

Recipes, tips, and testimonials

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Recipes, tips, and testimonials

Recipes, tips, and testimonials

Major allergies going on and lots of congestion. Terrible cough when she lays down has caused her to throw up. Coughing fits tonight that would NOT stop no matter what I did....

This blend completely stopped the cough and she went right back to sleep! So thankful to my friend T for sharing her recipe with me! Mix it up for when you need it!!!

Ravintsara-6, clove-5, myrrh-4, palo santo-2. Use on chest as needed for coughing fits/spasms

Coughing and lungs: Copaiba, Cedarwood and Idaho Blue Spruce together are more powerful than any steroid will ever be for the lungs. Idaho Blue Spruce will drop every other EO and bring it into the lower lobes of the lungs where chronic viruses and infections tend to grow roots. 2-3 drops each oil in a capsule

Come back 40 years with me to 1977 high school history class. I started coughing so bad the teacher asked me if I wanted to leave the class and get some water. I was mortified to be called out in front of the class for something I had no control over. No medicine ever helped, no cough drops, no herbal remedies, no Eastern holistic practices, nothing.

Now repeat this coughing fit every year or two for the next 40 years. Each year the cough would last longer, be more intense and increase the pain associated with coughing. A cold with this cough lasted 10 to 15 days of coughing for at least 40 minutes of every hour all day and most of the night. It stopped me from working, socializing, attending church, and more. Friends and family offered every remedy they had ever heard of but nothing ever worked..... until last week! My (awesome) daughter, K read a post on Team Vitality about a combination of oils that may help alleviate some of my horrendous coughing fits. Monday morning I awoke with "the cough". I immediately started using the oil combination in capsules so I could take them several times each day. And what is that combination? Four drops each of Cedarwood, Idaho Blue Spruce and Copaiba. Now it is only Thursday and I am only coughing enough to annoy myself. So for the first time in over 40 years I am virtually over the cough in less than a week! Hallelujah for Young Living essential oils. — feeling thankful.

Stop right there. Put that Halls down and slowly back away. Good. Now, get yourself some of these Thieves Cough Drops! We all know how miserable a scratchy throat and cough can be, but this combination of Thieves and menthol in a delicious cough drop will soothe your throat, cool your nasal passages, and relieve your cough. This is different than the Thieves Hard Lozenges, this is an actual cough drop that brings you major relief, and because of the FDA approved ingredient, you can call it a cough drop and tell everyone exactly what it does! I love that we're starting to be able to share the amazing things these products can do. Don't you love it?

These Thieves Cough Drops are minty, spicy, and sweet without any processed sugar, dyes, artificial flavors, or preservatives. They use naturally derived ingredients to make these, including Young Living’s pure, therapeutic essential oils and natural menthol from peppermint. These over-the-counter medicinal cough drops help add diversity to the Thieves line of products, and they bring much needed relief.

so let me thank pine oil for helping me clean my wood floors, but also to curb my daughter’s cough at night.

mixed with a carrier oil and applied right to her chest, her coughing stopped immediately. 3 nights in a row!!!! then the cough was gooooone!

our thieves chest rub is on loan to a loved one & pine was in my arsenal to use.


My husband was complaining of sore throat and cough in his chest...He does this once or twice a year and he always goes straight to the doc to get his usual steroid shot and's the only thing that's been able to get rid of it, so it's just his routine. It was right before bed when he asked me to call the doc in the morning to get him an apt. to see the doc. I immediately got on and asked Donna what I could do and she advised that I use my diffuser with Thieves, so that's what I did. Almost immediately he began coughing worse and he told me to turn it off, that he must be allergic, so instead, I ran to my computer and asked Donna what to do. She told me that he was probably just getting the junk out and to continue, which we did. Shortly after, his cough calmed down and he fell asleep. By morning every symptom was GONE! That was about a month and a half ago..still no symptom of the sore throat or cough. We all know how harmful antibiotics and steroids are. I am soooo excited that he was able to see the oils work in his own life...I hear him all the time telling people how they are helping me and how it worked for him as well. LOVE my oils!

Question: Tickle in the throat or out right cough, small or deep, #thinkfast what yl products do you use and how?


  • Frankincense on the chest

  • Thieves Cough Drops or Thieves Hard Lozenges

  • Thieves Cough Drops (tuck in my cheek and suck on them), Thieves Chest Rub (apply to chest), Frankincense (rub on throat and/or drop in throat)

  • Thieves Spray

  • Thieves for all the things! I have used AromaSiez also to quiet a cough since it relaxes the muscles.

  • I take a capsule of Thieves every morning. RC for any congestion including cough. I also take a teaspoon full of a combination of raw honey, Thieves and Lemon for a cough and to sooth a irritated throat.

  • Myrtle, RC, melrose, snifflease so many great options!

  • Raven down the neck

My husband uses Dorado Azul when he gets his deep chest colds and coughing. He says it helps him a lot.

I've used Peace and Calming (one drop on back and chest) and SniffleEase when my babies have cough. Thieves on bottom of feet to boost immune system. If they're coughing at night I diffuse 1-2 drops of Peace and Calming and Dorado Azul (or SniffleEase) on the room and they can breathe and have a restful sleep. Additionally, I eliminate Milk, Cheese and Eggs from their diet and that helps with the congestion

I boiled the minced garlic on the stove for 25min and then strained the garlic, pour into a soup or a warm drink and add 2 drops ginger oil and 3 drops lemon oil. If using it in a drink or warm tea add natural honey. Take on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Only one time a day. My son is 2.5 and he has the exact same cough. You should see a difference after a few days.

Something interesting: my little guy has had a bad cough. No oils seem to be touching it, even though I’m applying often. His cough is so tight and so bad now, it sounds like whooping cough. So, I looked up oils for whooping cough, and two of the oils on the list that I have enough of are Lavender and Basil (which, I have LOVED smelling my hands after applying those!

My little guy is two. Ornery little booger. Cute and sweet through. Anyway, usually, when I am putting oils on him, he fights me, unless he can do it himself (yes, I’ve made several roller blends). Tonight when he was coughing in his sleep, I reapplied Lavender and Basil and he audibly sighed in relief! That made me happy! Maybe I finally found the right one to help him! Who would have thought of Lavender and Basil? I was using RC, Raven, Sacred Frankincense, copaiba, eucalyptus, breathe again, peppermint, antibiotic blend, etc. nothing was touching it. Right now he is resting comfortably and hasn’t had a coughing fit since the second application of these two oils.

I share this for two reasons:

1. I thought his sigh of relief was pretty special and worth sharing

2. Most importantly, a reminder that when what you are doing doesn’t seem to be working, try a different angle/oil. And lavender being the Swiss Army knife of oils is so often overlooked for the serious things, and yet sometimes it is JUST the thing!

From N. S.: I am lying peacefully in bed listening to the wonderful sound of silence. For the last two nights my toddler G has been plagued with a horrible dry cough, and it has been keeping both him and me up for the majority of the night.

Tonight as I was playing with my essential oils, I decided to try a special combination for G and use it in place of his usual nighttime "sleepy cream".

I read through the Young Living Product Guide and decided that I would just choose three essential oils that seem most relevant for a cough, since that is all that seemed to be bothering my son. I combined the following essential oils:

  • 4 drops Lemon

  • 4 drops Peppermint

  • 4 drops Thieves blend

  • 2 drops Lavender

I mixed these oils with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and applied this mixture to both of G's feet, making sure to get all of his toes. Then I covered his feet with socks and used the remainder of the mixture (which was about 75% of the total that I had made), rubbing it on his back, tummy, chest, and shoulders. Since I still had a significant amount left (I did not realize how far it would go), I just continued to rub his chest, tummy, back, and shoulders over and over until the mixture was gone.

I then put G's shirt back on him, and he laid there on the couch for a while, very relaxed. After a while, maybe a half hour, he got up and began playing again.

My husband was in the kitchen and asked me where I had found the cough medicine for G because he had looked everywhere for it. I told him that I had not found it (because I had thrown it away -- but I did not tell him that) and that I had instead just made up an essential oil blend and applied it to G. My husband was shocked. That was about 6 PM.

Now it is after 11 PM, and I still have not heard a single cough come from G's room! I am one happy momma right now!

Question: Can anyone recommend a good oil for a dry cough. I have had it for seven weeks. I was prescribed prednisone, codeine cough syrup, nasal spray to no avail. It is daily and throughout 24 hours. Thank you so much.


  • RC has been helping me with my cough that just won't go away.

  • The Thieves cough drops help me

  • Thieves chest rub on the throat and chest along with the THieves cough drops

  • I put a few drops of lavender and peppermint in the Thieves mouthwash and gargle.

Conquer your seasonal cold the natural way with Thieves® Chest Rub. This 100 percent plant-based formula delivers over-the-counter strength and helps reduce cough for the whole family ages 2 and up.

Take control of your comfort and temporarily relieve cough and congestion with soothing aromatic vapors and a powerful combination of camphor, menthol, and eucalyptus.

Thieves Chest Rub helps reduce cough and is safe to use on family members ages 2 and up!

It provides maximum-strength cough relief and acts as a cough suppressant, plus temporarily relieves stuffiness, cough, and congestion from minor throat and bronchial irritation. It supports healthy breathing and helps relieve chest aches associated with colds

Formulated free of petroleum, parabens, phthalates, mineral oil, synthetic perfumes or dyes, artificial colors, preservatives, or GMO ingredients

It is derived naturally from plants and features hands-free application!

Question: Ok I’ve had a cough for over three months. Not an ordinary cough. It feels different and is situated lower in my throat such that when I feel my post nasal drip I cough and gag. It’s getting embarrassing. Sometimes it hits when I eat or when I talk or it just happens. I’ve taken a course of antibiotics, allergy meds etc. what oils can I take to rid myself of my coughing, gagging etc. I have to give a speech next week and I’m scared I can’t complete it 😖


  • I put lavender, lemon and frank, 1drop each in teaspoon of honey and swallow. Also put in chamomile tea.

  • I had a persistent cough for months, and I tried everything. What finally worked was 3 drops oregano with 3 drops carrier oil under my tongue for a few minutes. I have also mixed 3 drops oregano into a small glass of orange juice and drank it straight. It's a hot oil, so be prepared, but it cleared my sinuses and instantly took care of my cough, providing about 8 hours of relief. After a week of daily treatments, my cough was gone.

  • Peppermint and copiaba on the bottom of my feet helps me a lot!

  • I get a cough after I eat gluten. I would eliminate milk, gluten and processed food and drink NingXia Red.

  • I drip lavender down my throat when I cough!

  • Clove oil numbs the back of my throat and reduced my cough. I gargled Ningxia red with clove oil to get it back there.

  • I put honey in a spoon with a couple drops of Thieves and Lemon and that has worked for me.

Question: Hello ladies I need help please. I am very sick. I have a very bad cough persistent reflux cough 24/7 for 8 weeks now

that I can’t get rid of. What should I use? I also can’t breathe I am so congested in my nose how can I open up my nose to breathe. Thank you so much.


  • I am certainly not an expert but I would start with breath again across the top of the nose. And RC or Raven on the chest area to relieve the congestion In the lungs. I would also be drinking Ningxia Red to help with immune support as well as using Thieves on the bottoms of my feet. You could also try Oregano on the bottoms of your feet (great for immunity support).

  • Frankincense and copaiba over the rim of your nose for nasal congestion/swelling.

  • The Soothe Roll-on is another idea

  • Lavender is a natural antihistamine

  • RC helps me. I put it on my sinuses. Diffusing it helps too

  • Digize over the nose can help, also apply on the pads of the toes which are the points on the feet related to the sinuses.

  • I really like the Alkalime for reflux

  • Allerzyme opens my nose when I’m congested.

  • We use eucalyptus under the nose and it really helps us!

  • There's was a post about Pine e.o. just a few days ago, & how that really helps with the respiratory system. I would add the Heavy Duty Immune Support Blend from Gary Young (See Immune Support Recipes page)

  • Thieves rub with warm towel at bed time.and try not to lay on your back it gets into the lungs . sending healing prayers .

  • I used RC on my chest and in diffuser with Purification. Helped me a lot

  • I'm not sure if anyone posted about the Thieves cough drops... but whenever I get a cough of any kind I only ever use Thieves cough drops now and it usually (98% of the time) knocks it right out.

  • I too occasionally suffer from acid reflux and I only ever use YL Alkalime to help with that.

  • I make a roller bottle of frankincense and lime and carrier and roll it on face around nose and sinuses. I also use a spoonful of honey with frank,lavender,lemon. I ingest it as is, a few times a day, and put it in hot herbal tea. Helps my throat.

  • Thieves chest rub and red drink

Saturday morning I woke up with a sore throat, runny nose, slight headache and cough. Started LLP, RC on chest, a Cold/Flu blend on my throat. Nothing seemed to help my cough as the day went on my cough got worse and my headache too. Then I remembered D. R. saying she had tried Basil on her chest for her cough as it was a antispasmodic. People not only does it smell good but within seconds of applying two drops on my chest and rubbing it in my cough stopped.

I have continued the LLP for the runny nose, my throat has not been sore since Saturday morning, my nose is still running but not as bad. I have only had to apply the Basil about every 45 minutes to an hour to control my cough. I don't feel great but I feel so much better than Saturday afternoon.

From P. B.: Last year I developed a severe bronchial infection and cough, then a sinus infection on top of that. It took 3 'upgrades' of antibiotic and several weeks to knock down the infections, but I was left with a continual sinus drip and a chronic cough with heavy mucus.

I had been inhaling Raven and RC and the Breathe Again Roll-on for temporary relief, but house dust, changing sheets, outdoor air and all cleaning products and hair sprays sent me into gasping, coughing fits. After being tested for asthma, given an Rx for an inhaler and Advair, which I didn't use, I decided to research the Young Living info I had been collecting for years.

I came across notes from a YL seminar I had attended in 1996, which gave us a blend for COPD for inhaling. In an empty bottle, pour

3 drops Thyme oil

3 drops Rosemary oil

2 drops Peppermint oil

2 drops Lemon oil

Inhale this deeply for 2-3 minutes, as needed. I mixed a big batch, using 45 drops Rosemary, 30 each of Peppermint and Lemon in a clean empty YL bottle. I carry this with me, and take it to bed.

It stops the tickle, the wheezing, and the sinus drip. My once chronic condition is gradually disappearing, and using it as soon as symptoms appear nips the allergy reaction in the bud.

I now diffuse a few drops in the house before cleaning, and in my bedroom on bad air-quality and sheet changing days.

I recently added the Thyme oil after hearing research that it strengthens immune and bronchial response to inhaled air particles, and is beneficial for fighting germs. It now works better than ever.

Question: Whenever my 19 month daughter gets a cold it turns into a nasty cough. It gets so bad at night that she can’t stay asleep and is coughing herself awake constantly. I’ve tried a bunch of different oils, directly on her and diffused, and haven’t found one that seems to help her much yet. What would you recommend for coughs (particularly for a child). We are desperate to get her some sleep tonight. Thanks!


  • Have you tried Eucalyptus Blue + Dorado Azul

  • Diffusing Purification? Melrose?

  • My 3yr caught my horrendous head cold last week. We used a warm mist humidifier in her room at night and I applied Thieves, Peppermint and RC on her feet as well as Breathe Again. I also applied Breathe Again to her chest and neck and put lemon down her spine.

  • Cypress, myrtle, lemon and lavender seem to work well with mine when they get the croup. l diffuse and I’ve made a coconut oil cream with spearmint added to use on the chest and back. l also found raw honey with a warm compress on the chest to be helpful! My twins were preemies so they get the crud often. Ningxia Red, and mightyzymes and mightyvites. Since starting those vitamins it’s cut down a ton on their sinus infections and croup cases!

  • When coughing starts I use Thieves because it has the Eucalyptus in it, which all of our kids respond to.

  • Does she drink NingXia Red? It has aronia berry which is similar to elderberry. My granddaughters when drinking it regularly, rarely get sick.

  • I would consider multigreens in smoothies. She may need enzymes as well and mightzymes could be ground up into her food also.

  • Also prop her up and reapply the oil before you go to bed on her chest/neck/under around ears.

  • I like lemon, frankincense and RC on the chest with a hot wet compress on top. When the rag cools reapply the oils and get the cloth hot again. That usually kicks it for my littles. But they've had some kind of super respiratory virus or something and they've had a really stubborn cough. Adding Elemi and Rosemary have been helpful!

  • Breathe Again is my life saver for a croupy cough!

  • Eucalyptus Globulous on her spine. Also try the allergy bomb ingredients- lemon, lavender and peppermint.

My husband woke up in the night with a very sore throat and painful cough. I made him some thieves "tea" with lemon and honey and gave him a capsule as well. He woke up this morning feeling much better and ready for work. He said " I don't know what you gave me or how it works but I feel so much better!" He's been a believer but this is the first time he has experienced the effects personally. Love showing him what YL oils can do!

Question: Suggestions for a cough suppressant?

My husband has a nagging cough that's lingering after a cold (or something). His cough is bad. Persistent tickling with some irritating phlegm in the back of his throat. Nothing in his chest. He would like an oil capsule or something to apply as opposed to getting OTC dextromethorphan from the store.


  • I put thieves on my feet and diffuse RC. Have not tried the Thieves cough drops 💦 yet but heard they are awesome

  • Lemon oil has been very helpful for cutting phlegm in our household. That would be great in a capsule. Also frankincense massaged over the lungs and then covered with a hot, moist compress has helped drive out lingering coughs. A towel wet with hot water and wrung out is a warm, moist compress. I drip lavender oil on the outside of the capsule to numb my throat on the way down. I would put thieves, lavender, lemon, peppermint, copaiba and frank in the capsule. I have also dropped lavender on my tongue with my head up so it would go right down my throat. I put thieves on the arches of my feet and down my spine. Hope he feels better.

  • Raven is my favorite for coughs, applied topically on the throat and chest before he goes to work and before bed (or as often as needed). My next suggestion would be a spoonful of honey with a drop of lemon oil and a drop of thieves. Capsule? I'd try lemon, lavender, and peppermint.

For Skeptical Husbands 😂 so last night my husband wakes me up freakin' out bc his Throat is on fire 🔥 and he couldn't stop coughing. He's running around about to have a panic attack bc he can't sooth his throat... he even tried drinking milk 🥛 I told him to calm down and suck on one of theses Cough Drops. Within seconds his cough stopped and his Throat stopped burning 😊 now idk what caused his weird episode but all I know is the cough drops worked and my Husband is finally coming around when it comes to YL 💯

Question: I need help! I have searched and used many different options. I have this cough and I am sure it's allergy related. It's not consistent but seems to be the worst at night when I lay down to go to sleep. I have tried the allergy bomb pill, the allergy bomb pill plus copaiba and eucalyptus and Frankincense, diffusing eucalyptus while sleeping, using a roller ball behind ears and down neck with lemon, thieves, and purification for drainage purposes just in case that was it. I am taking my Ningxia every morning. I just took an inner defense.

Currently the best working has been eucalyptus on a warm wash cloth placed on my chest then breathing it in. I was able to sleep for 3 hours after that.

Someone please help me! I can't do no sleep plus I am keeping my family awake. It seems like I get this pesky cough about twice a year with no other symptoms besides being irritating and keeping me from sleeping. Thank you in advance for all your help!


  • Maybe add cedarwood to the drainage mix. I find that inhaling Eucalyptus Blue helps those pesky coughs stop but be aware to me that stuff smells HORRIBLE!!!! Oh...Breathe Again might help too!

  • Have you tried RC, it helps me with coughs!

  • My son is currently using these for congestion/drainage.

  • Roller of Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, RC, and Thieves applied to chest and throat.

  • Also the throat spray in the picture.

  • For coughing I use raw local honey, ginger, cayenne and a bit of lemon vitality. And I take when I am not coughing, and take as often as I want. Not sure what everyone else does, but this goes after the cause of the coughing as I view coughing as a symptom, not the cause. Hope this makes sense.

  • Thieves spray works for my cough but try to spray in the back of the throat. It tastes awful on your tongue lol

  • I use a squirt of thieves spray into my throat. It’s quite the experience! But stops my nighttime cough like you’re describing. I keep it on my nightstand.

  • I like to do Spring Wellness. It has lavender, lemon, peppermint and cypress diffused at night.

  • I have been diffusing the above mentioned oils for my child that has asthma. We got a stomach virus so I diffused thieves & ginger a few nights. She is not having any breathing or snoring issues at all now.

  • I found a combo that worked better than anything else! And all with everyone's help.. peace and calming, lavender, and RC on my chest. Valor on my feet and wrists. Then RC and Valor on my spine. I did wake up once coughing and I applied valor to my wrists and spine again. I also added a second pillow to keep my head kinda propped up while I slept. Only waking up once I will say this was successful.

  • YL cough drops along with the LLP drops work for us!

  • 1 drop of Lavender under my tongue. If that doesn't nip it in the bud, I suck on a Thieves Hard Lozenge. Stops it every allergies flair up a lot at night, so I keep those 2 on my nightstand! Feel better!!! ❤

  • We love raven for cough

  • I cough more when I eat gluten and additives. Eating a clean diet is the best way for me to minimize allergy symptoms. I also use YL personal products to avoid taking in toxic chemicals through my skin. I also avoid coffee at the same time I use oils.

  • I live in SE Texas, so it gets pretty bad here. What’s really helped me in a size 00 capsule start off with 3 drops oregano and fill the rest with Copaiba. The Oregano is very warm, so do not get that oil on the outside of the capsule. It’ll be just a tad warm going down the throat. 😉 Remember the 3 E’s: Long enough, Often Enough and Enough of it.

  • Raven and or RC on chest or diffuser is our go to for coughing keeping us up while sleeping. I also used a marjoram and thyme blend I made for my son's croup and rubbed on my chest. It helped expell during the day. I also drank lemon or peppermint water. Everyone is different, I hope you find what works for you! I think allerzyme has been helping with my allergies. I have been using it for about a month now.

  • Raven and RC☺️👍 Raven on your chest and diffusing. And RC in your nostrils.

Post Nasal Drip and Cough Concoction for my kids!

They’re too small to swallow capsules but this goes down well sandwiched between some honey! Raw honey would be better but this is what I had on hand.

As the gatekeepers of our homes we have such a great opportunity to bring in healthy products and create healthy habits for ourselves and families! Join us as we detox our health cabinets and switch out conventional chest rubs for Young Living Thieves Chest Rub!

A must-have for every medicine cabinet, Thieves Chest Rub is a 100% plant-based alternative for over-the-counter cough and congestion relief. This natural chest rub soothes sniffles, coughs, and congestion for the whole family with a powerful blend of essential oils and natural, plant-based ingredients. Plus the super easy to use bottle doesn't even require you to get your hands messy!! The formula is free of petroleum, parabens, phthalates, mineral oil, synthetic perfumes or dyes, artificial colors, or preservatives and still packs an incredible punch when it comes to cough and cold! Pure ingredients and all the power of Thieves kicking that chest congestion to the curb? We will take some of that!


* Provides maximum-strength cough relief and acts as a cough suppressant

* Supports healthy breathing

* Provides aromatic vapors that soothe nasal passages

* Acts quickly to provide relief

* Helps relieve chest aches associated with colds

* Temporarily relieves stuffiness, cough, and congestion from minor throat and bronchial irritation

* Formulated for ages 2 and up

* Formulated free of petroleum, parabens, phthalates, mineral oil, synthetic perfumes or dyes, artificial colors, preservatives, or GMO ingredients

* Derived naturally from plants

* Features hands-free application

Sadly, conventional chest rubs are filled with synthetic additives and diluents, and even the ‘natural' options are less than ideal. Many options use petroleum as a base. Petroleum (petrolatum) is often not fully refined in the US, which means it can be contaminated with toxic chemicals called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.


* Camphor (5.3%): Fast-acting cough suppressant and topical analgesic

* Menthol (2.8%): Cough suppressant to support healthy breathing and temporarily soothe nasal passages

* Eucalyptus globulus essential oil (1.3%): Cough suppressant and respiratory support

* Thieves essential oil blend: Young Living's proprietary blend that supports overall wellness and immune systems

Many ‘natural' chest rubs contain impure essential oils or other lower-grade components that don't meet the same standards as the ingredients found in Young Living products. The active ingredient in the most popular over the counter chest rub is actually a synthetic version of Ravintsara essential oil! And we are always going to choose the original over a synthetic copy, especially when it comes to our health and our children's health!


* For adults and children ages 2 and up, rub a thick layer on the chest and throat as desired. Keep clothing loose around the throat and chest so vapors can reach the nose and mouth.

* Use up to 3 times daily or as directed by a doctor.

Question: I need some suggestions for my son's hacking cough. He can't stop and it's worse at night. I have diffused RC, done Frank and Breathe Again on his chest, put peppermint on top to drive it in and nada. It's not helping. He coughs all night. I took him to the Dr today and his lungs are clear, but the cough is wearing him out and making his throat hurt. Is there anything else I can do that I'm not already doing?? The Dr wanted to put him on an inhaler, but I'd rather not. Help please!!!


  • We just went through this. I did what you are doing, along with lavender on the sinuses and RC below the ears. What really helped, though, was lemon water, lemon tea, and spoonfuls of honey.

  • We have been dealing with the horrible cough this week. I have been using Cypress and cedarwood in diffuser at night. Seems to help calm it and allow better sleep.

  • I saved this when I first joined YL 22 months ago and I've never had to use it but the past two days it's worked like a charm! Been sick as a dog and had a horrible cough until I started doing these. (picture)

  • RC and lemon on the chest topped with Frankincense and then a hot wet rag on top is what works well on my kiddos

  • To a mug of hot water, add: 1T honey, 1T Apple Cider Vinegar, 1tsp cinnamon or 1drop cinnamon oil, 1T lemon juice or 1 drop lemon oil, 1-2 drops Thieves. Drink up!

  • Eucalyptus Globulus always opens up my throats when I have drainage. Honey is a great thing for coughs along with lemon oil.

Question: What would you all suggest for a bad hacking cough with mucus, fever, & runny/stuffy nose? It developed while I was away from home for Thanksgiving.. I was already on an antibiotic for a bad tooth 3 × day. I've been using Inner Defense as well as alternating between diffusing Thieves, Immupower, RC, & Raven. I already currently take Super C, Life 9, MightyPro, & Multigreens (plus more YL supplemengs) daily. Anyone have other ideas to kick this to the curb? I know about the antibiotic bomb, sinus bomb, etc.


  • Capsules with copaiba and Idaho blue spruce can help the lungs.

  • Add cedarwood to the capsule too! Copaiba helps with inflammation. Cedarwood helps thin mucus. Adding Idaho blue spruce makes the lung steroid and this mixture really helps clear the chest and lungs.

  • I drop 2 drops of Oregano in boiling hot water and inhale the steam...burns but works...after it cools down then I drink the water. I also make hot tea and mix 2 drops of thieves and peppermint with honey and mix it in the hot tea.

  • Cumin EO is also helpful with non stop coughs

  • Lemon Myrtle is great for coughs. I dropped it on my chest and diffused it.

  • Breathe Again! Eucalyptus

  • If your head is congested, lavender over the sinuses and purification over the glands in the throat.

The reason I wanted to start using essential oils was to find a way to help my babies battle croup. Out of 7 children, I have 3 who seem to be very susceptible. Lately every cold (which of course my 1-year-olds get once a month) turns into a battle with croup.

If you have never dealt with croup (especially with stridor), it is extremely scary because your sweet sleeping child (it always seems to attack during the night) suddenly starts coughing like a seal. And with stridor, which creates a loud, high-pitched whistle due to a constricted airway, you know they are not getting the air they need.

We started using essential oils just this past January, and I began researching croup. We have found that marjoram and thyme can halt an attack. I have a glass roll-on, filled with 5 drops of each oil and two pumps of V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex, sitting on my children's dresser. I have labeled it "Croup Roll On".

Anytime I notice that they have a runny nose or hoarseness to their voice/cry, I will apply my blended oils directly on the front of their neck and on the bottoms of their feet before laying them down to sleep.

If they start to cough or have an attack, I can quickly apply it to their neck and feet and then take them outside if it is cold and begin to nurse (my twin 1-year-olds) or make a warm Thieves tea for my older son.

Here are some other things that I do if I feel an attack is possible during the night:

I put 2 drops of thyme, 2 drops of marjoram, and 2 drops of myrtle in the diffuser and run it continuously throughout the night.

I will also give the children a bath with Thieves, Peace & Calming, and myrtle, added to epsom salts.

If there is congestion in their nose, I will alternate between lavender and myrtle applied to their T-zone and down either side of their nose under the eyes anytime they wake during the night. (Have extra carrier oil handy if they swipe it in their eye.)

We have stayed out of the emergency room and off the steroids used to treat croup thus far due to these precious oils. I am so thankful for Young Living Essential Oils!

I have used 2 drops of Thieves essential oil blend on each foot at bedtime whenever I am sick with a cold or cough....

What I found by chance is that whenever I have a cough, my coughing would suddenly calm after applying the Thieves. I have used this method on my husband and two sons, and all four of us experience the same result: Our cough is calmed within minutes so we can sleep.

My son recently had bronchitis, and he had been coughing for two hours straight, to the point where his chest hurt. I thought that he had already put the Thieves blend on his feet, so I was trying all sorts of things: cough drops, lots of fluids, warm bath with epsom salts and Eucalyptus and Peppermint essential oils, etc.

Then I found out that my son had not even used the Thieves essential oil blend yet. Well, within five minutes of application on the bottoms of my son's feet, his relentless coughing, which had been going on for hours, suddenly calmed. Amazing!

Whatever Works: J has a persistent congestive cough.... and it's driving me crazy.. plus I'm SURE his throat has to be sore and I know he's not fond of all the coughing either 😕 He was near me and coughing a bunch when I was in the laundry room and on a whim I grabbed the spray bottle of water/purification that I use to spray out the diaper pail. I tested it in my mouth first for "spicy-ness". It was fine.. so I asked him to say "ah" and spritzed twice in his mouth toward the throat. Would you believe he has gone at least 5 minutes without coughing?! Seriously a record this morning.

Question: I have the everyday oils and some others. I applied oils externally. What can I take internally for chest congestion, cough, and sore throat? Thanks oils family!


  • I love Thieves Spray for the throat. It is strong, so be expecting it. Also have lip balm ready if you get it on your lips. Works great!

  • From the everyday oils collection, frankincense, lavender, lemon, peppermint, and Thieves would be ones I’d try internally for that. Also, frankincense on the chest with a warm damp cloth or compress may be helpful.

Question: Ladies, all your experience is needed, PLEASE

We're looking for a POWERFUL recipe for chronic cough for a 5 year old. It has lasted more than a month (yes, they have consulted a Doctor) and we have tried the usual suspects (peppermint, rc, purification, thieves). Any tip or your favorite combo of oils are welcomed.

Thank you in advance!!!


  • Christmas Spirit is a fav around here for coughs, it’s a hotter oil so I rub V6 oil on my 3yo chest & back before applying several drops.

  • Frankincense and Lemon Myrtle applied liberally with a warm compress over.

  • My son has been fighting what could possibly be bronchitis this past week. He is 4 months old only and his cough was getting pretty bad. I started slowly just by using the Rc and Lavender. It worked a little bit until the next day when his cough was getting worse. So I took my reference book out and searched what was good for bronchitis. I made a roll on blend of 5-10 drops each of : Northern lights black spruce, cederwood, Lavender, rc, oregano, Thieves, rosemary and copaiba. He is on day 2 using these oils on his spine, back, and chest almost every 2-3 hours and his cough is sooo much better. Last night he barely coughed. Good luck!

  • Hi😀 Praying for your sweet kiddo💕 My daughter just had the flu and it left her with a lingering cough. This blend helped so much in a roller bottle on her feet, spine and chest. Exodus 2, Melrose, Oregano, Cypress, Myrrh, Clove

  • Eucalyptus Radiata behind the ears is helpful with our kids and their coughs

  • I’ve fought a few of these with rc and then Idaho blue spruce layered on top. Directly on the chest. Sometimes I’ll alternate between rc and just straight eucalyptus globulus.

  • For my hubby I use eucalyptus (any) rubbed onto his back over the involved lung, then chased it with a couple of drops of RC. Used every 15 minutes to start, then stretched it out.

  • Frankincense helps my coughs better than RC

Spread the word about YL to your loved ones.

My husband was getting injections for immunotherapy to manage allergies and a really bad cough up until about a year or so ago. We got tired of the outrageous prices for the injections and the serum.

After some research on here, we decided to try LLP capsules with him. Right now he takes one a day with 3 drops lemon, 3 drops lavender, and 3 drops peppermint.

His cough is almost nonexistent, and his allergies are very well managed.

Seriously, spread the word, oily friends. We're still paying off this bill. Grrrrrrrr. Glad we started using the LLP capsules when we did.

Question: I've searched and read all posts about cough. I've tried every suggestion and it helps ease the cough (especially at night) but what I want is something to help her break up the phlegm in her throat. I think if I can accomplish that it will speed up the healing. She coughs but you can hear the thickness in her throat and she can't break it up. Thank you for your help.

  • Answers:

  • I would use one (or more) of the eucalypti or breathe again

  • I use lemon in water for this. You could add it to warm tea or something she likes to drink.

  • Gary Young says a mixture of Lemon and Grapefruit oils in water all through the day gets rid of mucus and it really works for me!!!

My youngest child was suffering with a bad cold that included cough, congestion, asthma (wheezing) problems, and fever. He had a constant cough and was running a 101 fever. I made up this blend (3 drops Raven, 3 drops RC, 2 drops Lemon, 2 drops Peppermint) and applied it every 2 hours. Within 10 minutes of applying this to his chest and spine, he was cough FREE! After 2 Applications of this to his stomach and feet area, his fever started dropping! I love my Essential Oils and they are AMAZING for my children!

Question: Ideas/suggestions. What would be your next choice of oils to suggest to someone who has a bad head cold/sinus congestion and cough for going on 2 weeks with no relief using RC? They have been diffusing and been putting it on topically with no notice of relief. I also made up the chest rub for him. I have some ideas, but wanted to see what you all may have used if RC didn't help.


  • I use Thieves on my feet, Cypress with Peppermint and Eucalyptus G in coconut oil on my chest (I have a lung infection) I started recently to take Thieves and Rosemary in a capsule.

  • Raven! Eucalyptus radiata "tea". One drop ER, one drop Lemon in warm water and Agave. Smells horribly medicinal but goes down easily and makes a huge difference.

  • When I had s horrible one a couple of years ago I put RC in my Neti pot. When I could finally feel it burning I knew it was getting through. Eucalyptus globulus RC and Raven are what I used for my husband last month. He also used palo santo internally and that helped.

  • I just made a roller ball formula for sinus/congestion- 15 drops lemon 15 eucalyptus g 8 peppermint 5 rc 5 thieves finish filling 5ml bottle with carrier oil. Rub on neck, bottom of feet and under nose.

  • Diffusing Oregano has helped us... also rubbing Rosemary on the chest and cupping the hands over the nose with Rosemary on them.

  • My hubby has one for a month. Headache woke him up at night. He finally listened to me. Copaiba on forehead and neck followed with peppermint. Has not had a headache since.

  • Lavender rubbed on sinuses.

Suggestion for treating whooping cough – Peppermint is perfect. A friend of mine totally resolved her whooping cough with it. The allopathic meds weren’t touching it. Peppermint does not stimulate the bronchioles, it calms them down and relaxes them, so a person can breathe easier and deeper.

Question: What else can I do? My 6 month old has a eye,ear and sinus infection. It's bacterial and didn't come from a virus. She woke up from her nap with a cough that almost sounds croupy but not quite. She is just inflamed everywhere. I have been putting breast milk in her eyes so they have mostly cleared up. I am putting Purification and lavender around her ears. What can I do to help the inflammation starting in her throat that's causing the cough?


  • RC with some coconut oil on the chest and feet, diffuse it as well. Frankincense on the chest.

  • Poor thing 🙁 Do you have any Ningxia red left? If it was me I would give her some. Do the oils often. Another thing I've done is get in Tub w them, Epsom salt bath with lav, close door and diffuse rc/thieves in there while it's steamy

I am so greatful for lemon, lavender, and peppermint. Every year at this time my allergies get to me. I get a terrible cough from the post nasal drip. My LLP capsules really, realy helps. Especially now with Covid 19 going around, if you cough even with a mask, you get death stares. I'm thankful for my oils, otherwise I could die from looks that kill. Lol

LOVING my tea tree oil! B has an ear infection and a virus. (According to the doctor, he doesn't think it's that awful one plowing through the Midwest) She has had a horrible cough, snotty nose, sore throat, and her lungs are squeaky. I have gone through an entire 15 ml bottle of thieves in the past two weeks (and now I'm completely out), and I'm out of RC. Last night I was desperate and worried, and looked up antiviral oils. So I put tea tree and lemon on her throat and the bottoms of her feet, and diffused tea tree and LLP. She slept for over 10 hours, and woke up feeling so much better! I listened to her squeaks! Her coughing has come back a little today with activity, but I'm continuing with what I've been doing to control it! Soooo happy! When she woke up, she thanked me (for about the 50th time this week) for being a "crazy oil lady". Lol.

Question: I got diagnosed with walking pneumonia today. Low grade fever and elevated BP plus bad cough and congestion. Suggestions for me while I await my X-ray? Thank you in advance.


  • Thieves on your spine. Frankincense on your chest with a warm wet cloth might be good

  • Using oils as suppositories gets to the lungs the fastest

  • Hyssop

Question: Hi everyone. I came home from the mountains with a nasty head cold/sinus infection?. I already use Red Drink, Cinnamon CBD, Immupro, and Life 9 daily. I immediately started diffusing Thieves and Lemon Myrtle, taking Super C, Inner defense, and Thieves on feet along with Raven/RC on sinuses and throat, Lemon Myrtle in capsules for cough. These took care of sinus pressure but I can't get rid of the cough any suggestions please


  • Thieves cough drops

  • Thieves spray

  • A tea of water, juice of a lemon, honey and Thieves oil or mix Thieves oil with a little honey and swallow it.

  • Purification and eucalyptus on chest and back. 🙂

Question: I'm watching my friends little girl and she has a croup-like cough. Gentle babies suggests theives on the feet, P & C with a carrier rubbed on the chest & lemon ingested with maple syrup or honey. Any other recommendations, I have the everyday essentials kit.


  • Peppermint with co might help.

  • The feet are always a great place for kids, especially if they aren't yours. Lemon could be used on the feet or chest

  • You can also just hold the peppermint near her nose and she will inhale the scent

  • I was thinking chest. With coconut oil and just a swipe of peppermint from the threads of the bottle, it shouldn't be too hot

  • Also frankincense on the chest with a warm compress

Question: My husband had the flu and was left with a bacterial bronchial infection. He’s finished his antibiotic, and now is left with a terrible dry hacking cough! RC usually wipes a cough out in a matter of days, but he’s been using it, and it’s not budging!!! Any other oily ideas to get this gone?? Thanks!!!


  • Raven, frankincense, follow with a warm compress

  • Euclyptus and Peppermint in carrier on his chest.

  • I’ve had the exact same situation flu then hacking cough. Oregano on the bottoms of feet has helped.

  • Inner defense, Oil of oregano in a capsule Sulfurzyme colloidal silver and vitamin C Ningxia Red.

  • Here is a DIY cough syrop that I have been using.-1 drop each Frankincense, Peppermint, Lemon and Orange and two drops Thieves added to a tsp of honey. Because I find it time consuming to mix this 1 tsp at a time, I take an empty bottle and mix a larger quantity and then use 6 drops with the honey. Best part, no chemicals or codeine.

  • Also among the many suggestions, thieves spray in the small bottle just make sure you aim up and to the back of the throat cuz it taste horrible the cough drops have been helping me as well

  • I do the same thing with Thieves spray. I get a cough as I’m falling asleep from time to time from allergies and it is amazing. A bit harsh but after a few seconds no more cough!

  • I had the exact same thing flu followed by bronchitis. After finishing my antibiotics I still had congestion in my chest did the flu bomb (thieves plus oregano ) in capsules for 3 days and it was gone!

  • Lavender dripped on my tongue and allowed to run down my throat quiets my throat.

Question: My daughter has a very nasty cough, lots of drainage and fever what could I diffuse/use to help her? (I only have what comes with a starter kit) TIA!


  • I'm really new to oils, but my kids just had a cold like that and I diffused Thieves, and rubbed Thieves and lemon on their feet, and diluted Peppermint and rubbed it on their chest. Cleared up within a few days!

  • You could also diffuse RC

  • Lemon on the spine every 5 min. Diffuse RC, she can take lemon and honey or agave internally to help with coughing. You can also apply frankincense to the chest and apply a warm compress.

  • In addition to the great ideas here I recently found that peppermint rubbed on my throat really helps my cough.

Question: My 7.5 month old has a BRUTAL cough going on and has for a few days now. I have Thieves, RC and Cedarwood diffusing in her room. What else can I do? It's to the point that she wakes up crying from the pain in her throat (my guess anyway).


  • Frankincense lemon lavender peppermint basil.. Those are all ones I've had luck with but coughs are so tricky 🙁

  • You can use oils on the baby. Diffusing will help but topically will be more effective. Frankincense (which is very mild) on the baby's chest and apply a warm, wet cloth to drive it in is one suggestion.

  • I use Thieves on the bottom of feet and snifflease on chest for my 10 month old. I've used it on her since birth when congested

  • D. S. uses frankincense on the chest I believe for her kiddos when they have a cough.

  • I remember one of our Canadian girls mentioned a few years ago that she did Peace and Calming on her little one's feet for a cough.

Question: I have a sinus infection. Every night I get a terrible tickle in my throat and I cough for at least a few hours. any suggestions on what would help my cough? And my throat is killing me in my glands are all swollen.


  • Lemon rubbed on your tonsils and down to help them drain. Thieves in a spoonful of honey or a warm cup of water with thieves added. Lavender on the sinuses.

  • I had the terrible tickle in my throat and the Thieves lozenges worked wonderful for me 🙂

  • Thieves mixed in a spoonful of honey and cinnamon warmed up

  • If you're brave.... Peppermint on the sinuses and bridge of your nose. That sent my sinuses running like a mad person... Dilute it if your sensitive. I put peppermint on my hubby's temples once....once. Lol. He couldn't open his eyes. A bit more sensitive than I thought

I finally got to try my R.C. with a recent cold and upper-respiratory condition. I loved how it quickly helped clear my sinuses and took pressure off my chest. I was supporting my system with Thieves, lemon, clove, and peppermint as well.

However, I was still getting up numerous times in the night with a cough until my mentor recommended myrtle. So I rubbed 2 drops of myrtle on my neck and chest, dropped 2 drops in my mouth, and applied 2 drops on my feet (tops and bottoms of toes).

I have not had to get up with a cough since! I've only had just 1 to 2 small coughs the last two nights, and I feel so much better!

Essential: Flu
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