. People with diets severely deficient in Vitamin A, for instance, can develop night blindness which can eventually lead to full-scale blindness if not addressed. Extreme Vitamin D and calcium deficiencies are reported to lead to nearsightedness and even more severe problems including cataracts. Omega 3 fatty acids may also be important in eye health.
My absolute favorite supplement that helps not only with eye health, but potentially hundreds of other conditions (including heart disease, diabetes, fatigue, and much more) is NingXia Red. 1 oz. of NingXia Red has even more Vitamin A than carrots, and has the equivalent of 4 lbs. of carrots in terms of antioxidants. NingXia Red is particularly rich in the carotenoid zeaxanthin which has been shown in studies to have a protective influence on the retina and the eyesight.
Other supplements that can be helpful for the eyesight and overall health include Mineral Essence, OmegaGize omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin D serum, and Longevity oil or capsules.
Essential Oils for Eye Health
Last but certainly not least, essential oils can be enormously helpful for several types of eye conditions. Start using the oils now and store them for future use so you can be sure to keep your vision sharp no matter what happens in society.
Never put essential oils directly in the eyes, but dab them sparingly around the bony parts of the eye sockets. For babies and children, dilute the essential oils in a carrier oil. For additional effect, the essential oils can be massaged into the reflexes on the feet that correspond with the eyes — the bases of the second and third toes.
Far-sightedness/Near-sightedness — Apply frankincense or sandalwood and juniper oils around eye sockets above the eyebrows and on cheeks (but never in the eyes) 1-2x/day.
Macular degeneration — Take lemon oil (for dry AMD) or clove oil (for wet AMD) in homemade capsules 1x/day.
Glaucoma and Cataracts — Take clove and/or lavender oil in homemade capsules 2-3x/day. The oils can also be diluted 20/80 and applied around eye socket and temples 1-3x/day. 1-6 oz. of NingXia Red should be taken daily depending on how fast you want results. The other supplements for eye issues listed above are also highly recommended.
Conjunctivitis — Apply a drop of lavender around the eye sockets 2x/day. Put two to three drops of frankincense in your hands and cup them over your open eyes 1-2x/day.
Pink Eye – Purification, lavender, frankincense, and Thieves may be used to help heal up pink eye or conjunctivitis, and have helped many people heal extremely quickly from these infections while avoiding antibiotics. Diffuse, or apply strait or diluted around the eye socket 2-3x/day for a few days, taking care not to get in the eyes. Apply to base of 2nd and 3rd toes, the areas that correspond to the eye reflexes.
Stye — Carefully apply a drop of frankincense and/or lavender directly on the stye 2-4x/day until it heals. For children, dilute the oil. For babies, apply the essential oils to the bases of the 2nd and 3rd toes.
Blocked tear duct — Apply a drop of lavender oil over the bridge of the nose.
Dry eyes — Apply a drop of lavender oil over the bridge of the nose daily or as needed.
Packed with powerful ingredients, IlluminEyes is the supplement you need to support your eyes and skin! Featuring lutein and zeaxanthin, this proprietary formula helps reduce eye strain, protects eyes from damaging blue light, and maintains vibrant skin. You may be asking, how am I exposed to blue light? While sunlight is the main source of blue light there are also many manmade, indoor sources of blue light, including fluorescent and LED lighting and electronic devices.
Why is blue light bad for you? Blue light penetrates all the way to the retina, or inner lining of the back of the eye. Laboratory studies have shown that too much exposure to light-sensitive cells in the retina causes changes that resemble those of macular degeneration, which can lead to permanent vision loss. Lutein and zeaxanthin-sourced from marigold flower extract-are powerful carotenoids that help filter harmful, high-energy blue wavelengths!
IlluminEyes can also help support your eye health in the long-term—vitamins A and C both have properties that may help reduce eye health deterioration commonly related to age. The vitamin A comes from naturally occurring beta-carotene, the vitamin C comes from acerola cherries. To top it off, we’ve added wolfberry fruit powder for added benefits.
Here are all of the reasons why your eyes and skin will love Illuminize!
No synthetic ingredients or artificial colors
Vegetarian friendly
Helps protect and maintain proper eye health
Protects eyes from damaging blue light
Helps reduce eye fatigue
Improves visual performance
Increases macular pigment optical density
May help reduce eye health deterioration common with age*
Maintains healthy looking skin
Helps support skin strength and durability
Who is trying this new product?
-Young Living Training and Education
Vision / Eyesight
How Can We Enhance Our VISION?
Many have experienced improvement in all types of issues related to the eyes by the following:
NINGXIA RED: minimum 180ml daily, diluted in 180ml water and divided into 2-3 servings
SACRED FRANKINCENSE: 1-2 drops in palms, rub hands together, and cup hands over OPEN eyes for 3 minutes 3-4 times daily - or as often as possible. Afterwards, then cup hands over nose and inhale deeply 6-8 times.
NOTE: When hands are cupped over eyes, roll your eyes around. There may be some tingling or watering. If it is too uncomfortable, blink or close eyes for a few seconds and then resume. The molecules of the Sacred Frankincense will diffuse into the eye and support the body in eliminating inflammation. ~Frances F.
Post: Been using Frankincense around eyes for just a few months. Exam yesterday doctor was surprised my nearsightedness improved!
Comment: I had this same reaction. It also helps keep those floaters away. I just love my oils!! Try this [Gary Young's Amazing Eye Protocol] also at night. You will be blown away at how clear your vision is in the morning.
Q: How much did you use? And where around your eyes did you put it?
A: I followed KB's routine. Every morning spread small drop with finger in figure eight around eye. Rubbing on edge of bones around eye socket. Any excess I spread on forehead, cheeks or temples.
Love starting my day grounded. I noticed softening of wrinkles and needing less moisturizer Vision change was welcome surprise
Comment: That’s fantastic!! I had similar improvement doing the exact same thing, they lessened the strength of my contacts due to visual improvement ! 👀
I have been drinking Ningxia red since I joined Young Living over a year ago. I also take Sulfurzyme, Agilease, Multigreens, and BLM... also starting drinking the red drink about 2 months ago. So this long story has a reason. I had cataracts at a young age and have lenses implants. When I when to my eye doctor January my eyesight had improved. Today I had to see him as my right eye had blurry vision because one of the implants has slipped. I will need to have the lenses removed and replaced. BUT get this my vision in both eyes is now almost perfect!! ❤️
When my son L was four years old at the eye doctor told us that he had a lazy eye. We spent the next 2 to 3 years doing everything we could to try to get that lazy eye to grow stronger. We were warned that as he got closer to being ten years old, the chances of his eye improving would be slim. In fact, the doctor warned us that he might not ever see good enough to pass a driving test!!! We would patch the strong eye and also tried dilating it for 6 months! This also included doing visual exercises with the weak eye to get it to improve. After three years of trying all of these different methods without any improvement, my friend recommended that I put Luke on Ningxia Red. We started him 2 ounces every day and we tried very hard not to miss any day. After six months the eye doctor noticed a little bit of improvement. We continued with the NR and after another six months the eye doctor couldn't believe the amazing improvement he saw in L's vision. After only just a year of taking ningxia Red every day, his vision improved enough so that the doctor told us that he now sees well enough to drive when he is 16!! But we are not stopping, I am committed to providing NR for Luke for the rest of his life!! My 73 year old mother has seen huge improvements in her energy, lowering of blood pressure, and her immune system. She used to get sick all the time, and now hardly ever! If I could only pick one young Living product (which would be SO hard!!) it would be Ningxia red. ❤️
I am so happy..
Let me take a minute to share with you..
I went to the eye doctor for a yearly check up.. I have been taking illumineyes and Ningxia Red drink for over a year..
Well my eye Dr was so impressed with my numbers. How my sight was up from last time.. I am amazed.. great news comes in small packages..
Loving life!
In the life of a YL member. I take both of these supplements every day. I've been taking Illumineyes for 2 months straight before my eye appt on Sept 18th 2020. My eyes IMPROVED in both eyes. My prescription in my glasses was REDUCED!!! My far sightedness is so much better. I took the Illumineyes with me to show my eye doctor. He had mentioned that the 2 ingredients, Lutein & Zeaxanthin in this supplement helps with keeping away Macular Degeneration. He fully supports me taking this supplement. Make sure you eat your veggies & fruits as well. All the bright colors. All the antioxidants. Our NingXia Red is full of a ton of ANTIOXIDANTS. Save your eyesight!!! You are WORTH IT!!!!!!
I am 67 years old and my husband is 80. We are in very good health and have been taking NingXia Red for 2.5 years.
In the last several months we both noticed changes in our vision. I needed reading glasses on top of my regular trifocal lenses to do kitchen work or reading. My husband just felt his vision was off kilter.
When we went for our yearly checkup at the eye doctor, we both had such a shock to find that our prescriptions had drastically changed for the better. I really thought that a mistake had been made until I tried on my new lenses.
WOW!! That's all I can say. Well, I can say a lot more. I can really see clearly with distance, medium range and reading. My husband is the same.
We are told that as you age your vision changes and can improve. Maybe so, but not to this degree for both of us at the same time.
His didn't change until he turned 80 years old after 2.5 years on NingXia and mine changed at exactly the same time at the age of 67. So there. Yay Young Living! Many thanks again for so many health improvements in our lives.
"I am SO excited!! I just came from my eye doctor appointment today and he was 'very impressed' with my exam. I have horrible eyes and have worn glasses since I was 7 years old. (my vision is -10.00 and -11.50) Every year that I get examined, my eye sight has digressed to some degree. When I read about NingXia Red and Frankincense around the eye bone that could possibly help with eye sight, I thought I would give it a try. I increased my dosage of Red to 2 ounces each morning and then started dabbing Frank around my eyes. I have only been doing this for about 2-1/2 months. Well .... guess what?? My eyes have not changed at all since my exam over a year ago!! No digression at all!! Now let's see if I can move over to the 'improved' category"
Been using Frankincense around eyes for just a few months. Exam yesterday doctor was surprised my nearsightedness improved!
Q: Have an issue with one eye getting blurry/decrease in vision. Have an appointment for eye doctor but it’ll be a few weeks. Any supplement or oil that can help?
A: Frankincense and Melrose for oils may help.
NingXia Red helped my grandfather eyes improve to where he didn’t need a magnifying glass anymore
A: I use IlluminEyes, Frankincense, and NingXia Red for eye support.
A: NingXia daily, along with Illumineyes and frankincense. Frankincense rubbed around the eyes kind of in a raccoon like mask.
Time for my late morning supplements and drink (2oz NingXia Red packet, fill rest of jar with water and then a squirt of the Jade Lemon Berry Energy drops).
This is a great drink to give me that pick me up and get me through the day - no need for a trip to SB on my break.
Before this drink, I have to admit I had gotten away from having my NR daily and my eyes were telling me about it. Now that I take it everyday, my eyes thank me.
For those who haven’t heard my NR story, here is the short version: when we got started with YL I had 20/80 vision in one eye and 20/30 in other and had had my same glasses for 2 years. After taking NR everyday for about a month, my eyes started hurting. Ok, I’m due an eye appointment, I’ll go. Imagine my surprise when I was now at 20/30 and 20/25.
Have you had your NR today?
How do you like it-straight, adding oil and which, with Zyng/Nitro/Mindwise/all of the above?
YL for the win.... I started taking illumineyes immediately after its introduction in July..... brief history.... I work with 3 monitors daily, was extremely nearsighted until cataract surgery 10 years ago at 50. But still need corrective lenses to be in focus for everything. Now, back to the win...... I had a routine exam this past week. Near vision stayed the same, but my distance vision has IMPROVED slightly. (I got a new script, but until I fill it, I just take my glasses off to see far away whether it’s in a sporting arena or watching TV. I’ll keep taking it.
Hey y’all! They told me 5 years ago that I was getting on up there in age and that I’d start to see a decline in my vision. This girl has been drinking her Ningxia Red every single day for those 5 years. Guess whose prescription hasn’t changed in 5 years! I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. 🤪
My mother is about 3 weeks post-stroke. The stroke has caused her to lose the left side field of vision in both eyes, she also has flashing, sees things and light sensitivity on the left side. Her neuro-opthomologist told her this is normal and should clear up in 9-12 months. I've been using Aroma Life, Brain Power, Cypress and Mindwise to help her. I put the oils on her first three toes and on the heart VitaFlex point. Now, I've only been applying the oils for a week, and I hear it takes 30 days before significant changes are noticed.... Yesterday mom told me that the flashing lights, etc are gone 🙂 She told me that she believes that the oils (and the prayers for her) have helped her eyes ❤ She asks me to put the oils on. She's also dropped 2 of her diabetes meds this week, I believe that the Mindwise has helped with that (even though I can't find anything in it that might help) We love these oils!!
Q: I have been having a vision issue in my right eye for the last few weeks. My eye doctor told me today I have an "epiretinal membrane" and she arranged an appointment with a retina specialist tomorrow morning. Anyone else have experience with this and suggestions on how to support natural healing?
A: My mom used lemongrass to help heal a macular hole
A: I had the beginnings of a macular hole. I had developed a blurry spot in the center of my vision, making it hard to read or focus closely on something. The ophthalmologist basically said they couldn't do anything unless it completely tore away, and the surgery for that is terrible. So I did a little research and found lemongrass recommended for retinal problems. I used it 2-3 times a day behind my ear and above my brow down to my temple. When I went in for a six month check up the doctor said "You are completely healed and you will never have a hole in that eye." And he could not explain it.
Macular Degeneration / Macular Hole / Cataracts / Glaucoma
Q: Hey there...
I have a friend who asked about what oils to use for cataract prevention or improvements...
I did do a search and the only post I saw as a testimonial about someone having had used lavender and frankincense.
Is there something to back this up or other suggestions?
A: This is one from the files section: Gary Young’s Eye Protocol from the clinic
5 drops Frankincense
5 drops Rosemary
5 drops Cypress
1 Tablespoon of V-6
Put 1-2 drops in each eye 1-2 times daily
Macular degeneration, cataracts, improving sight
For those with cataract lens implants rub the oil around the eye. I have no other documentation on this.
A: These are some other suggestions from Gary Young: • Cataracts & Galucoma
CLOVE, taken in a size 0 capsule 2-3 times daily
Blend of 10 drops LEMONGRASS + 5 drops CYPRESS + 3 drops EUCALYPTUS RADIATA. Dilute the blend with 80 drops vegetable oil. Apply 2-4 drops around eyes 2-3 times daily.
CAUTION: DO NOT APPLY ON EYELIDS! If essential oil should get into eyes DO NOT USE WATER! Dilute with VEGETABLE OIL!
I mentioned on here once about a macular hole that was forming in both eyes, but I have to tell you the end of the story. I had developed a blur in the focal center on my eye, and I started using lemongrass oil when I received the diagnosis and was told there was no medical solution. The result was that my ophthalmologist pronounced me completely healed and released me from care. I just went back to my optometrist who had told me the healing was absolutely not oil related, and it turns out he has recently developed the same problem. This time he took notes on exactly what oil I used and how I used it! He said he wants to get some himself. I am so thankful for these oils!
Q: How did you use the oil?
A: Behind each ear and over the brow, 2-3 times a day. It took about 3-4 months to completely heal up. The lemongrass is a warm oil, so some days it bothered me in the brow. I layered vitamin E over it and that cooled it off.
Q: Did you have macular degeneration or something different?
A: No, it was a macular hole. It's a tearing in the retinal tissue. My father had to have surgery for it, and it looked miserable. He had to keep his head facing down day and night for weeks while it healed. I'm so thankful not to face that!)
Q: Looking for recommendations for macular degeneration. What has helped you?? Oils, supplements, vitamins. Tell me all please and thank you!!
A: I drank 6oz or Ningxia a day. I also did the racoon eyes and cupped my hands over my eye when applying 2-3 times a day, frankincense, rosemary and cypress. I had remarkable success doing this.
Just wanted to share my testimony today about my oil using. Last year at my eye exam I was told that I was beginning a get cataracts, left eye was worse. I wasn't using YL then. Fast forward to when I started using oils and joined Essential Rewards, late November 2016. This past February I got my EO pocket reference guide and started looking through it, I saw a blend of oils that can be used for cataracts, so I ordered what oils I didn't already have and mix it up in an empty oil bottle that I had. Followed the directions in my reference guide on how to use the blend that I had mixed.
I had an appointment yesterday for my yearly eye exam..... both eyes are great!! No sign of the beginning of cataracts.
I am thankful!!!
Post: Just wanted to share my testimony today about my oil using. Last year at my eye exam I was told that I was beginning a get cataracts, left eye was worse. I wasn't using YL then. Fast forward to when I started using oils and joined Essential Rewards, late November 2016. This past February I got my EO pocket reference guide and started looking through it, I saw a blend of oils that can be used for cataracts, so I ordered what oils I didn't already have and mix it up in an empty oil bottle that I had. Followed the directions in my reference guide on how to use the blend that I had mixed.
I had an appointment yesterday for my yearly eye exam..... both eyes are great!! No sign of the beginning of cataracts.
I am thankful!!!
Comment: [Recipe and instructions from pocket reference] 10 drops Lemongrass, 5 drops Cypress, 3 drops Eucalyptus Radiata, 2 drops Sacred Frankincense or Frankincense -- Mix this blend with a little V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex and apply around the eyes, being careful not to touch the eyes. It is best at night because the eyes could water, just like when you cut onions.
"I went to the eye doctor today and hadn't been in a year and a half. He was very surprised at my eyes. He said it was very unusual that my eyes were not getting worse. He asked what I was doing and I told him and he said to keep doing it. He said my lens' were crystal clear, no sign of macular degeneration or cataracts. He said there should be normal aging and there isn't. WOO HOO!!!
What is my secret you might ask.....Frankincense and Lavender."
Here is specifics on how she used these two wonderful oils "I put Frankincense and Lavender around the bone around my eyes. Where my eyebrow is and circle around by my cheekbone. I also put a drop on the palm of my hand and rub it in and then cup my hand over my eyes with them open for just a minute or so."
My mom has macular degenerative eye disease and she has noticed a decrease in her eye sight over the last year. I bought her illumineyes to see if it would help. Within 6 weeks she noticed improvement in her eyes. It's now a part of her daily routine. It's been hard switching my parents over to everything YL (dad harder than mom) but mom is slowing switching things over such as using savvy and ningxia, any little noticable effect helps me get her using more. Extremely happy with illumineyes and I'll be sure to start using my bottle soon because I stare at 5 computer screens 8 hrs a day.
Macular Degeneration recipe: 10 drops Frankincense, 10 Drops Cypress, 10 Drops Rosemary, 40 ml V-6. Mix. Use one drop of recipe per eye.
Post: My friends, 6 short weeks ago my Aunti S was sent home from the Retina Institute to go blind from macular degeneration. I immediately got online with Young Living, researched and started her on this protocol. Consume 6 oz of Ningxia Red per day, Sacred Frankincense and Helichrysum Essential Oils around the eye bones daily (with her eyes open under large sun shades to better absorb the vapors) and capsules of Clove and Lemon Essential Oils daily. Today she saw her eye doctor. Her pressure previously had measured 13. The Retina Institute had previously measured 13. Today, her pressure measured 10. The dr thought it was a mistake and repeated the test. It measured 10! The Dr said 'this does not happen'. Well to God the glory! Young Living Essential Oils and supplements will forever be a part of my family's life. If the income went away tomorrow we would still find a way to buy the products! Thank you God!
Comment: I personally have experienced the miracle of using NingXia Red and having the vision in my right eye (wet ARMD) go from legally blind to 20/25. This is after a year and a half of massive blood vessel leakage (and tears) reducing after taking NingXia Red for ONE MONTH!
I had posted about dry eye and cornea damage a few months ago.
I've been using the macular degeneration formula (frankincense, cypress and rosemary) nightly in addition to my eye ointment.
My eyes are much less dry and sore during the day, my eyes don't feel sticky at night unless I forget the oil. Even the ointment alone is not enough to stop the problem. So thankful for oils!
Now if they can just repair the damage!
Post: I mentioned on here once about a macular hole that was forming in both eyes, but I have to tell you the end of the story. I had developed a blur in the focal center on my eye, and I started using lemongrass oil when I received the diagnosis and was told there was no medical solution. The result was that my ophthalmologist pronounced me completely healed and released me from care. I just went back to my optometrist who had told me the healing was absolutely not oil related, and it turns out he has recently developed the same problem. This time he took notes on exactly what oil I used and how I used it! He said he wants to get some himself. I am so thankful for these oils!
Comment: ...How did you use the oil?
Comment: Behind each ear and over the brow, 2-3 times a day. It took about 3-4 months to completely heal up. The lemongrass is a warm oil, so some days it bothered me in the brow. I layered vitamin E over it and that cooled it off.
Q: Any suggestions for glaucoma.
A: This is some info that I have on glaucoma. For oral use - take 2-3 drops each of geranium, frankincense, and cypress in a capsule 3 times a day. For best results, take on an empty stomach or when you have no carbohydrates, proteins, or refined sugars in your stomach. For topical - apply cypress or frankincense widely around the eye 2-3 times daily. Another one I have is this: Glaucoma and Cataracts — Take clove and/or lavender oil in homemade capsules 2-3x/day. The oils can also be diluted 20/80 and applied around eye socket and temples 1-3x/day. 1-6 oz. of NingXia Red should be taken daily depending on how fast you want results. The OmegaGize is suggested by some as well for general health and eye health. Hope this helps.
Floaters were one of the first things I worked on when I joined Young Living in 1999. I had read that putting Frankincense on the bone around the eye socket could get rid of floaters. I had had floaters for at least 20 years at that time. Sometimes I had to wait for the floaters to move out of the middle of my vision area so I could continue reading. The Frankincense completely removed the floaters. I probably applied it morning and evening, not directly on the eyelid where it could spread into the eye, but on the bony ridge around the eye socket. Occasionally I DID get it in my eye and it stung for a couple of minutes but certainly did no damage. I do not recall how long it took before they went away. However, they've been gone now for some 14 years. Once in a while I see one or two starting. When that happens, I reapply Frankincense for a day or two and that takes care of it.
Infection / Irritation / Injury / Dryness
I’m bad about not posting how I use the oils daily! I’m always sharing what others do and forget, that you might like to know what I do😆
Here is one example out of MANY!
Recently, we had gotten sick (not covid) and it went through my boys then me. I forgot to take my contacts out because I was just exhausted and sleeping a lot.
My eyes were hurting and I woke up and realized what I did. I looked like some one had punched me in the eye! 👁 🥊 Major migraine, eye swollen shut, junk filled and just all around gross. Eyes were also non stop watering, and sinuses were full.
I layered Sacred Frankincense, Melrose and Purification all around my eyes, forehead and sinuses. (NOT in my eye)
I did this several times that day and following morning…..by lunch, the pink eye/conjunctivitis was all cleared up! 🙏🏼🎉
If I had gone to the doc, I would have needed an appointment, someone to drive me, $70 is our copay, pay for medication, and wait several days for it to work.
I’m thankful for the oil route!! I’ve been to the doctor for eye issues in the past, before I knew about oils. This is way better!
>Someone might say “Hey Sarah! Those bottles are expensive!”
👀Depends on how you look at it. I used maybe a 1/4 of the bottles or less! That leaves a lot more oil to take care of more issues in the future…so that actually makes it a lot cheaper than the doc, prescription, gas to get there, time waiting and all that jazz.
Oils are my Super Power! 💥 as my kids say
What’s yours?!?
"My husband came home from work with pink eye yesterday. He applied Purification and lavender around both eyes and cupped his hands over his eyes for 2 minutes. He did this once and his eyes got very watery for a few minutes but the discomfort of the pink eye subsided. He did it 2-3 times more throughout the evening. The "goopiness" stopped and today he awoke much better. He continued oils all day today and tonight his eyes are red but do not hurt or running. He used some Thieves today too."
Post: So I had a weird situation happen last night. I was flossing my teeth, which I do every night, and somehow the floss flung a chunk of something in my right eye. I tried to rinse it out but apparently did a poor job of it because when I woke up at 3 AM I knew I had pink eye!
I'm guessing from the bacteria from my mouth? Who knows? Maybe I touched something yesterday, and however it happened this was my cure. I woke up to my eye feeling gooey and painful. I shot out of bed, looked in the mirror, and saw it was stuck shut with green goo! Once I got it open it was bloodshot, red, and very painful to light and movement.
I thought what oils can I use?!? I looked in my handbook, and it only said jasmine, which I don't own. It also said to diffuse, which I needed something stronger. I looked on Pinterest, which is my next go-to. Nothing was on there, but I knew I had seen it somewhere.
Finally I found my Gently Babies book by Debra Raybern, and it said to use one drop of Melrose and one drop of lavender. I put the two in the palm of my hand, mixed them together, and rubbed it on my temple and around my entire infected eye socket without getting any in my eye. It says to rub it in until no oil residue is present. I did this and also took an Inner Defense pill and went back to sleep.
I woke up at 6 AM, and my eye was no longer red. It didn't hurt, and there was only a very small amount of green pus!!!! I applied the oils one more time at 6 and went to work by 8 with no visible sign of ever having pink eye. In my past experience, I've had to go to the doctor, get eye drops, and use them for about 7 days or so.
Wow, I'm so thrilled I didn't have to pay a doctor and miss work for days due to an eye infection. Thanks Young Living Essential Oils yet again!!!!
Comment: LOVE this!
I should have posted too, but will here. My 2 year old had a virus that quickly led to pink eye this past week. I too looked in the Gentle Babies book, but did not have Melrose. So instead I used Lavender, Frankincense, and Purification the last day. I did exactly what the book said around her little eyes that you wrote above. It was hard on a baby but she was very patient. She loves her oils and knows they help us. 🙂 Doing that with some breast milk in the eye as well, we cleared it up in 3 days. And it was in TWO eyes!
Pink Eye (conjunctivitis) ideas: Purification and lavender around your eye every 30 minutes for a few hours, then gradually decrease. Thieves on the vitaflex eye points on the toes every 2-4 hours.
Post: I have always had troubles with recurring conjunctivitis (pink eye), but I used to just use the prescription drops from the doctor to get rid of it. Since I've started using Young Living essential oils and am seeing great results in many areas, I decided to try what I had read here in the testimonials.
The next time my eye became blood red, I put Purification oil all along the cheekbone under my eye and on my brow bone, several times a day. I had read that it could make your eyes water, and people have diluted it first. But I used it NEAT because I needed a heavy-duty attack!
The conjunctivitis used to last about a week each time, and now the last two occurrences have only lasted 2 days! I have since started putting lavender on after the Purification to keep the skin around my eye soft. What a winning combination! Thank you, Young Living!
Comment: Lavender and frankincense diffused and dotted around the eye can clear up pink eye as well.
We've had pink eye several times and gotten over it with YL oils. Purification, thieves, ledum, lavender. (carefully put the oils on the bone around the eye making sure they do not drip into the eye)
I am compelled to share the most amazing testimony I have. Wednesday night around 8 PM I noticed that my 6-year-old's eye was really red and had a bunch of nasty stuff around it (pink eye, red eye, conjunctivitis, or Madras eye).
I immediately cleaned the area around his eye, grabbed the Lavender essential oil, and applied it on the bone around his eye. I also diffused Melaleuca Alternifolia and Lavender oils practically all night in the diffuser (he calls it the confuser) in his bedroom.
My son woke up around 4:00 on Christmas morning with his eye swollen shut and completely caked over. (This was the worst that it got).
All I could think was that it was Christmas Day and the doctor's office was closed. Urgent care (emergency room) would be too much money and ultimately unnecessary. By the time I would get him into the doctor's office and get antibiotics in him, almost two full days would have gone by anyway. And on a side note, I researched and discovered that this nastiness can last days, weeks... even up to a month!
Throughout Christmas Day we applied Lavender oil and also had my son take a bath with epsom salts and Lavender. Again last night we diffused Melaleuca Alternifolia and Lavender.
My son woke up this morning with his eye looking 95% better. Now at 4:30 PM -- less than 48 hours from the onset -- it is 100% gone.
I am so grateful to avoid a trip to the doctor and many days of misery for my son. And I love the fact that, since I use essential oils on him often, he had no problem trusting me to put oils around his eye to alleviate his symptoms.
Related scientific study:
"Eyelid scrubs or massage with tea tree oil [Melaleuca Alternifolia] could be an effective treatment regimen in cases of blepharoconjunctivitis."
Q: Pink eye has hit our family of 6...5 of us thus far!! I read to "draw" glasses around each eye w lavender, anything else?
A: I treated ours with lavender & frank. But I believe I ran out of frank before the last one hit and lavender worked too!
A: Frank or lavender, rubbed on the hands, hold over the eye. Diffuse a lot!
A: My girls both had it last week. My desk reference said Vetiver. I thought it was weird but saw a marked difference after the first application. That was over a week ago and no reinfection!
We also use lavender, purification, and breastmilk.
A: Purification under the eye got rid of it quick in our house.
We've used YL purification and/or Frankinscience applied in a sideways V shape on brow bone and under the eye to quickly clear up oozing, crusted close, painful conjunctivitis/pink eye
Q: Our family is having a recurrent eye infection. Our eyes are Itchy, sensitive and produce a yellowish dense discharge; even the tears are somewhat dense. My husband, my girls and I have been applying Lavender around the eyes. The infection seems to go away, but it comes back! I would like to know if besides Lavender there's something more effective or what else can I do to get rid of this infection once and for all. I already ran a search in the group and checked the Desktop Reference, but I would like to know if any of you have a suggestion. I really appreciate your help!!!
A: We can't diagnose but I would look at using products like NingXia Red, Inner Defense, Life 9 to build the Immune System.
A: Don’t know if we have the same thing, but I’ve had similar issues with my eyes for a while now. I wake up with lots of junk in my eyes. More than is normal. I’ve seen the doctor, but was told my eyes are healthy. The only thing that has really made a noticeable difference for me is diffusing thieves next to me overnight. I also have been drinking Ningxia Red and taking various supplements to keep my immune system strong. I would definitely take Donna’s advise and figure out if there are allergens/dust/mold in your house that could be causing this. Hope you are able to figure out the issue! I know it’s not fun to deal with. ❤️
A: I put Frankincense around my eyes.
A: Build up the internal body: life 9, NR
A: I would also look at allergens, what is irritating the eyes? Diffuse purification, use allerzyme
Testimony time
I work with law enforcement officers who have to test their OC (pepper) spray to make sure it's working properly. One of my coworkers tested hers and somehow got it in her eye. Of course, the pepper spray is doing what it's supppsed to do- burn. She asked for tissue and as she's leaving my office I remember I have some lavender on my desk. I call her back in and say here try this. She rubbed a drop around her eye. I thought it would take a few minutes to give some relief. To our surprise, the burning stopped within a couple seconds.
Just another reason to use Young Living.
"Scratched eye? Yesterday I felt like there was something in my eye that I couldn't flush out. By the time I went to bed, I my eye was very red and irritated and I thought maybe I had scratched it somehow. I applied a drop of Sandalwood (only because I couldn't find my Frankincense or Copaiba) to the eyelid and patted a drop of Lavender raccoon style around the bony part of the eye. Then went to bed expecting to wake up with a worse situation. This morning, to my delight, I saw a normal eye that felt NORMAL. Wow! I was guessing. I was going for something that was anti-inflammatory and had tissue healing properties. Both Lavender and Sandalwood have that."
Yesterday my husband accidentally ran into a tree branch with his eye 🙁 We were with friends that took him to the ER (he was crying blood and couldn't see) but upon further examination, there was no damage to his eye, only across his lower eyelid (damaged tear duct?) After two applications of heavily diluted lavender, under his eye and across his cheek bone, he said it feels 100% today! He was quite uncomfortable last night. Wow! I am so thankful. Poor guy already has awful vision - he doesn't need it to be worse.
Ever have trouble with your eyes? Swelling of the eyeball, styes, cuts, redness, itching, dryness? Did you know you can use lavender oil to clear this up?
For adults: take a dropper bottle and dilute 1 drop of lavender oil in a Tablespoon of Olive oil. Place one drop in the eye. It STINGS a lot, but works great. You can use a drop in the morning and one at night and then a drop a day until it clears up. You can also rub a drop of lavender oil around your eye socket.
For kids: I would NOT suggest using the oil mixture in the eye. You can rub a drop of lavender oil around their eye socket, or if that is too strong, use a drop of the mixture and rub it around their eyes. Information is courtesy of Dr. LeAnne Deardeuff, DC
Q: I have very dry eyes after surgery. ... Are there any oils to help with this matter?
A: Oh that sounds awful! I have no experience with this, but this is what I found online!
Drink LOTS of water! Add Lemon or Peppermint oil to your water to aid in cell to cell communication within the body.
Lavender is beneficial to moisturize. Its considered to have antiseptic and analgesic properties which can prevent infection and promote rapid healing. You could heavily dilute and rub over eye lids!
Hope you find some relief!!
A: You might also try rubbing a drop of lavender and/or frankincense around your eyes or into your palms and cup your palms over your eyes.
A: I just recently had surgery and had this same problem. I used regular saline eye drops in my eyes and used lavender around my eyes. The dryness improved within a day and was completely better in 4-5 days post op
A: I have been using Frankincense over the bridge of my nose (and around my eyes) and it has helped my dry eyes!! ...and it appears to have reduced the fine wrinkles that were starting around my eyes.
A: I just started Progessence Plus that is supposed to help with dry eyes so we will see what happens. Also using Ningxia
A: I had read on something that fish oil helped dry eyes. I've been using YL Omegagize and it has helped bunches with my eyes. ( and my HDL)
Q: Searched for the term 'blepharitis' and no hits. I have mild blepharitis, which is an eyelid condition along with dry eyes and sometimes you get styes or cysts on your lids. Looks like a flare up is coming. Today I started taking oregano and Thieves in a capsule (with olive oil) in an effort to avoid an infection. How many times a day would you take it (I was thinking 3 times a day) and for how long? Should I time it like an antibiotic and continue that for ten days even if it clears up? First time using oregano. Thanks! (I'm doing 2 drops of each in the capsule)
A: A couple of things I found were using Thieves Foaming Hand soap on eye pads or this use of Tea Tree (melaleuca alternafolia) Blepharitis (chronic inflammation of the eyelid) the use of Tea Tree oil should be used to reducing the amount of bacteria on the eyelids and give the meibomian glands a chance to regain their function.
Mix together 1 drop Tea Tree essential oil to 1 drop Carrier oil. ( 1:1 or 50% dilution)
Dip a Q-tip into the diluted mixture and carefully apply a layer over the top of each eyelid.
Be sure to avoid getting into the eye, itself. Flush the eye with carrier oil, not water, if Tea Tree comes in contact with the eye.
A: I don't know if this is helpful in your case or not, but I used lavender to get rid of a bad stye on Liza and an eye infection of unknown cause on myself. Just a swipe of it around the eye several times a day. Worked like a charm both times. 🙂
It is always great to hear of people getting help from oils in a variety of ways. Here is a testimonials about diffusing the oil around the eye: For about a week I noticed a lump was slowing growing inside my lower eyelid. I found out that what I had is called a chalazion.
When the lump was starting to become noticeable, I decided to put 2 drops of frankincense on my hand, rubbed my palms together, then cupped both palms over my eyes for 5 minutes while I kept my eyes open. I just let the fumes of the oil go inside my eyes while being careful not to get the oil into them.
About 8 hours later, a small, hard, white mass came out of my eyelid. The lump is gone! But just to make sure, I repeated the procedure one more time. The chalazion never came back.
Post: I had a sty in my eye and my dermotologist told me over the summer that because of its location I would have to see an eye surgeon to have it removed. It was pretty noticeable because people would tell me that I had something in my eye, of course I knew it was the sty. It looked like I had a eye goober in my eye. I started adding essential oils to the coconut oil that I would use as a moisturizer for my face not even thinking that it would get rid of the sty but that they would be good for my skin. A few weeks ago it dawned on me that the sty was gone! One more reason I love Young Living! And that was much less than having a surgeon remove it!
On Wednesday my two-year-old had a stye appear out of nowhere. I put frankincense and lavender around his eye with a cotton swab. And put grape seed oil on his eye in case he rubbed the oils. It was noticeably better the next day. After two more days of oil 2x day, it’s virtually gone!
Recently I experienced a painful eye which appeared to be a stye developing on the lower eyelid. I started applying frankincense around the eye socket rim on Sunday evening. I used two drops and gently applied the oil with the ring finger on the bone surrounding the inflamed eye. I also applied the oil to the other eye rim. After that I held my oily fingers in front of both open eyes for a minute or so.
The pain was gone by Monday morning but I continued the application of frankincense three times that day, morning, noon and evening. Tuesday morning there was no redness, no swelling, no pain. I applied frankincense twice on Tuesday, morning and evening, as a precautionary measure. There has been no indication of inflammation at all since then.
"Went to bed last night with a sore eye, knowing I had a stye coming on but just ignoring it. When I woke up this morning, it was much worse. I know you're not supposed to put essential oil in your eye, but I tried to carefully apply a tiny bit (less than a drop) of lavender to my swollen eyelid. Well, it still hurt like the dickens for a good few minutes. But, after that -- no more stye"
Q: What oils are good for a stye and how should they be applied?
A: Lavender and/or frankincense around the eye and warm compress.
A: I JUST had the beginning of a stye and got rid of it before it did anything. I put lavender carefully on my eyelid (you may or may not want to) and purification around my eye. The next day the infection was forced out and I continued to put lavender on for another two days. It never really puffed or got swollen, just hurt. It was gone in three days total!
Q: My daughter, 13, has a stye on her lower eyelid. How would you treat with oils?
A: I’ve found lavender, Frankincense, and warm compresses helpful.
A: Warm compresses and Frankincense helped me with one. It's hard to keep the oil out if your eye. It stings, but coconut oils can help if it does.
Oils at work! Thursday evening my 17 year old complained of a small stye on his lower eyelid. I suggested warm compress and maybe a drop of Lavender. Being the teenager he is, he chose to ignore my advice. Friday morning I received a call from the school clinic to tell me his eye was very red and looked infected and perhaps I should think about taking him to the Urgent care. That afternoon his eye looked terrible, it was crusty and definitely more than just a stye. He agreed to try the lavender applied directly on the area with a cotton swab and purification applied along his cheek bone. Saturday morning it was already dried up! No more crust. We are continuing to apply 2x day. No Urgent Care visit needed...🙂
Around the Eyes
Circles under your eyes? Tip from Frances: CLEANSE and HYDRATE!!! If the circles are bluish in color, then the kidneys need support. If they are more black in color, then the liver needs cleansing.
Dark Circles under Eyes by Frances Fuller.
It is likely that dark circles can be related to KIDNEY, LIVER, and/or ALLERGIES – and potentially other issues such as clogged colon as well. However, there are really great solutions with the Young Living essential oils and supplements – and one can really address everything at once with SULFURZYME, LEMON, and JUVACLEANSE . . . and avoiding the “Three Poisons” – SUGAR, CAFFEINE, and DAIRY PRODUCTS.
Whenever there are “allergies”, the body is deficient in sulfur. SULFURZYME is the perfect solution, and Dr. Ronald Lawrence, Dr. Peter Minke, and Gary Young all agree that there is “no upper limit” to the amount of Sulfurzyme that one can take.
Note: I often hear, “I am allergic to sulfur”. However, it is impossible for anyone to be allergic to PURE ORGANIC SULFUR as it is in every single cell of the human body. The allergy would be to SYNTHETIC compounds or additives that are in most products. ALL pharmaceuticals are synthetic compounds.
NEXT, it is important to REHYDRATE the body. (Dehydration affects the kidneys and the colon.) If one uses LEMON (or any of the CITRUS OILS), in large amounts, it can help to decongest the colon and the lymphatics, allowing the body to more easily detoxify.
Finally, it is important to cleanse the liver, and JUVACLEANSE is the perfect answer. It can be applied topically and taken internally. If one does not like the taste, then put it in capsules, beginning with 3 drops and slowly increasing the number of drops.
It is totally amazing how quickly one can see results with diligent attention. Certainly, expensive whitening creams will NOT provide the results that “happy kidneys, colon, and liver” will bring.
Under Eye Puffiness by Frances Fuller
Puffiness under eyes may be corrected by some simple cleansing and slight diet modifications. This is what I would do first:
Stop drinking iced water and/or iced drinks. Change to those that are either hot or room temperature.
Take capsules of LEMON or GRAPEFRUIT essential oil every morning and evening along with at least 3 cups of water morning and evening. This will detoxify the body. Note: Begin with 5 drops essential oil in each capsule and increase to 15 drops.
JUVACLEANSE: Apply 2 drops over of the blend over the liver (just above the waist on the right side) morning and evening.
SULFURZYME: Take 2 capsules 3 times daily. After 3 days increase by one capsule. After 3 more days increase by one more capsule.
Eliminate SUGAR, CAFFEINE, and DAIRY PRODUCTS (milk, cheese, yogurt)