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Want to guess what Abundance is for? Love it when Gary would name our blends for what he created them to provide! Abundance is a blend of orange, frankincense, patchouli, clove, ginger, myrrh, cinnamon bark and Black Spruce, so a really powerful combination with a warm, spicy and musky aroma. These oils were used in ancient cultures to attract prosperity and magnify peace and joy. Abundance is antiviral, antifungal, supports emotions, the immune, cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems. It also helps bones, joints, can relax muscles, reduce pain and swelling and improve skin and hair. But it is really designed to be used on an emotional level.

You can invite positivity daily using Abundance and adding affirmations to help your mind move forward. Set time aside to repeat the affirmations to channel your energy to more happiness, joy peace prosperity, wealth and wellness. Gary created it to reduce poverty consciousness so it’s a good blend to use for those who struggle and worry about money and would rather manifest more abundance. Abundance helps you open to all sorts of possibilities and gives you courage and determination to make your dreams happen.

Ways to Use Abundance

-Put a drop on the palm of your hands, rub in, cup your hands over your nose and mouth. Take a few deep breaths and repeat affirmations (listed below)

-Apply a drop to your wrists, back of your neck, tailbone or behind the ears before working on your goals

-Apply 1-3 drops with a carrier oil on your heart during prayer or meditation

-Diffuse 8-20 drops to help bring about abundance in your life or in your business

-Add 2-3 drops to V-6 and use for a stimulating hand or foot massage

-Rub a drop on the bottoms of your feet each morning so you are walking in abundance every day

-Add a drop to your cash drawer or wallet to bring on the energy of abundance

-Wear it as a perfume

Affirmation Ideas or create your own

I am open to receiving abundance with a grateful heart

Love and abundance surround me every day

I attract limitless happiness

I have the power to dream big and act on those dreams

Gary Young and his team were struggling during the early days. He mixed Abundance into the paint before painting inside his office in Riverton, Utah. The next day, the phone rang and within 3 weeks they had doubled their sales.

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