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Loyalty Essential Oil Blend was created by Gary Young to show his and Mary's appreciation for those who live the YL lifestyle and order on a monthly basis.

The ingredients are: Caprylic triglyceride (coconut oil), Angelica, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Idaho Blue Spruce, Cassia, Vetiver, Sacred Sandalwood, Geranium, Sacred Frankincense, Patchouli, Cardamom, Mastrante, Peppermint, Melissa and Rose.

This power house blend - read that list again - is for topical application.

❤ Use it on your feet, spine or navel.

❤ Wear like a perfume.

❤ Mix into body lotion or bath gel

❤ Put on the back of the neck, forehead, top of head

Properties and uses: antiallergy, antimicrobial, antioxidative, calming, digestion or elimination supportive, nausea reducing, disease inhibitory, insecticidal, antiparasitic, nervous system supporting, pain or swelling reducing, performance enhancing.

The oils have benefits for stress, sleep, emotions, focus/ADD, skincare, pain, viruses and bacteria as well as nausea and all kinds of inflammation. Also, balance hormonally (men and women) and overall better health in our molecules and cells.

If you aren't using this oil, put it on the bottom of your feet once or twice a day for a few weeks and see what changes occur.

Always remember Gary had intention in our blend names so Loyalty is your loyalty to YL as well as removing blocks and helping to create in you loyalty as part of your character.

Essential: Digestive Issues
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