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What if you had a Young Living oil that could help with things like supporting brain function, blood pressure, normal cell health, liver-protecting, immune supporting, hair loss/scalp support, great antioxidant, memory supporter, and you can use it in your cooking too? Rosemary/Rosemary Vitality does all of this and more. Here are some ideas on using it:

Brain Support: In one study it was found after inhaling Rosemary, people performed better on cognitive tests. Just inhaling it makes you more alert and attentive, helps you combat mental fatigue and assists in memory loss. Diffuse it while studying to help you focus.

Migraines/Headaches: Add 5 drops to a teaspoon of a carrier oil, massage a drop into your temples and some on the back of your neck.

Skin Support: Combine 4 drops of Rosemary with a teaspoon of coconut oil and apply to rough skin patches like eczema, acne to promote healing.

Hair Support: 5 drops of Rosemary, 1 teaspoon V-6. Massage evenly into your hair and scalp for 3 minutes, let sit 2-4 hours and wash as usual. Repeat 1-2 times a week. Short on time? Add 2-3 drops of Rosemary to a teaspoon of YL Shampoo in your hand, mix, wash and rinse as usual. Helpful for dandruff and stimulates the scalp.

Lung/Bronchial support: Add 5-6 drops of Rosemary in a bowl of hot water. Cover with a towel and inhale deeply. Is also an antispasmodic so may help with bronchial asthma.

In Capsules: Add 2-3 drops of Rosemary to a capsule, add a little carrier and take daily for immune support.

In Massage: Combine 10-15 drops of Rosemary with V-6 and use it to massage into sore muscles, joint pain and to help with arthritis.

Diffuse/Inhale: May help with depression and anxiety

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