

Tips, testimonials, recipes to prevent scarring and reduce the appearance of scars

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Tips, testimonials, recipes to prevent scarring and reduce the appearance of scars

Tips, testimonials, recipes to prevent scarring and reduce the appearance of scars

Scar-B-Gone: 10 drops Helichrysum, 8 drops Lemongrass, 6 drops Lavender, 5 drops Myrrh, 4 drops Patchouli in 1 oz (30ml) of Young Livings V6 carrier oil. Roll bottle between palms before each application to ensure oils are mixed.

Australian blue is amazing for scar tissue!! I've used it with amazing results! -- I was amazed...2 applications and issue was done.

I use [Rose Ointment] on my fairly new scars.

Rose Ointment: Great for reducing scarring! I was super impressed! My place i thought would leave a terrible scar is barley noticeable

Helichrysum, the Healer: Not only does it help with emotional scars, but physical scars as well. If you have any pigmentation, discoloration, bruising, scratches, radiation burn or other surface skin issues, add a couple drops to a carrier oil or shea butter and use daily. You do not want to use on or in an open wound. Helichrysum has some fast healing power, so you don’t want to heal the edges of a skin wound, as it can leave an opening, or pocket in the center, where infection can set in.

Some swear that [patchouli is] the absolute best to treat acne and lessens scars.

I try to remember and apply [frankincense] multiple times daily to my scar tissue. I had an appendectomy at 21 wks pregnant going on a year ago this month and I have had some severe flare ups. Frankincense has helped tremendously with it. ❤️ I definitely notice when I’ve forgotten it.

Q: After surgery, what oil is best to use on incision to reduce scarring?

A: Frankincense and rose ointment are a couple of great options

A: I was told to wait until the stitches were out. Then I put frankincense all over the scar (even with the steri strips on). I think it helped a ton!

A: Helichrysum and/or Frankincense

A: Trauma life worked well for me after surgery.

A: I used claraderm after my tape was taken off & stitches were dissolved(or close to it) after a C-section. Now I'd add straight helichrysum & frankincense too

Q: I am recovering from a very bad spider bite (pretty sure was brown recluse) after a high dose course of antibiotics it is finally healing well. I would now like to begin using some oils as it heals to prevent a huge scar. I know the common players such as Frankincense, Helichrysum, Carrot Seed and Geranium, but I was wondering if anyone has had success with a specific blend of these in preventing scar formation with a large healing wound. Thanks so much!!

A: Sooo I had MASSIVE success using the 25 year anniversary blend this week at convention on a bad burn that was scarring -- the scar is almost gone!!!!

A: I have a friend who mixed up equal amounts of frankincense, sacred frankincense, myrrh, Melrose, rosemary, ocotea, Purification, Thieves, and PanAway (based on information from the pocket reference) and used it on her dad and a friend who had brown recluse bites. She said it worked really well and left them with no scarring.

Thought I'd share, I had a mole removed and had stitches. When the stitches were removed I applied Frankincense neat daily. It improved this much in 9 days.

Q: Any suggestions on how to help heal this cancer removal spot

A: Don't put oils on stitches, they will dissolve them. Once stitches are gone, frankincense would be an great supportive oil!

A: Hey, I have a cancer removal scar to match that on my leg. I made a blend of coconut oil, frankincense, and vitamin e oil and put it on several times a day after the stitches were out. In a few weeks it was hardly noticeable. 3 years later it's barely there.

A: You can put oils 1 inch away from, but around the incision (basically far enough away from the actual stitches)... that won’t dissolve the stitches but it does help with healing in the area. Worked well for me! Lavender, Frank... cypress for circulation.

I can't believe the change in my skin since I've starting using the ART skin care system. I hardly ever break out anymore, scars are fading and my skin just looks better in general. If you've considered trying it I absolutely suggest it. In fact my teenage son with bad acne can't get anything to work but after just a week of the cleanser and toner plus lavender on the breakouts his skin was a TON better and still improving. I wish I had before and after pictures to share.

Q: I feel like I should know this but... what oils help with healing and prevent scares for a 3 year old? When she burned herself it was a 1 inch blister burn on her wrist. I used Owie, lavender, lavender lip balm, frankincense, and some after sun spray. Now it's a thick scab and I'd like to keep it from scaring as much as I can. Thank you for help!!!

A: With burns you want apply lavender or lavaderm spray over and over until it quits burning. For the scab I would start with coconut oil with a little lavender so it stays moist while it heals. Once the scab is gone lavender is always good but I would add frankincense to it. There is a Scar-B-Gone recipe ... also

Q: What can I apply to a new surgery scar? It’s a week old. Laser scar. It was glued and not stitched. It’s a little red. My dog got spayed. Thank you!

A: Since oils can eat through the stitches or glue, you want to be sure not to apply them directly to the scar if it's not healed up. You can use frankincense, rose ointment, lavaderm around the area and once its healed up ok, you could use them right on the area.

Essential: Kunzea
Super B
Essential: Sage Vitality
German Chamomile