Attention / Focus Recipes & Research

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Recipes & Protocols

Recipe/Protocol 1:

Valor on the spine and ears

Make a roll on of Cedarwood, Lavender, Frankincense. Apply to spine and bottoms of the feet.

Do both 3-4 times per day.

Diffuse Peace and Calming at bedtime.

Recipe/Protocol 2:

Focusing on schoolwork is hard after a summer of fun. Let's be honest—it's hard for us adults to get back into the swing of things too.

We call this roll-on recipe Focus-In-A-Bottle, and after trying it at our office, we have to say it works!

In an empty 15ml roll-on bottle, combine:

15 drops Cedarwood

15 drops Lavender

15 drops Vetiver

Fill the rest of the bottle with your carrier oil of choice. Shake well and apply to the back of neck, wrists, or behind the ears.

Recipe/Protocol 3:

Suggested for ADHD

Balance + Ground

Apply Valor and Vetiver to the bottoms of the feet, spine, wrists, and stomach and then inhale.

Valor balances our left & right energies on the electrical, structural, and emotional levels.

Vetiver grounds our scattered energies and pulls all our distractions down to the centerpoint.

Research & Studies

Lemon essential oils are popular for their cleansing and invigorating scent, but most people don't know about their hidden benefit: boosting your memory and helping you focus more on the tasks at hand. There's a strong connection between memory and attention. Having the ability to maintain a clear focus for extended periods often causes you to retain higher levels of information. That's one area that lemon oil excels in. -Dan Purser MD


Do you need more help with focus?


Basil essential oil is known to treat a variety of mental and physical issues. It’s been coined as the oil that renews and uplifts. Consistent use has been shown to impart mental clarity and strength. Basil’s herbaceous aroma makes it a popular choice for aromatherapy, especially for those suffering from brain fog or who are constantly under pressure. A single inhalation of the strong basil scent is shown to heighten focus in addition to strengthening your mental muscles. -Dan Purser MD



This case study was conducted for two years, from 1999-2001 using children between the ages of 6 to 12 years. Twenty subjects not diagnosed with ADD/ADHD were used as the controlgroup. Twenty subjects with a confirmed diagnosis of ADD/ADHD were used as thestudy group.

Each group was pre-tested using a baseline evaluation with real time EEG and the T.O.V.A.Scale.

The essential oils chosen for the case study were Lavender, Vetiver, Cedarwood and Brain Power(which is a blend of Frankincense, Sandalwood, Melissa, Cedarwood, BlueCypress, Lavender and Helichrysum.)

The oils were administered in this fashion: One of the oils was administered by inhalation 3times a day for 30 days. An inhalation device was also used at night toadminister a continuous inhalation of oil.

The subject then inhaled when needed, about three times during the day when they began to feel“scattered”. The inhalation of the oils proved to settle the brainwaves backinto normal patterns and improved their scholastic performance and behavioralpatterns.

Each subject was tested on each oil for 30 days and then re-evaluated by testing. Then anotheroil was used for 30 days and re-evaluated, until each of the oils had beentested. Lastly, oil combinations were used, each for a 30 day period. (BrainPower with lavender, with cedarwood, and vetiver).

The final results were:

Lavender increased performance by 53%

Cedarwood increased performance by 83% and

Vetiver increased performance by 100% !!

Attention / Focus Tips & Testimonials
Essential: Make a Shift Daily Wellness Kit