Progessence Plus


Could this be the “Magic Bullet” for Women? Debra Raybern, MH, CNC, ICA

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Could this be the “Magic Bullet” for Women? Debra Raybern, MH, CNC, ICA

Could this be the “Magic Bullet” for Women? Debra Raybern, MH, CNC, ICA

This information is a compilation of the lectures and book by Dr. Dan Purser, Real Solutions for the 7 TOP Female Health Concerns. The information shared in this article is for informational purposes only and not meant to diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure any disease. Women and their hormones. Theyʼre what make us women; but they can also be what makes us feel anything but beautiful; interfere with our daily lives, relationships and even be behind some of the health concerns we face. Dr. Purserʼs research into female hormonal issues concludes that 98% of all women, from the time menstruation begins and up would benefit from the use of progesterone especially if they have any of the symptoms listed on the next page.

Progessence Plus Serum is much more than your typical prescribed oral, sub-lingual, or over the counter topical cream progesterone. Oral hormones can have an undesired side effect according to the International Journal of Pharmaceuticals. That side effect is increased estradiol. They suggest topical applications over oral troches or sub-linguals. Progessence Plus Serum contains 15mg/ml of the P4 progesterone. If you figure 300 drops to the bottle, there are 15ml progesterone in 20 drops. Many young women are advised to take a birth control pill to minimize symptoms, but Dr. Purser said: “Taking just ONE birth control pill increases your risk for breast cancer for the next TEN YEARS”. This should never be an option when Progessence Plus Serum will help you overcome the symptoms the birth control pill is often prescribed for, except preventing pregnancy. In his quest to bring his patients the very best, his lab partnered with Young Living to create Progessence Plus Serum, sold exclusively through Young Living. First of all what can progesterone (P4 - the exact kind the body produces naturally and the progesterone used in Progessence Plus Serum) do for you and who can use it? OK, I hear you. “Iʼve tried progesterone creams before and they did not seem to help; or they did for a while and then stopped”. Progessence Plus Serum is different. This USP grade wild yam (P4)progesterone is supermicronized to less than 5 microns, then melted into the essential oil infused serum containing vitamin E, and essential oils frankincense (boswellia carterii), copaiba, bergamot and peppermint that absorbs into the skin and balances out progesterone levels like never before. For many women Progesssence Plus is already proving to be the magic bullet for many of their health concerns and balancing hormones.

Who can use it? If youʼve begun your monthly female cycle, if your are heading into or are fully into menopause, if you are a woman of any age and any of these health concerns apply, then Progessence Plus Serum is probably for you: • Migraine headaches • Endometriosis • Fibroids • Post Partum Depression • Mood swings • Insomnia • Metabolic Syndrome X – insulin resistance • Hot flashes • Night sweats • PMS • PCOS • Endometriosis • Interstitial Cystitis • Dry Eyes • Rosacea • TMJ • Hair loss • Lowered libido • Muscle wasting • Weight gain • Day sweats • Fibromyalgia • Bone health issues (osteoarthritis) • Nerve damage • Wrinkles • Gum or tooth loss • Low energy levels • Pituitary problems or damage (***Most common cause of low progesterone) • Low thyroid (caused from damaged pituitary) What more it can do: • Lowers inflammation • Assists Pituitary function • Reduces risk of breast cancer • Kills breast cancer cells (causes apoptosis) • Reduces or reverses fibrocystic breast tissue • Reduces the risk of heart attacks (reduces coronary artery disease) • Halts abnormal uterine bleeding • Causes hair regrowth. (thicker hair) • Decrease not only vaginal dryness but also dryness all over • Assists the bladder, bowels and colon tissues to rehydrate and get stretchier.

How to use it: It is not necessary to use according to your female cycle, daily use is fine, even recommended, but you can use according to your cycle. Apply to clean dry skin, such as after a bath or shower. As oils build up on the skin during the day, better absorption will occur if the skin is clean and warm. Use as often as desired, generally one to two drops on the neck over the carotid arteries, temples, jaw, forearm, spine, etc. every hour or until symptoms are gone. Once you are feeling better, then you can adjust the amount used. Symptoms of nausea may occur within the first couple hours as the body gets used to the progesterone, apply more and they will dissipate. “We are snowflakes”, Dr. Purser. We are totally different from each other. How I use it will be different then someone else uses it. Dr. Purser says there is no maximum amount you can use because an over dose of progesterone is pregnancy! An no one dies of pregnancy. You need a lot of progesterone when you are pregnant. Take it symptomatically. Use a drop or two at a time. Take it for headaches, for moodiness etc. There is an adjustment time, you have to get it balanced and you have to get a good level in your body. Dr. Purserʼs research with many of the countries top doctorates in endocrinology agree that blood level measurements are more accurate than saliva testing.Use triple or quadruple the usual dose for endometrial hyperplasia. If you use enough, it almost always halts uterine bleeding. May take orally for a sleep aid, be usually topical application before bedtime works as well. Progessence Plus Serum is as good as prescription sublingual.

Hot Flashes: Many physicians tell women just to live with the discomfort of hot flashes and night sweats. In the past synthetic hormones were prescribed, often with disastrous results - cancer. But today we know from many largeresearch studies that human hormones do not cause cancer and estradiol and especially progesterone reduce the risk of breast cancer. Dr. Purser states that only DHEA, when taken post-menopausally is associated with breast cancer. Hot flashes are waves of vascular inflammation - Hot flashes are a precursor to vascular disease such as stroke or heart attacks. Women tend to sweat while going through menopause. This sweating is caused by a hormone called inhibin, which is released by lack of progesterone, NOT from lack of estrogen as most doctors think. In only 1% of women is low estrogen actually an issue. While 17b-estradiol is necessary and beneficial, it must always be balanced with progesterone. Herbals such as Young Livingʼs Femigen is a plant phyto-estrogen supplement many women add to their total hormonal package. Hot flashes and night sweats are BAD! A higher incidence of these are associated with: • Alzheimerʼs disease • Osteoporosis • Depression • Hypertension • Migraine headaches

The Pituitary Connection: A lot of the problems listed earlier may be due to pituitary damage. If you had birth trauma, fell off the couch, fell down stairs, fell out of tree, banged head, car accident, hit in head with soccer ball or had heavy bleeding, hemorrhage or heavy periods you may have damaged your pituitary gland. When you damage soft tissue in an accident you can twist the dura of the brain which also puts pressure on the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland, the master gland of the body, sends signals to thyroid which in turn sends signals to uterus and ovaries, to digestion etc. The pituitary gland also sends signals to the breasts to make milk. It is in charge of water balance in the body. It also is in charge of the adrenal gland so it may be the cause of adrenal insufficiency such as Addison's disease or Diabetes Insipidus. We have progesterone receptor sites on different cells that do different things for us. So the Progessence plus is going through the blood and getting on the receptor sites and being able to finally do the functions that we need. Another product that assists the pituitary gland is Ultra Young Spray, Frankincense and Idaho Balsam Fir on the roof of the mouth.

Any cautions? Women with hormone positive receptor cancer - they are advised not to use any hormone unless under the guidance of a physician familiar with the use of natural hormones in the treatment of cancer. Do not use with medically prescribed progestins or birth control pills.

TESTIMONIES: Tracy Rushton - Weight Control: I struggle with losing weight unless I eat 6 to 7 small meals a day, measuring out each portion, recording it and keeping a journal to track the protein, carbohydrate, fat grams as well as, calorie counting. While at the convention we ate nutritiously but the portions were large and I am sure the calorie count was extremely high and I ate only two actual meals a day and a PowerMeal for breakfast. I used two to four drops of Progessence Plus Serum each day since its release at the convention. This morning I weighed myself and was pleasantly surprised to have the scale show 4 pounds less in one weeks time. Dr. Purser stated that the use of Progessence Plus could reverse Metabolic Syndrome X – insulin resistance. I believe this new product will be life changing for me and for every woman who uses it.

Teresa Gingles - TMJ, Chronic Dry Eyes: For years I have suffered with TMJ. Everything I ate had to be cut up as I could not open wide enough for a sandwich. After one application of Progessence Plus Serum over the jaw area, within minutes I could open my mouth fully. A few weeks later I notice I no longer needed my prescription for dry eyes.

Sera Johnson - Sleep: With four young children I have been a light sleeper for years. Using Progessence Plus Serum from the very first night my sleep has been sound and no waking in the middle of the night. I wake refreshed.

Debra Raybern - Sleep, Hot Flashes: Always a light sleeper, alert to every cricket or bug outside my window, using Progessence Plus Serum I have a terrific night sleep, wake refreshed and as a side note no more night sweats.

FINAL NOTES: If you are getting nausea then use more Progessence Plus Serum, you are out of balance and need more. Can I stop using the Young Living Pregnenalone Cream and/or the Progessence Cream? Yes, no need to use both. Dr. Purser on Femigen: The body will convert the wild yam to estrone in your gut lining. This is natural and helps with the osteoporosis and other benefits of estrogens. Do not use Femigen if you have had estrogen receptor positive cancer. To prevent estrone from converting to the “bad” estrogen, eat lots of healthy vegetables - red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower. Many studies show that protein found in beef sets off signaling for cancer cell initiation, do not consume if you are taking ANY plant or synthetic estrogens. Stick with vegetables, fish, poultry. Add Super B, OmegaGize, Thyromin, Super Cal, Vitamin D, Master Formula for all around nutrition and hormonal support.

One of the main ingredients in PP is derived from wild yam extract. It is the only natural source (other than a rare french soy which is VERY expensive) and the only option for the product. That ingredient (which shall not be named here) is pure -- 99.99999% pure and has been tested as such on every batch. It contains NO molecules of yam. None. Saying it does is like saying penicillin contains bread and mold molecules (which it does not) because it's derived from bread mold. This does not matter anyway since wild yam cannot be converted to estradiol in the human body.

For more information contact: Dr. Dan Purser -

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